The Bible urges us to walk worthy of God's calling; one of the characteristics of a walk worthy of our calling is humility. The Bible also calls members...
When we are planted in the love that Christ has for us, it will cause us to respond with love towards Him. We greatly need to be rooted in the love of Christ so that nothing in this life can move us.
Why does the apostle Paul pray for Christians to have things that they already have? The answer is that there's more experiential reality to be had in the Christian life.
What can we learn from the apostle Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3? One notable thing Paul prays for is that Christ would dwell in the hearts of the Ephesians.
In Ephesians 3:1-13 Paul, under inspiration, gives a great deal of information about himself. And God has specifically designed us to be impacted by the example of others.
It doesn't matter what shade of skin we have, but by reconciliation through the Cross, the door has been opened so that we actually have real communion...
This passage is the very pinnacle of what God has already done for the believer. The Apostle is giving us this great reality about who we are as Christians...
Jesus smashed down the separations between the Jews and Gentiles. He did this that "He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace."
When we gather together in our prayer meetings there should be a militancy about those prayers. Is there the smell of war on those prayers? Because we are at war.
I am all for sharpening our minds... and a greater theological understanding, but we cannot afford for it to stop there. Does your theology make your heart dance?
Ephesians 2:4-7
How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)
The Bible teaches us that it is God who makes Christians. Paul says in Ephesians that God has made us alive together with Christ. God makes people into...
Believers once lived in the passions of their flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind. All lost men are still enslaved to the desires of their flesh.
Exodus 40:34, 1 Kings 8:10-11, Ephesians 3:14-21
Prayerfully Pursuing God’s Gracious Power and Loving Presence
Believer, because we are the temple of God, we should ask the Lord for more power from the Holy Spirit. This power that is received, according to grace...
This world is a system with a mindset that has a force and power of darkness behind it. It has such a hold over us that if God doesn't come and deliver us we will be swept away by it.
Paul says that Jesus Christ has put everything under His feet and been appointed as head over all for the church. Christian, do you realize what is being said?
In Ephesians 1:19-20 Paul is talking about the power of Christianity. It's more than the power of the resurrection. It's the power of Christ's ascension and enthronement.
God's ultimate purpose is pointing to the unification of all things by way of reconciliation to God by peace, which is made by the blood on Christ's Cross.
Take a look at Christ's blood being spilled and God's wrath that was unleashed upon Him; and suddenly you recognize there is a price, and it is an infinite price...
We should be amazed that even us, the Gentiles, have been included and have salvation and hope too. We are not going to perish forever and forever because of God's incredible mercy...
If you want to know how to properly estimate God's love for us, then just behold the Beloved - Jesus Christ. He whom was held tightly and eternally in the bosom of the Father...
In expressing to you the doctrine of adoption, we realize that somebody can be adopted and not really recognize what that is. Being adopted is one thing, but recognizing you are adopted is...
Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...