Sexual Sin

Where should we start in dealing with the topic of what the Bible says about sexual sin? Which question should be asked first?

Are You a Non-Christian (A Muslim For Example) Wanting Freedom from Pornography?

Many people are searching online to try to find out how to get free of the lust in their life that makes them feel guilty and is ruining their relationships. They make an idol out of wanting freedom from pornography...that is all they are searching for, is freedom. Let us warn you: Don't make that your pursuit...your great need is not freedom from one shameful sin but you need freedom from the wrath of Almighty God that abides over you because of all of your sin. Video: Don’t Pursue Freedom From Pornography, Pursue Christ

Is Masturbation / Self-Gratification a sin?

Does the Bible really teach that it is a sin to masturbate? Someone might say, "I have read a lot online that teaches I should not feel guilt about gratifying my flesh, but that is a good outlet, is this true?" Video: Is Masturbation a Sin?

"I Am Enslaved to Lust and My Sexual Sin, but I Know I Am a True Believer"

When you read the above statement, what comes to your mind? Does the Bible teach it is possible to live in sin, any sin, and truly be a Christian? What does the Bible teach about who is a true believer? Could I be deceived and not truly be saved? What do I do with what Paul said in Ephesians 5:5-6 about the sexually immoral not going to heaven? We have many resources that deal with this specific topic, because Jesus himself taught that many who profess to believers are deceived (Matthew 7:21-23). Videos: The Battle Against Sexual Immorality and Pornography (Part 9) | Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality

Believer: Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin?

Jesus taught that if something causes us to sin we are to radically cut that thing off and throw it away (Matthew 5:27-30). Are you willing to get rid of your smartphone if it is causing you to sin? Video: Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin? 

"I Am Not Strong Enough to Overcome Sexual Sin" You Have the Power of the Holy Spirit

Christian, remember, this battle is not one you fight in your own strength. Romans 8:13 says that you put to death the deeds of the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit. You need to rely on the Lord for the power to overcome. Video: Holy Spirit: Your Best Friend to Kill Sexual Sin

Do You Have A Summary Message on How to Fight Against Sexual Sin?

If you are wanting one resource that we recommend the most when it comes to fighting against lust, then please view this Bible Study: How to Fight Against Lust and Sexual Sin

Be Satisfied in Christ And You Won't Give Into Viewing Pornography

Do you know what you and I need? It is to day by day be satisfied and content in our relationship with Jesus Christ. As we walk with Him and enjoy Him, we won't go and run to any other cistern to seek to be satisfied. Videos: Love For Christ Overcomes Sexual Immorality, Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity, Freed from Pornography by Being Satisfied in Christ.

What Is Going On in Your Thought Life?

The battle for purity is fought in the mind...what do you think about? Do you set your mind on things above? Videos: The Battle in Your Mind to Abstain from Sexual Sin (Part 10), The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust.


Sexual Purity – A Great Virtue


I’ll Be Honest: The Hidden Dangers of Emotional Affairs and Adultery


Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price


Killing Forbidden Sexual Desires By The Holy Spirit’s Power


Delivered by Desire: Christians & Sexual Purity (Audiobook)


Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin


Lust Is Not a 15-minute-a-day Problem – Exert Extreme Self-Control


Lust & Adultery: What Are Your Actions Doing To God?


Adultery In The Heart


You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!


Pornography: Slaying The Dragon


Abstain From Sexual Immorality


How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?


Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality


Love For Christ Overcomes Sexual Immorality