Don’t Let Go! Maintain Your Grip on the Hope of Christ
Don’t Let Go! Maintain Your Grip on the Hope of Christ
My friends, have you ever watched a free climber hanging on the side of a cliff, hundreds of feet in the air, with nothing but his fingertips and toes keeping him from falling to his death?
Am I Loving Something Too Much?
Am I Loving Something Too Much?
Am I loving something too much? How do you approach areas of life or certain situations that arise that might not be sinful in and of themselves...
God’s Unbreakable Chain: The Love That Never Fails
God’s Unbreakable Chain: The Love That Never Fails
This sermon explores the Christian life through the lens of God’s "unbreakable chain" as outlined in Romans 8:28-30.
I’ll Be Honest: The Hidden Dangers of Emotional Affairs and Adultery
I’ll Be Honest: The Hidden Dangers of Emotional Affairs and Adultery
Emotional affairs often begin subtly, forming deep, inappropriate attachments that can devastate marriages and dishonor God.
What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
I want it to be so clear what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, so that you can conclude, I hope, that you have not committed it...
Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity
Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity
The fight to stay unstained from the world is mainly a matter of not being double-headed. It’s a battle of the mind, a fight to stay singular in our devotion to Christ.
Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?
Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?
Question: So I have listened to a lot of your messages, Voddie's messages, and Scott Brown's messages on youth ministry and children's ministry.
How Do You Get Your Soul Happy In Jesus Each Day?
How Do You Get Your Soul Happy In Jesus Each Day?
How do you get your soul happy in Jesus each day? That's a good question for this conference, isn't it? One surefire way to do it is to look long and hard at the cross.
The Cross: Engaging Both Mind and Heart
The Cross: Engaging Both Mind and Heart
My sermon has two simple parts, first an informed look at the Cross, and secondly, a felt look at the Cross.
The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism
The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism
Standing against the doctrine of cheap grace, which dismisses the pursuit of holiness, is crucial.
True Spiritual Growth Takes Time
True Spiritual Growth Takes Time
What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...
Exhort Your Own Soul (Psalm 103)
Exhort Your Own Soul (Psalm 103)
Do you wrestle with your own soul in order to embrace by faith the benefits of the LORD? Do you say to yourself, "O my soul, do not forget all of His benefits!"
A List of Broken People That God Used
A List of Broken People That God Used
Despite their flaws and brokenness, God used a remarkable list of people to accomplish His purposes.
Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God
Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God
Michael shares a powerful testimony of how he unknowingly shifted from relying on God to building his church on his own strength.
Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ
Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ
There is something to live for! Eternal glory—and that’s what this prayer is all about. What you need to understand is that preaching, witnessing...
The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle
The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle
When Amos spoke, he was referring to David's tabernacle as an example, highlighting that Christ's original intention—the Gospel...
Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?
Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?
"The joy of my salvation just doesn’t come. There are times when I don’t feel it, even though I repent and walk in purity. It seems that the joy of salvation..."
Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?
Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?
Why do we sometimes witness healings, conversions, and other manifestations of power in ministries that present questionable teachings?
“Visit” Is A Big Word
“Visit” Is A Big Word
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
2024 Fellowship Conference UK
2024 Fellowship Conference UK
The 2024 Fellowship Conference UK is a time of fellowship, preaching, and singing that centers on the glory of God.
False Teaching
- 2010 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2011 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2012 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2013 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2014 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2015 FCNE
Mike Morrow, Mack Tomlinson, Tim Conway... - 2015 Fellowship Conference
Multiple Speakers - 2016 FCNE
Multiple Speakers - 2016 Fellowship Conference
- 2017 FCNE
Multiple Speakers - 2017 Fellowship Conference
- 2018 FCNE
Messages from the 2018 conference. - 2018 Fellowship Conference
Sermons & Interviews - 2019 FCNE
- 2019 Fellowship Conference
- 2019 Men's Retreat
- 2020 FCNY
- 2021 Fellowship Conference
- 2022 Fellowship Conference
- 2022 Fellowship Conference UK
- 2023 Fellowship Conference
- 2024 FCNY
- 2024 Fellowship Conference
- 2024 Men's Retreat
- A Life of Faith
Mike Morrow | 4 Parts - A Pastor's Sketches
- An Outburst of Glory
Tim Conway - Biblical Assurance
Paul Washer | 5 Parts - Biblical Manhood
Paul Washer - Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Ryan Fullerton | 8 Parts - Children's Catechism
Paul Washer - Christian Maturity
Tim Conway | 5 Parts - Christian Unity
Kyle White - Church? Needing One, Leaving One, and Moving For One
3 Parts - Clint Leiter Interview
Clint Leiter | 2018 - Desperate Dependency: Living by Grace
Michael Durham | 4 Parts - Draw Near to God
6 Parts - Ephesians
Tim Conway | 9 Parts - Eschatology: A Study of the End Times
Tim Conway | 11 Parts - Filled With the Spirit
Tim Conway | 4 Parts - Galatians
Tim Conway - Genesis is No Myth
Tim Conway - Homiletics: Sermon Preparation and Delivery
Tim Conway - James
- Mack Tomlinson Interview
Mack Tomlinson - Manly Emotions
Chuck Vuolo | 4 Parts - Sermon On The Mount
Tim Conway | Matthew 5-7 - The Battle With Sin
Tim Conway | 11 Parts - The Christian's Call to Battle
Tim Conway - The Christian's Self Cleansing
Tim Conway | 7 Parts - The Churches in Revelation
Tim Conway | 7 Parts - The Impossibility of the Christian Life
Paul Washer - The Son's Glory
Paul Washer - The Unity of the Church
Ryan Fullerton | 5 Parts - The Upper Room Discourse
Tim Conway - Vacation Bible School 2018
Tim Conway | 4 Parts - When Calvinism Goes Bad
Tim Conway