Tim Conway

San Antonio, Texas
Tim Conway is a pastor at Grace Community Church in San Antonio, Texas where he lives with his wife, Ruby, and four children. Tim is a passionate teacher of the word of God.

993 posts by author

Striving Faith: Few Pursue What Jesus Commands


Striving Faith: Few Pursue What Jesus Commands

Have you ever considered Luke 13:24? In response to someone asking if only a few are saved, Jesus says, "Strive to enter through the narrow door."

Favoritism vs. True Mercy: Where Do You Stand?


Favoritism vs. True Mercy: Where Do You Stand?

This sermon from James 2 invites us to reflect on the significance of partiality in our lives and its deeper implications. Tim focuses on how favoritism violates the royal law...

Am I Loving Something Too Much?


Am I Loving Something Too Much?

Am I loving something too much? How do you approach areas of life or certain situations that arise that might not be sinful in and of themselves...

Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity


Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity

The fight to stay unstained from the world is mainly a matter of not being double-headed. It’s a battle of the mind, a fight to stay singular in our devotion to Christ.

Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?


Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?

"The joy of my salvation just doesn’t come. There are times when I don’t feel it, even though I repent and walk in purity. It seems that the joy of salvation..."

Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?


Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?

Why do we sometimes witness healings, conversions, and other manifestations of power in ministries that present questionable teachings?

“Visit” Is A Big Word


“Visit” Is A Big Word

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids


Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids

Often in the family integrated movement, it is taught to have no form of children's Sunday school.

Did You Look In The Mirror Today?


Did You Look In The Mirror Today?

I'm going to ask this: How many did not look in a mirror today? Look at that. Everybody look around. We all know why we looked in the mirror, right?

Is Your Religion Worthless? Your Speech Will Show


Is Your Religion Worthless? Your Speech Will Show

James 1:26 - If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Blessed Doers: Living Out the Perfect Law


Blessed Doers: Living Out the Perfect Law

Now we keep reading. If anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, then we're going to get a metaphor. He's like a man who looks...

26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word


26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word

In this sermon, Tim Conway exposes 26 mental gymnastics we perform, and 26 ways we talk ourselves out of obeying God's Word...

What’s Necessary to Receive The Word?


What’s Necessary to Receive The Word?

James 1:18 - Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. 19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slo...

Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price


Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

"However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12..."

Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms


Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms

That ought to jump out at you. He wants us to stop blaming God and start thanking God. And I see blame in verse 13, don't you?

The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?


The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?

In James 1:12-16, the passage highlights the blessedness of those who endure trials, emphasizing the eventual reward of eternal life promised to those who remain steadfast in their faith. It warns against attributing ...

Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!


Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!

Believer, though you may be lowly in this world, do you rejoice in the great riches that await you in paradise with Christ?

The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?


The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?

Believer, do you consistently seek wisdom from the LORD? Wisdom encompasses more than just knowledge...

God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark


God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark

In the midst of our affliction, let's heed Paul's words. Despite the challenges, he speaks of overflowing joy.

Supernatural Christianity


Supernatural Christianity

2024 Fellowship Conference | The question often arises: If the supernatural described in Mark 16:14-18 is relevant today, where is it?