Jeremy Walker

4 posts by author

Don’t Let Go! Maintain Your Grip on the Hope of Christ


Don’t Let Go! Maintain Your Grip on the Hope of Christ

My friends, have you ever watched a free climber hanging on the side of a cliff, hundreds of feet in the air, with nothing but his fingertips and toes keeping him from falling to his death?

Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?


Feeling Guilty When Failing To Share the Gospel?

How should I, as a believer, respond to the sense of guilt I feel when I've failed to preach the Gospel to someone due to fear?

Ashamed Of The Gospel—How People Show They Are Embarrassed of Christ


Ashamed Of The Gospel—How People Show They Are Embarrassed of Christ

Are you ashamed of the Gospel? In this sermon pastor Walker describes various ways people show that they are embarrassed of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy


Adding Your Works to Christ’s Work Is Blasphemy

What do you get if you add 5% of your feelings and works, plus 95% of Christ's perfect righteousness?