Ryan Fullerton

Ryan was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and grew up all over western Canada. Throughout his teen years he pursued political causes to make him feel righteous and then drugs and sex to make him feel happy. Thankfully, when he was 21 he found his righteousness was a joke and his happiness had turned sour. Through the simple and intelligent witness of his step-mom he came to trust Jesus Christ late in the evening just before Good Friday in 1995. Shortly after his conversion he studied at Prairie Bible College in Three Hills Alberta, and then at Tyndale College in Toronto, Ontario. In Toronto, Ryan worked in an inner city church under the leadership of Dr. Stephen Beck. He also met the lovely Christy Joy Teal who became Christy Joy Fullerton shortly after their graduation from college. The next eight years were a whirlwind and included drilling for oil, pastoring a church in a town with a population of 311, having four children (Jordana, Luke, James, and Christopher), starting seminary, stopping seminary, and becoming (somewhere in there) the Lead Pastor of Immanuel.

50 posts by author

What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?


What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

I want it to be so clear what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, so that you can conclude, I hope, that you have not committed it...

No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil


No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil

They were subject to lifelong slavery. Why? Fear of death. Terrified of death. It produces all kinds of fear of missing out.

What Is Demonic Oppression?


What Is Demonic Oppression?

This sermon delves into what the Bible teaches about demonic oppression and possession, providing scriptural insights and practical observations to help understand this matter. 0:00 Sermon Opening 5:22 Is It Demon...

Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)


Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)

The reason most cultures have categories for "the supernatural and spirit possession" is not because they are backwards or pre-modern...

No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True


No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True

We need to understand that we as a church do not discern truth from falsehood by how smooth a person is able to be; but how they can back everything they say by chapter and verse...

Tolerance Can Be A Vice Not Just A Virtue


Tolerance Can Be A Vice Not Just A Virtue

Tolerance can be a vice, not just a virtue. One of the greatest mistakes make in the name of "grace" is tolerating sin in the midst of their church.

Watch Out for Those Who Cause Divisions


Watch Out for Those Who Cause Divisions

Ryan Fullerton | 2020 | Romans 16:17 - I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions...

Another Day Is Given For More To Be Saved


Another Day Is Given For More To Be Saved

The reason today exists is that God wants more people to be saved than are currently saved.

Lust Is Not a 15-minute-a-day Problem – Exert Extreme Self-Control


Lust Is Not a 15-minute-a-day Problem – Exert Extreme Self-Control

Exert extreme self-control over your body if you want to overcome lust for lust is not some minor sin.

Lust & Adultery: What Are Your Actions Doing To God?


Lust & Adultery: What Are Your Actions Doing To God?

What is lust? Lust is adultery. What is lust? It's desiring what adultery would accomplish but doing it in our minds.

There Are No Small Sins, Repent of “Respectable Sins”


There Are No Small Sins, Repent of “Respectable Sins”

When we come to know Christ we tend to get rid of the "big" sins, but then often we start to tolerate what some call, "respectable sins".

The Character Required to Build Lasting Community


The Character Required to Build Lasting Community

How will you and I build a lasting community? How will you survive and thrive as a long-term member of your local church?

Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?


Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?

Anxious? I meet, a lot of Christians who tell me I've struggled with anxiety. I've never had a Christian come up to me and say...

The Only News That Matters: Jesus is the Light


The Only News That Matters: Jesus is the Light

Multitudes are seeing the glory of Jesus Christ, this is the greatest news in the world, and it's the only news that matters.

Two Obstacles: Angry Men and Immodest Women


Two Obstacles: Angry Men and Immodest Women

Two great obstacles to the completion of the mission of the church are angry men and immodest women. In this sermon, Ryan Fullerton deals with 1 Timothy 2:8-10 to show how angry men who do not pray and women who dress...

God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences


God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences

Praise be to God that He forgives our sins and that we won't have to go to hell for them. But this doesn't mean that there will not be fierce and severe consequences for our sin.

Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin


Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin

So many have deluded themselves into thinking that they can hide their sin. But they forget that God has innumerable ways of exposing their sin.

There is No Limit to Where Sin Will Take You


There is No Limit to Where Sin Will Take You

Don't be deceived into thinking you can control sin. Sin has a terrible hardening effect that will take you farther than you would have imagined; there is no limit to where sin will take you.

Secret Sins


Secret Sins

If we want to have joy in our walk with God, if we want sweet fellowship with other Christians, if we want to be useful and effective in our service...

The Urgent Priority of Unity (Part 5)


The Urgent Priority of Unity (Part 5)

"...leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." Matthew 5:24