
Preaching is a weighty calling, James 3:1 says, "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." The following resources not only explore the mechanics of preaching, but explore how one knows if they are called to preach.

Other helpful resources on preaching:

Application questions to ask of the text (from Steve Lawson):

  • Are there examples to follow?
  • What commandments to obey?
  • Are there errors to avoid?
  • Are there sins to forsake?
  • Are there sins to confess?
  • Are there promises to claim?
  • Are there principles to implement?
  • Are there temptations to resist?
  • Are there praises to render?
  • Are there attitudes to adjust?

How does the text fit? (pg. 131 - Encountering God through Expository Preaching)

  • How does this text fit into the overall context of the entire Bible?
  • What does this text say that furthers our understanding of the message of the entire Bible?
  • How is this text built?
  • Why does the truth of this text stay relevant through the centuries?

In "Encountering God through Expository Preaching" Jim Orrick points out the importance of having good transitions so as to help people follow your message. The example given is to put, "The first point is… and you can see the basis for this point if you look at verse __." Then when moving on to point two to say, "so we have seen the first… now let us go on to the second." 

In The Sacred Anointing, pg. 170, Tony Sargent says of Martyn Lloyd-Jones' preaching, "Encouraging the congregation to reason matters out with him is a common denominator in his sermons irrespective of when they were preached. They revealed, furthermore, that from the beginning, his goal was to induce his largely working-class congregations to think through his arguments..."


Simple Thoughts on Preaching


Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!


Speculative Preaching


Questions Preachers Should Ask of Every Sermon (Part 6)


Homiletics: Eisegesis Is Not a Light Matter (Part 5)


Homiletics: The Preacher’s Holiness (Part 3a)


Tim Conway Shares About His First Time Preaching


Homiletics: Called to Preach (Part 2)


Homiletics: Not Many Preachers (Part 1)


I Charge You to Preach the Word!


Men, Be a Gentle Leader


We Preach Christ!


Is My Pastor Not Preaching Well or am I Not Listening Well?