Nothing Damages the Church Like Proud People

Category: Excerpts

The spirit of our age is telling us that we need to trust and believe in ourselves. But this mindset will severely divide and damage a church; nothing hurts a church like people who think highly of themselves.


The message to children today and to the world in all the advertising, everything, it's: trust ourselves, trust your own heart, believe in yourself. And I guarantee you this, nothing will so divide and damage the church as people of that mindset. It's destructive. Nothing will create disunity like people running around in the church with a love of self and believing in themselves, believing that they're something, believing that they're God's gift to the church - (incomplete thought) those who have a love of self, love of power, love of supremacy, love of superiority, the desire to be something. You remember those words? They always jump out at me. Jeremiah 45:2, "Thus said the Lord, the God of Israel to you, O Baruch, 'Do not seek great things for yourself. Seek them not.'"