Clint Leiter shares a testimony of God's faithfulness in bringing him out of a cult to then starting a church. He talks about some common characteristics of cults...
Clint Leiter shares how God called him into the ministry, as well as his privilege of having the time of co-pastoring with the late Bob Jennings and the lessons learned during that time.
Pastors will face incredible difficulties in leading the church. Clint Leiter shares some of the fiery trials he went through after Bob Jennings went to be with the Lord.
What are your greatest fears for young believers in our generation? Young believers must be willing to stand alone for the truth and for Christ and not succumb to peer pressure.
A common fault that non-Christians find with Christianity is that there are too many hypocrites in the church. What can be said about this? Is this a valid charge?
The enemy of our souls wants us to become distant from the Lord; to loosen our grip when it comes to our intimate relationship with Christ and to not make that the prime priority.
Men in the ministry need to be careful to not burnout. What are some things they can do to prevent and combat against burning out and being of no use in the ministry?