Testify of the Facts of Jesus Christ

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The Bible calls us to testify of the facts of Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Word of God, who took on flesh, and in His ministry healed men to show us that He can heal us of our sins. He died in our place to pay for our sins and then rose from the dead and ever lives in heaven to receive those who come to Him.

Jesus said “You will be witnesses of Me.” Which means you are going to bear the facts. What are the facts? The facts are that Jesus Christ was the eternal Word of God. He came and He took on flesh. And He was born of a virgin. And He came forth and in His open ministry He did miracles and He healed the leper. He cast out demons over here. He raised the dead. He said: Look at that palsied man. I can heal him to show you that I can heal you of your sins. And I raised these dead to show you that I can raise you from the dead. 

And He did these miracles and He put all of His credentials out there on the table. When He had gone three years doing these things and showing the world that He was the Messiah. And proving to them that He was fulfilling the Scriptures. And doing the works that the Father had given Him. And teaching this message that the Father had given Him. 

And then He turned His head towards Jerusalem. He rides in there on a colt. And we know what happened. We know that they put Him on trial. We know that they found Him guilty. And we know that He gave His life’s blood, and He died and there was that Cross and they crucified Him. and there was burial and there was that grave and he came out after three days. 

And then for forty days seen by upwards of what? Over 500 people, most of whom were alive when Paul wrote to the Corinthians. And that’s the story. Those are the facts. And He ascended up on high. And that’s what He began to do and teach. And now He continues to do it. 

And He calls us to go forth and witness to those facts. And that’s what we are called to do. And we don’t have to be eloquent like Spurgeon. We go forth and we say the facts. And we are going to tell this world about our Savior. It is this Jesus Christ that we are to tell this world about. And we go forth, yes in our weakness. And we go forth waiting upon the Lord. 

We go forth with this Gospel. We don’t have to invent some new thing. They didn’t get fancy. They didn’t get creative. I mean you look at Peter on the day of Pentecost, and he is saying the facts. Paul walks into that Synagogue and he says, “He had to suffer and He rose, this Jesus is the Christ.”

Excerpt from 2015 Fellowship Conference | View Full Sermon