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The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith


The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith

“I am very happy to see you,” said she (speaking with effort and only in a whisper, and compelled to pause at almost every word).

Fellowship Conference New York | July 11-13, 2024


Fellowship Conference New York | July 11-13, 2024

In just a month, the Fellowship Conference New York will take place. If you are in the area, it is worth considering attending. For more information, visit

Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing


Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing

About 12 hours before that, our son had died. Craig wanted me to talk a little bit about that, this being the anniversary. I want to talk about three things related to this: prayer, providence, and comfort. - Jeff Peterson

Slander’s Silent Poison: The Danger of Character Assassination


Slander’s Silent Poison: The Danger of Character Assassination

Have you read about the assassination attempt mentioned in the Book of Acts? It's not an action that either of us would undertake against another, is it? The assassination attempt described involved the use of pois...

Hosting A Self-Pity Party? God Doesn’t Care For You?


Hosting A Self-Pity Party? God Doesn’t Care For You?

As Christians there are many so-called "respectable sins" that we battle against, one of which is self-pity. In this video we will consider what self-pity...

Remarkable Occurrences In The Ministry


Remarkable Occurrences In The Ministry

In the 1970s, Keith McLeod (1922-1997) was involved in the Canadian revivals and experienced some remarkable occurrences.

Overflowing With Hope In The God Of Hope


Overflowing With Hope In The God Of Hope

Believer, there is every reason to overflow with hope in the God of hope who overflows with love for you.

Fellowship Conference New York | February 23-25, 2023


Fellowship Conference New York | February 23-25, 2023

The Fellowship Conference is organized to help bring believers together for like-minded fellowship around the things of the Lord.

Attend The Upcoming Fellowship Conference in April?


Attend The Upcoming Fellowship Conference in April?

The Fellowship Conference is an annual conference held in Denton, Texas (April 14-17, 2022). We gather to hear the Word of God preached and to fellowship with other believers.

Pressing On After the Death Of A Spouse


Pressing On After the Death Of A Spouse

I can see two pilgrims treading the highway of life together, hand in hand, heart linked to heart. True, they've had rivers to ford....

Don’t Blame God Because You Don’t Believe


Don’t Blame God Because You Don’t Believe

Don't blame God because you don't believe. You're not having faith is not God's fault. Come to Christ and be saved!

What Are You Eating? Jesus or Sin?


What Are You Eating? Jesus or Sin?

My friend, we are all eating something in this life. What are you eating?  The forbidden food that doesn’t satisfy?  Or The Christ?

Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin


Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin

Sister, know this: abortion is not an unforgivable sin. It is not unforgivable. Honest. Jesus Christ paid the penalty on that cross...

The Sin of Forgiving Yourself


The Sin of Forgiving Yourself

Now, let’s look at forgiving ourselves. What does Scripture say about that?... Nothing. Nowhere. Scripture never gives counsel on forgiving yourself...

The Days Are Short: Are You Ready?


The Days Are Short: Are You Ready?

Judgment is coming for everyone. You might know what I’m going to say now: “Are you ready?” That can become almost a cliché. Are you ready?

Believers Who Go to Heaven – What Do They Look Like?


Believers Who Go to Heaven – What Do They Look Like?

Believers who go to heaven? How can you know you are a believer who goes to heaven?

Reflections On The Death Of A Child


Reflections On The Death Of A Child

That was the day our 19-year-old son, Jonathan, died. What do you do when your child dies? How do you respond?

I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow


I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow

A hymn written by John Newton in 1779. I asked the Lord that I might grow in faith, and love, and every grace...

Repentance is Not a Work


Repentance is Not a Work

At the same time as we affirm that justification is through faith alone, we also must affirm what the bible says about another topic: repentance.

Luke Hahn Follow Up Interview: Responding to People’s Comments


Luke Hahn Follow Up Interview: Responding to People’s Comments

In 2018 we posted a video testimony of Luke Hahn testifying of the Lord's goodness in saving his soul. This video was entitled, "God Had to Strip Me of Everything"...

What is Your Life’s Ambition?


What is Your Life’s Ambition?

Are you spending your journey wisely? Are you on the right road? What is your life’s ambition? What is the real purpose of life?

Wootsi: The Wolf-Boy and His Mother


Wootsi: The Wolf-Boy and His Mother

In missionary Rosalind Goforth's book, "Climbing" she records a true story of a boy known as "Wootsi". In God's providence, the tragedy...

Tim Conway Will Be Operating as a Missionary


Tim Conway Will Be Operating as a Missionary

Rather than being a pastor in the local church in San Antonio, he will operate as a missionary, starting in Manchester, England. From there, Tim desires to help plant a church in Ireland, if the Lord wills it.

Jesus, You Are My All in All


Jesus, You Are My All in All

​This is a version of the song All in All that was written by Dennis Jernigan, who was mercifully saved in 1981 out of false Christianity and homosexuality.

What is the Worst Pandemic in History?


What is the Worst Pandemic in History?

As we currently face the Coronavirus outbreak we should ask ourselves, “What is the worst pandemic in history?” And how did it spread? Was it stopped? What was, and is the treatment?

Do You Know Multiple Languages For Such a Time as This?


Do You Know Multiple Languages For Such a Time as This?

Do you know multiple languages for such a time as this? Few have the Greek and Hebrew language abilities to translate the Bible, and may God raise up more of those laborers...

D.E. Hoste: Soldier and Humble Prayer Warrior for Christ


D.E. Hoste: Soldier and Humble Prayer Warrior for Christ

D.E. Hoste (1861-1946) succeeded Hudson Taylor as the General Director of the China Inland Mission. He lived as a devoted soldier of the Lord Jesus and had a passion to win souls for Christ.

Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord


Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord

"Forever with the Lord" is a video of pastor Conrad Murrell's Funeral. Those were Conrad's words about his father Alvin when he passed in 1971.

What Have You Done, Lord?


What Have You Done, Lord?

This song was taken from Bob Jennings' prayer, from the sermon "Blessed Are Those Who Die in the Lord," that he preached two months before his death from cancer.

Our Marriage to Christ is Most Important


Our Marriage to Christ is Most Important

Marriage is indeed important and defining in the believer's life, but it is not the most important thing to be said of the Christian's life.

Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery


Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery

Surrendering to Christ is not drudgery. We are surrendering to His kindness and goodness. We should not fight against the Lord's will because...

Tim Conway Shares About His First Time Preaching


Tim Conway Shares About His First Time Preaching

One of the things that happened when I stood in that pulpit, that first time, is my legs barely carried me into the pulpit. When I got there...

Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians


Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians

Ignorance is the very explanation as to why all men in this world who are not Christians, are not Christians. Why do the lost feel that the things of Christ are boring?

Grieving and Sending with a Gospel Heart


Grieving and Sending with a Gospel Heart

In view of the brevity of our life, and the great need for more Biblical churches, we should be those who go out with a heart for the lost and seek to proclaim the Gospel.

Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul


Children: Jesus is the Anchor of the Soul

This is one of the lessons from our Children's vacation bible school. Christ alone is the Anchor of the soul that will save you from the storm...

What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?


What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?

What does it mean to be a saint? The Catholics want to pronounce Mother Teresa to be a saint, but is that the reality of what the term saint means? No, rather every true Christian...

True Biblical Unity


True Biblical Unity

I want to speak, in my one session, on the blessedness of Christians dwelling together in unity. True biblical unity of believers....

Highly Favored in the Beloved


Highly Favored in the Beloved

If you want to know how to properly estimate God's love for us, then just behold the Beloved - Jesus Christ. He whom was held tightly and eternally in the bosom of the Father...

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian


Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian

When you start talking this way people want to label you as antinomian, you know saying, "You guys just allow everything." No, that's not it...