The following testimonies testify to the power of God to save sinners through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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From Self-Deception to True Peace—Ginaphr’s Testimony


From Self-Deception to True Peace—Ginaphr’s Testimony

This past Sunday, our sister shared her testimony with the brethren and was baptized as a believer.

“I Am Going to Hell” | “You Raised Me in a Cult!” – Two Testimonies


“I Am Going to Hell” | “You Raised Me in a Cult!” – Two Testimonies

In this video, Jimmy shares about he and his wife's conversion through someone in the Air Force who was providentially placed next to him and boldly gave them the gospel.

Grace Abounding: The Transformative Power of Christ’s Love


Grace Abounding: The Transformative Power of Christ’s Love

Hi there, my name is Jake, and I want to share with you my testimony, and how Jesus Christ has had mercy on me, and given me new life in Himself.

Testimony: False Convert Forced On ‘Mission’ Trip Finds Salvation


Testimony: False Convert Forced On ‘Mission’ Trip Finds Salvation

Jonathan shares his personal account of experiencing the saving grace of the LORD. While initially involved in superficial churches...

Drug Addict Saved By Christ In Jail—Kristopher’s Testimony


Drug Addict Saved By Christ In Jail—Kristopher’s Testimony

Recently, Kristopher and I sat down for a discussion about how the LORD saved him. As a result of his drug abuse and pain medication, he was incarcerated, but the LORD saved him.

A 5-year-old Saved, Convicted Her Anger Was Murder


A 5-year-old Saved, Convicted Her Anger Was Murder

And she said, "I've committed murder." And I said, "Now, hold on, hold on. What have you... How have you committed murder?"

From Terrorist to Evangelist: Billy McCurrie’s Testimony


From Terrorist to Evangelist: Billy McCurrie’s Testimony

Billy McCurrie went from being a terrorist to evangelist; hear as he shares about how the Lord Jesus saved his soul.

God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother


God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother

This video follows Emily Tiegreen, a now widowed mother, as she observes the faithfulness of God during a season of suffering multiple miscarriages...

Humbled in Conversion, Humbled in Ministry


Humbled in Conversion, Humbled in Ministry

If there's any work of God that should characterize every person's conversion, it should be the destruction of that person's pride.

“Manny Will Be Back, He Gets Religious From Time to Time”


“Manny Will Be Back, He Gets Religious From Time to Time”

"Don't worry, Manny will be back, he does this (gets religious) from time to time."

Knowing The Lord More Through Suffering


Knowing The Lord More Through Suffering

Suffering can be a very difficult time but we also grow to know the Lord more. The Lord's trying of our faith in the fire is for our own good...

Former Atheist Now Pastoring Church in Las Vegas


Former Atheist Now Pastoring Church in Las Vegas

Nick shares how the Lord redeemed him out of atheism and brought him to Christ, and eventually guided him and additional brothers...

Martha Peace’s Testimony: What God Has Done In My Life


Martha Peace’s Testimony: What God Has Done In My Life

Martha Peace is known among reformed circles for writing, "The Excellent Wife", however, her life before Christ was the opposite of "excellent".

I Was a Lost Pastor and Religious Hypocrite


I Was a Lost Pastor and Religious Hypocrite

God saved me when I was 26 years of age, after pastoring two churches. I am a sinner saved by grace; a child of the living God.

I Had Never Truly Rested in Christ’s Work


I Had Never Truly Rested in Christ’s Work

A person can grow up hearing the gospel a million times and yet never believe in it. They have ears and hear the truth and yet they do not truly hear the truth.

September 11th & God


September 11th & God

Angela Braxton was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when the first plane hit. In this brief video she shares of her terrifying escape...

Jesse Barrington: Salvation Testimony & Call to the Ministry


Jesse Barrington: Salvation Testimony & Call to the Ministry

This is a brief testimony of how the Lord saved Jesse and led him to plant the church Grace Life Dallas.

Luke Hahn’s Testimony: God Had to Strip Me of Everything


Luke Hahn’s Testimony: God Had to Strip Me of Everything

Luke was lost with a false profession that lasted until God stripped everything away from him. Yet even after his traumatic accident, he continued on in his sin and refusal to trust Christ...

Peace and Purpose Are Found in Christ


Peace and Purpose Are Found in Christ

My life was together from an external standpoint but there was no string to tie my life together. Why was I here? What was the purpose of my life?

How God Saved Me: Mike Morrow’s Testimony


How God Saved Me: Mike Morrow’s Testimony

I knew that God had forgiven me and cleansed me and saved me for Jesus' sake.

I Can’t Repent!


I Can’t Repent!

Still he insisted. “I can’t repent! I should if I could!” and the tears rolled down his cheeks, of which he seemed to go utterly unconscious...

Getting the Errors in My Theology Corrected


Getting the Errors in My Theology Corrected

Josue testifies that until 2002 his theology had been full of errors. Yet in God's mercy he heard Paul Washer preach and the Lord opened his eyes.

From Going to a Catholic Priest, to Jesus Christ, My Great High Priest


From Going to a Catholic Priest, to Jesus Christ, My Great High Priest

Diego testifies of how he was trying to reform himself and yet he saw how futile his efforts were.

I Believed Facts About God, But Was Still Dead in My Sins


I Believed Facts About God, But Was Still Dead in My Sins

Mack Tomlinson had intellectual knowledge about God, but was still dead in his sins until the Lord opened his eyes when he was 19 years of age.

Bob Jennings’ Funeral


Bob Jennings’ Funeral

This is the entire funeral service of Bob Jennings (January 2, 1949 - November 6, 2012) apart from the songs that were song and the graveside burial.

A Liar and a Coward


A Liar and a Coward

If there was one thing that set me apart in my life before Christ is, I was a liar. I would lie more than any human being I’ve ever known.

I Called Upon The Lord, Ozzy’s Testimony


I Called Upon The Lord, Ozzy’s Testimony

The first time Ozzy heard the true Gospel he thought "Wow man, there must be a catch behind this. How could all we must do is believe in Christ?" This is good news, and it is also good news that God regenerates the heart and causes us to walk and obey His statues (Ezekiel 36:27).

Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation


Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation

Don Johnson testifies to how the Lord saved James, his oldest son. He was very obedient as a child but at the age of 17 he dove into sin and rebellion.

Lawful Hobbies That Have An Idolatrous Place In Your Heart


Lawful Hobbies That Have An Idolatrous Place In Your Heart

Don Johnson testifies how the Lord granted him repentance to forsake his idolatrous relationship to his hobby of relic collection. Is there a lawful hobby in your life...

To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael


To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael

Michael Clarke died of cancer on January 14, 2012, just over a year after truly being saved by the Grace of God. These are some short clips from his wedding that was over a month ago, and the testimony that he gave at Grace Fellowship Manchester a year ago.

Atheist Saved by The Truth of The Sovereign God


Atheist Saved by The Truth of The Sovereign God

Michael's atheism could not stand against the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the testimony of an atheist saved...

Will You Trust in Christ or Yourself?


Will You Trust in Christ or Yourself?

Some are trusting in their performance to perform well in not looking at self but at Christ, but they are still looking at their performance to not look at self and not resting in the performance of Christ. It is amazing the wickedness that prideful man will do to try to find rest on their own abilities. You will hurt and beat your head to death but you must give up!

Freedom from Pornography, James’ Testimony


Freedom from Pornography, James’ Testimony

I didn't realize I was saved that night. I had freedom from pornography and masturbation. I was no longer a slave to it. Yet months later, when I really came to realize the doctrine of regeneration, what it meant to be born-again. I realized, "Whoa - I wasn't saved at 6."

Jesus Christ Saved Me from 27 Years of Homosexuality


Jesus Christ Saved Me from 27 Years of Homosexuality

David testifies to being saved from a homosexual lifestyle that consumed his life for 27 years.

Has the Love of God Done a Work in Your Heart?


Has the Love of God Done a Work in Your Heart?

Don Currin gives his testimony of the Grace of God saving His soul. Don used to be a baptist preacher and was preaching, but lost. Visit Don Currin Ministries. This video was uploaded by HeartCry, for more of their vi...

Tim Conway’s Testimony


Tim Conway’s Testimony

Pastor Tim Conway shares a testimony of how the Lord saved him. I grew up in an Irish Catholic family, very nominal...

My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years


My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years

Craig preaches on Luke 17:5-6 and how it relates to finally seeing his wife saved after 19 years of praying.

You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You


You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You

Diego grew up in the church and only by God's Grace was saved in Christ alone at a older age. He was molested by a Catholic Priest when he was younger. He could of easily blamed God and denied the Lord because of the sins of a human sinner.

God’s Great Work in My Life


God’s Great Work in My Life

This young lady talks about how when she started to hear Paul Washer's preaching she then changed her "Christianity" to look like his but was not at all saved.

Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer


Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer

Ayla has cancer and was recently saved by the Grace of God. She went through struggles with homosexuality/bisexuality, and ultimately with her selfish desires until the Lord broke her of self and led her to Christ alone.