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No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender


No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender

Conversion brings true surrender, and your negotiating days are over. It is no more bargaining; instead, it is unconditional surrender.

One Lord


One Lord

The doctrine of the Lordship and exclusiveness of Jesus Christ is something that no Christian will tolerate disagreement on.

Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?


Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?

Can a person be a Christian without being a disciple of Jesus Christ? If we teach that “disciple” and “Christian” are synonymous terms, then are we teaching a works salvation? Can a case be made in the Bible for a dis...

Genuine Saving Faith


Genuine Saving Faith

We believe in a Christ who is revealed for us in Scripture, but genuine saving faith is more than just grasping those truths intellectually.

Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery


Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery

Surrendering to Christ is not drudgery. We are surrendering to His kindness and goodness. We should not fight against the Lord's will because...

Surrendering to His Love


Surrendering to His Love

Express your absolute allegiance to Christ and be surrendered to His love. Be able to say, "Lord, You are enough; and if I have You, though You strip everything else away, I am satisfied."

Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?


Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?

Jesus taught that the real proof of being genuinely saved is not by saying, "Lord, Lord," but by our walk. Do your actions reflect what your lips proclaim to believe?

Why Did Jesus Die?


Why Did Jesus Die?

Why did Jesus die? It's a question that causes many to say, "Why ask that? We all know the answer already." Most are quick to say "He died to forgive us", which He did.

Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples


Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples

It appears that you are saying that one can be a Christian, a convert, and yet not be a disciple. I would say that all Christians are disciples.

The Narrow Way to Life


The Narrow Way to Life

Yet on the narrow way to life one is bound to Jesus Christ and reliant on Him. There are going to be such powers that are going to resist you in this world...

You’re Either All In for Christ or You’re Not In


You’re Either All In for Christ or You’re Not In

The true Christian has a change for heart by which they have a hungering and thirsting for righteousness. Those who have been justified have been regenerated which means they have been brought to Spiritual life.

The Narrow Way to Life


The Narrow Way to Life

Matthew 7:14 - For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

The Hard Sayings of Jesus Christ


The Hard Sayings of Jesus Christ

Is your God the Christ of the Bible who says in Luke 14:33 - So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Shocking Youth Message


Shocking Youth Message

Paul Washer preaches the Shocking Youth Message that stunned hearers all around the world. This biblical sermon talks about what it truly means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.

If You Love the World You Don’t Love Christ


If You Love the World You Don’t Love Christ

Do not love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in Him.

True Christians Do the Will of God


True Christians Do the Will of God

58 Minutes | Video Bible Study | Matthew 7:21 says that those who do the will of God will go to heaven. Are you doing the will of God? Matthew 7:21 - "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

It Will Cost You Everything


It Will Cost You Everything

Luke 14:33 - So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Christ is Worth Trading Everything For


Christ is Worth Trading Everything For

Jesus Christ is the most valuable treasure there is.

Few People Make it to Heaven


Few People Make it to Heaven

It ought to in a day and an age when everybody just believes getting to heaven is an easy thing. The fact is, Jesus said it's a hard thing.

Truth (The Wrath of God)


Truth (The Wrath of God)

The truth is, the way is truly narrow, and only few people will find eternal life. (Matthew 7:21, Luke 13:24)

Slaves for Christ


Slaves for Christ

The person who truly believes in Christ is a slave to Christ. If you're not a slave to Christ, you don't truly believe on Him.

When Is Confessing Jesus as Lord Not Enough?


When Is Confessing Jesus as Lord Not Enough?

Well, we're moving this morning still deeper into Romans 10. We'll read through the first 13 verses as we try to lay a bit of a contextual foundation here for what we want to look at. Primarily, this morning, I am goi...