These inspirational and challenging Christian quotes are extracted from books and sermons by godly believers that we hope will challenge and encourage you as you run this race for the Lord Jesus. (For sharing the quotes that are in the image format, you can download them by clicking the download arrow that is on the image.)

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Bob Jennings

Mercy and justice are irreconcilable except in Christ, in whom mercy is exercised consistently with justice…the acquittal of the believer in that day will be as just as the condemnation of the sinner…He calls them righteous because they are really so in Christ Jesus.

Robert Haldane, Romans Commentary (p. 80-81)

Humility will not make us unconscious of what is good in us, but it will make us beware of imagining that to be good which is not, or that which is good to be better than it is; and it will constantly keep before the mind, that whatever good is in us has been put into us, is not so much ours as God’s, the gift of His grace, the work of His Spirit.

John Brown (1784 – 1858), Exposition of First Peter

The design of these penal, vicarious, and expiatory sufferings of the divinely appointed, divinely qualified, divinely accredited, divine Saviour, is to bring men to God; to restore ignorant and deluded man to the true knowledge of God, guilty man to the favour of God, depraved man to the image of God, and miserable man to the enjoyment of God; thus making him truly wise, truly good, and truly happy for ever.

John Brown (1784 – 1858), Exposition of First Peter: Basis of the Exhortation, pg. 11

The early church at prayer-
1. They had a designated time- so do we.
2. They had a designated place- so do we.
3. They had people present- so should we.
4. They made church prayer a real priority- so should we.
5. They saw real answers to prayer – so will we, if we remain steadfast and faithful to pray together as a church.
Our Lord and his apostles laid tremendous emphasis on prayer; indeed, the whole Bible does so. So believers do not have their spiritual priorities right if prayer is crowded out by a busy life.

J. W. Grier

Analysis paralysis: After months in a slough of vacillation, I found some helpful insight from a brother. He pointed out that I, by trying to gain absolute certainty on this decision, was unwittingly trying to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil. But God was not going to give me exhaustive knowledge on it. I would have to go on by faith, trusting God with the whole course of my life. Raw faith was the only way out.

Bob Jennings, Sermon Notes

“Be the cloud ever so dense, the way ever so perplexed, there will always be something in the midst of it which will reveal a Father’s love, a Father’s care; there will be ever a bow [i.e. a rainbow] in the cloud. In the midst of midnight darkness, the believer knows that ‘light is sown for the righteous’. Therefore he occupies himself, not with forebodings as to how things will turn out, but rests on the promise of God, and above all on his purpose in afflicting us, even to make us ‘partakers of his holiness’.” If we are faithfully serving our Lord, we may be sure our troubles are sent not in judgment but in love. Then we may “seek to extract out of the trial the spiritual blessing for which it is sent, namely, conformity to Jesus and partaking of his holiness. Be it perplexity of circumstances or other trials, God has in all but one intent: deliverance, not death, is His aim. If he made Israel hunger, it was not to starve, but to feed them.”

Anthony Norris Groves, Father of Faith Missions, pg. 426

You cannot hasten matters by impatience, and it adds much to the discomfort by not seeing the Father at the helm of all one’s affairs.

Anthony Norris Groves, pg. 419 – Father of Faith Missions

To reject the terms of the Gospel in order to gratify the lusts of the flesh for a brief season, and then suffer forever and ever in the Lake of Fire, is the height of madness… nothing can extenuate the wickedness of him who prefers the drudgery of Satan to the freedom there is in Christ.

A.W. Pink, Hebrews, pg. 1019

Never, ever waste your difficulties in life through grumbling, unbelief or despair. They’re far too valuable, and you’re not passing this way again. Gold isn’t designed to forever stay in a furnace, but it will never shine brighter
anywhere else.

Mark LaCour

It is in the studying of Christ, as in the planting of a newly discovered country; at first men sit down by the sea-side, upon the skirts and borders of the land; and there they dwell, but by degrees they search farther and farther into the heart of the country. Ah, the best of us are yet but upon the borders of this vast continent!

John Flavel, First Volume of John Flavel’s Works

I learned by experience that much prayer is the only means to success.

Andrew Bonar

O brother, pray; in spite of Satan, pray; spend hours in prayer; rather neglect friends than not pray; rather fast, and lose breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper – and sleep too – than not pray. And we must not talk about prayer, we must pray in right earnest. The Lord is near.

Andrew Bonar

The Word of God! We ought never to take this book in our hands and open it, read or quote it, listen to it or preach it, without thinking, “This is the Word of Almighty God, the Ancient of Days, the Author, Creator, Governor, and Sustainer of all things. I must receive these words–every one of them–with reverence, awe, and unqualified acceptance.”

Conrad Murrell
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