Hosting A Self-Pity Party? God Doesn’t Care For You?

Category: Video

As Christians, there are many so-called “respectable sins” that we battle against, one of which is self-pity. In this video, we will consider what self-pity is at its root–what indicators to look for that we are having self-pity–and how to overcome through Christ and truly believing that God cares for us.

0:00 – When was the last time you hosted a pity party?
0:26 – Luke Chapter 10 and Martha’s pity party.
1:27 – What is self-pity?
2:40 – What leads to and causes self-pity?
4:15 – Example of Barbara not rotting her life away in self-pity.
5:21 – Why did she not wallow in self-pity?
7:02 – How can identify self-pity in our own life?
7:11 – 1 – Complain and seek attention.
8:07 – 2 – How do you respond when you are not treated as you think you deserve?
8:56 – 3 – Are you a demanding person?
9:45 – 4 – Do you have false humility?
10:18 – 5 – Is it difficult for you to accept criticism?
11:43 – 6 – How do you respond when you have unmet expectations?
12:46 – How do you prevent a pity party from happening?
13:43 – What are your priorities? Are you putting yourself in a vulnerable spot for a pity party?
15:04 – Want to avoid self-pity? Think about Christ!
16:08 – Time in self-pity is wasted time.
16:40 – Don’t know Christ? He in pity will forgive you.