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What Is The Abomination of Desolation?


What Is The Abomination of Desolation?

Matthew 24 speaks about of "the abomination of desolation", what is this speaking to? There are certain passages of Scripture, like Matthew 24...

Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?


Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?

Does the Bible teach postmillennialism? Does your eschatology view fit with a two-age program or something else?

Is Christ’s Return Imminent?


Is Christ’s Return Imminent?

Is it possible that Jesus could come back at any moment? Or are there certain events that must take place first before He comes?

What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)


What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)

A teaching that has become very widespread within mainstream Christianity is the idea of the rapture. This view is very popular, but is it biblical?

Has the Church Replaced Israel?


Has the Church Replaced Israel?

Are the Church and Israel two different peoples of God? Has the Church replaced Israel?

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)


Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)

The last four verses of Daniel 9 are rich with prophecy concerning the great atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many try to find the anti-Christ in these verses, but it is Christ we need to look for here.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2

This is the second of two messages in which Matthew 24 is explored. Jesus taught that His own generation would not pass away until the first part of this chapter was fulfilled.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1

Some have said that Matthew 24 is the most difficult chapter in the entire Bible. This is the first of two messages in which an attempt is made to try to make sense of this difficult chapter.

The Sitting Son of Man (Part 8)


The Sitting Son of Man (Part 8)

The last portion of Matthew 25 is not a parable, but an actual description of Judgement Day.

The Joy of the Lord (Part 7)


The Joy of the Lord (Part 7)

He who owns all will one day come and each of us will give an account for what we did with all that Christ gave to us.

The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)


The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)

There are those in our churches who are wisely waiting for the Lord's coming and there are others who are foolishly unprepared as that great day approaches.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 5)


The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 5)

This sermon follows our Lord's teaching on His Second Coming from Luke 17. Our Lord is very clear that His coming is going to be public...

One New Man in the Place of the Two (Part 4)


One New Man in the Place of the Two (Part 4)

Many make a radical distinction between the church and Israel, but such a distinction simply does not exist as can be seen by the Apostle Paul's words in Ephesians 2.

Who is True Israel? (Part 3)


Who is True Israel? (Part 3)

The Bible teaches us that every single promise in the Old Testament that applied to a Jew also applies to us who are in Jesus Christ.

This Age and The Age to Come (Part 2)


This Age and The Age to Come (Part 2)

When we study eschatology we must not first launch out into the complex "calculus" of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation.

5 Reasons an Amillennialist Should Preach on Eschatology (Part 1)


5 Reasons an Amillennialist Should Preach on Eschatology (Part 1)

Why preach a series on eschatology? First, because Dispensational Premillennialism commandeers many of the promises that belong to the church.

Understanding the Book of Revelation


Understanding the Book of Revelation

In this brief Bible Study Tim discusses how looking for repetition in the Scripture is a method to use in order to understand apocalyptic language.

What Will My Small Works Count For on Judgment Day?


What Will My Small Works Count For on Judgment Day?

but I'm not absolutely certain. And he says many envision the Second Coming of Christ and Judgment Day and the entry into heaven. And all the famous people...

Dispensationalism, is the Rapture Biblical?


Dispensationalism, is the Rapture Biblical?

So many people have seen the left behind series or grown up in a building like John Hagee's is everything they teach biblical or not?