Pride & Humility

Pride and humility is a topic of utmost importance for Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction..." and destruction is that which must be avoided at all costs. Therefore pride must be avoided at all costs. We must put on the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was humbly and lowly.

Pride Led to the Fall of Many Old Testament Leaders

From Gideon, Samuel, David, Solomon, and Asa, pride was a factor in their falls. What lessons of humility we should learn from their failures. Video: The Failures of Old Testament Leaders, Uzziah’s Pride: Famous King to Excluded Leper

Defensiveness Reveals Pride

Defensiveness rears its ugly head whenever anyone touches a nerve in my soul, possibly exposing that I could be wrong about something. Defensiveness is that feeling I get when anyone challenges me on something, possibly exposing that I have blind spots they see that I don’t see. Video: Defensive People Are Prideful | Are You Defensive?

Pride and Humility: Proud People Destroy the Church

Nothing Damages the Church Like Proud People

Christ’s Kingdom is Not About Position and Power

Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People

Humility Necessary for the Christian to Work Properly

Jonathan’s Robe: A Humble Response to Being Surpassed and Overshadowed

Pride and Humility: How to Get Humility?

Humility is a vital characteristic of the Christian life. If we would keep from falling away, and if we desire to have healthy churches, we must cultivate and attain this blessed virtue. Video: Cultivating and Attaining Humility We often get humility through the rebuke and correction of others. Video: Video Blog on The Battle With Sin Series. The Lord will prune us and discipline us and we must rejoice in God's faithful discipline. Video: The Miracle of God’s Faithful Discipline

"I Am Not That Proud of a Person!"

One of the scariest things to think about is the pride that we all have but that we cannot discern and recognize. Article: Undiscerned Spiritual Pride

What About Pastors and Pride?

"Pride in the preacher? Of all those who surround the Lord Jesus, you would expect humility in the pastor. Just as certain weeds grow best in certain soils, so pride grows perhaps most easily in the heart of a Christian minister. Surely the pastor could afford to stay low." Article: Ministerial Pride


25 Subtle Manifestations of Pride We Can Miss


The Absolute Necessity of Self-Humbling


Undiscerned Spiritual Pride


Grace and Humility or Are You An Egotistical and Arrogant Calvinist?


Fighting For The Throne Instead of Picking Up The Towel?


Go Low Like Christ | The Upper Room Discourse, Part 2


Humility: Make Me Like Jesus


Humbled in Conversion, Humbled in Ministry


Blessed Are the Meek


Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit


The Failures of Old Testament Leaders


Are You Defensive?


Nothing Damages the Church Like Proud People


Christ’s Kingdom is Not About Position and Power


Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People