Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?
Youth Group or Not? & Is Your Preaching Actually Clear?
Question: So I have listened to a lot of your messages, Voddie's messages, and Scott Brown's messages on youth ministry and children's ministry.
True Spiritual Growth Takes Time
True Spiritual Growth Takes Time
What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...
Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ
Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ
There is something to live for! Eternal glory—and that’s what this prayer is all about. What you need to understand is that preaching, witnessing...
Who Truly Are The Great Men and Women of Faith?
Who Truly Are The Great Men and Women of Faith?
This profound thought was shared by Brother Paul Washer in his sermon "Childlike Faith (Part 4)" in 2005. Take note of what he says and what Scripture affirms.
Childlike Faith (Part 4)
Childlike Faith (Part 4)
Maybe guys like me need to see fruit because we are so weak in faith that if we don't we will fall into despair. - Paul Washer
Faith Obeys: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Part 3)
Faith Obeys: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Part 3)
Now Abraham went out to a place. He came out of his comfort zone. He goes out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance.
God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (Part 2)
God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (Part 2)
This is part 2 of Paul Washer's "By Faith" series that was preached in Sedalia, Missouri in 2005.
It Comes Down To Faith (Part 1 of 4)
It Comes Down To Faith (Part 1 of 4)
You say, “Yes, it comes down to obedience.” No. It comes down to faith. It comes down to faith. - Paul Washer
Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?
Are You Content With God’s Providence In Your Life?
Are you content with God's providence in your life? In God's economy is there truly any "wasted time"?
Humility: Make Me Like Jesus
Humility: Make Me Like Jesus
Just make me like Jesus. I never knew it would hurt so much not to be made like Jesus, because I'm not made like Jesus yet, but to be in the process.
How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist
How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist
How should I share the gospel with an atheist? So I was saved about two years ago from, well, atheism, and I have a pretty atheistic family.
Jesus Christ Is The King of Glory
Jesus Christ Is The King of Glory
Psalm 24:7-8 - Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory?
Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?
Greatest Threat To The Church In Our Generation?
Paul Washer shares what he believes might be the greatest threat to the church in our generation. "I am astounded at the fear..."
Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings
Trust God Even When You Have No Feelings
Do you trust the Lord even when you have no feelings? We need to remember that God often withdraws His sensible presence from us to test and purify our faith.
My Soul’s Needs and Biblical Keys For Growth
My Soul’s Needs and Biblical Keys For Growth
Preachers will often study and preach on the very issues that they are wrestling through in their own soul.
Marriage, Family and Parenting
Marriage, Family and Parenting
What are some principles that can help with being a godly spouse and a godly parent? In this video, Paul Washer deals with multiple topics and in the second half answers questions from the audience.
What Does Progressive Sanctification Look Like?
What Does Progressive Sanctification Look Like?
What does progressive sanctification look like in a believer's life? Growth is something that you cannot see a dramatic...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
You may know theology, but do you know how to pray? We need to remember that the disciples didn't ask Jesus how to preach, perform miracles, walk on water, etc.
The Gospel to Young People
The Gospel to Young People
The Gospel isn't just for overtly wicked lost people; it's also for the self-righteous religious kids who grow up in Christian homes.