Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?


What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

I want it to be so clear what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, so that you can conclude, I hope, that you have not committed it...

How Do You Get Your Soul Happy In Jesus Each Day?


How Do You Get Your Soul Happy In Jesus Each Day?

How do you get your soul happy in Jesus each day? That's a good question for this conference, isn't it? One surefire way to do it is to look long and hard at the cross.

True Spiritual Growth Takes Time


True Spiritual Growth Takes Time

What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...

A List of Broken People That God Used


A List of Broken People That God Used

Despite their flaws and brokenness, God used a remarkable list of people to accomplish His purposes.

Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God


Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God

Michael shares a powerful testimony of how he unknowingly shifted from relying on God to building his church on his own strength.

The Gospel is Simple—Stop Overthinking It, No PhD Required


The Gospel is Simple—Stop Overthinking It, No PhD Required

"The gospel, however, must be simple if it is to be made available to all. Aren't you thankful that you don't have to have a Ph.D. in philosophy to be saved?

Did You Look In The Mirror Today?


Did You Look In The Mirror Today?

I'm going to ask this: How many did not look in a mirror today? Look at that. Everybody look around. We all know why we looked in the mirror, right?

No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil


No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil

They were subject to lifelong slavery. Why? Fear of death. Terrified of death. It produces all kinds of fear of missing out.

The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself


The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself

I especially want to speak to those of you who are currently using God's sovereignty against yourself.

Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe


Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe

The thoughts shared really helped put prayer in perspective: in view of our Father's vast universe, He yet looks down and hears us!

Not An Eclipse: Three Hours of Global Darkness


Not An Eclipse: Three Hours of Global Darkness

The total eclipse is a global spectacle, but did you know there was an event where complete darkness lasted for three hours?

An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God


An Unseen Bubble: Divine Protection From A Present God

A woman approached a pastor, troubled by a recurring dream. She described living in a protective bubble, impervious to illness, spite...

Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath


Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath

"Understanding Divine Mercy Amid Wrath" focuses on Christ's sacrifice as the bridge between God's justice and mercy.

Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise


Why Your Church’s ‘Love’ Might Actually Be Arrogance in Disguise

Why are churches not practicing church discipline and excommunicating someone?

In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression


In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression

In this video, "In Shadowed Seasons: Honest Journal Reflections on Depression" pastor Kyle White shares some journal entries of Charles Spurgeon and of his own.

No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True


No Amount of Smoothness and Flattery Makes It True

We need to understand that we as a church do not discern truth from falsehood by how smooth a person is able to be; but how they can back everything they say by chapter and verse...

Materialistic Mirage: Born With Nothing, Leave With Nothing


Materialistic Mirage: Born With Nothing, Leave With Nothing

Here's this proverb in 1 Timothy 6:7: 'We brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.'

Are You Devoted To The Word of God?


Are You Devoted To The Word of God?

Sanctification is tied to knowing and reading God's Word (John 17:17). It's not just about knowledge...

Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Is Our Righteousness


Jehovah Tsidkenu—The Lord Is Our Righteousness

What is the connection between Jeremiah 23 and Jeremiah 33? This passage focuses on a special moment in these chapters where a prophecy is mentioned.

The Kingdom of God: A Rocky Road to Glory


The Kingdom of God: A Rocky Road to Glory

The kingdom of God, what is it like? Jesus taught that it is a rocky road to glory. Explore the profound insights from Jesus' parables as they illuminate the rugged path of Christian life.

Killing Forbidden Sexual Desires By The Holy Spirit’s Power


Killing Forbidden Sexual Desires By The Holy Spirit’s Power

I guarantee you this… the Spirit of God has power to kill every single sexual, elicit sexual desire you have. Undoubtedly! By the power of the Spirit...

God Is Not Lonely: He Is Most Happy In Himself


God Is Not Lonely: He Is Most Happy In Himself

But what did this God who is love delight to love before he made you and I? Before he made the earth, before he made anything.

Tolerance Can Be A Vice Not Just A Virtue


Tolerance Can Be A Vice Not Just A Virtue

Tolerance can be a vice, not just a virtue. One of the greatest mistakes make in the name of "grace" is tolerating sin in the midst of their church.

Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin


Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin

I'll Be Honest: Sexual Sin Connected With Wasting Time | Is there any connection between sexual sin and wasted time? Does the believer go from boredom to temptation?

Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy


Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy

What do you get if you add 5% of your feelings and works, plus 95% of Christ's perfect righteousness?

I Love Jesus For Who He Is


I Love Jesus For Who He Is

If you are a Christian you love Jesus for who He is—gloriously worthy of all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength—because that is exactly how the Father loves the Son.

Facing Heart Surgery? To Whom Do You Look?


Facing Heart Surgery? To Whom Do You Look?

Where do you look when things are the hardest in your life? Do you look unto the LORD Jesus Christ? In this excerpt Mack Tomlinson...

Turn From Self-Centeredness to Christ


Turn From Self-Centeredness to Christ

Christian, are you giving into the self-centered nature of self or seeking to go and do good and serve others?

Not Growing Weary: The Bible’s Solution


Not Growing Weary: The Bible’s Solution

In Galatians 6:4 Paul says, "Let us not grow weary of doing good," but what is the Bible's answer to not growing weary?

Are You At Peace During a Severe Trial?


Are You At Peace During a Severe Trial?

What happens to you when you are tested? Does that peace grip you no matter what the test is? How stable are you?

How Will You Survive In 2023, Christian? Prayer


How Will You Survive In 2023, Christian? Prayer

You can only survive as a Christian in America in 2023 by being aware of your impotence that every load is too big.

The Spirit Is Not a “Substitute Teacher” Filling In For Christ


The Spirit Is Not a “Substitute Teacher” Filling In For Christ

Jesus tells his disciples that it is to their advantage that He leaves. Does this mean the believer is losing their teacher...

Practice Spiritual Disciplines by Faith Regardless of Feelings


Practice Spiritual Disciplines by Faith Regardless of Feelings

We ought to practice spiritual disciplines by faith regardless of how we subjectively feel. Q: In the process of adopting...

Do Not Box As One Beating The Air


Do Not Box As One Beating The Air

Are you actively seeking godliness in your life? 1 Corinthians 9:26 - So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.

How Long, O LORD? Will You Forget Me Forever?


How Long, O LORD? Will You Forget Me Forever?

There are pressing needs that you have prayed about, and asked the LORD, "How long, O LORD?"

Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee


Don’t Make The Mistake Of The Pharisee

Don't make the mistake of the Pharisee. They had a perverted view of the sufficiency of Scripture.

Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ


Stop Measuring Your Love For Christ

We're here measuring our love, trying to gauge our love, comparing ourselves one with another.

Searching For Someone To Count On? Christ Is Truly Risen


Searching For Someone To Count On? Christ Is Truly Risen

There is a longing in every one of our hearts for someone we can trust and count on. Everyone longs for someone who won't let them down.

Beg God To Send More Workers Into The Harvest


Beg God To Send More Workers Into The Harvest

To the south of me, there are 42 villages that have still not heard the gospel. In 2023, how is that possible? In most remote parts of the world...

United In Intolerance: Inflexible About Who Christ Is


United In Intolerance: Inflexible About Who Christ Is

The fact is there's an intolerance in Christianity and it offends people. In fact, let me tell you something. If you have not seen the intolerance...