Do Not Faint
Mack Tomlinson
9 years ago
| Topic: Encouragement
They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
The Carnal Christian Reconsidered
Ryan Fullerton
9 years ago
In this sermon Ryan reconsiders what the Bible teaches us on what has been commonly called the 'carnal Christian'.
Traits of a True Christian
Mike Morrow
9 years ago
What is a true Christian? Someone who has been brought to the end of himself in repentance; and if someone is genuinely looking to Christ this shows that they have repented of their sins.
Men Who Turned the World Upside Down
Tim Conway
9 years ago
| Topic: The Church
As the disciples spoke, God came in power, and they were called by the crowds as those who turned the world upside down.
Testify of the Facts of Jesus Christ
Tim Conway
9 years ago
| Topic: Evangelism , Jesus Christ
The Bible calls us to testify of the facts of Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Word of God, who took on flesh...
Explain the Book of Acts: God Came!
Tim Conway
9 years ago
| Topic: The Holy Spirit , Revival
How do we explain what happened in the book of Acts? Or in the biographies of those from the past like George Whitefield?