Don’t Let Go! Maintain Your Grip on the Hope of Christ

Category: Full Sermons

My friends, have you ever watched a free climber hanging on the side of a cliff, hundreds of feet in the air, with nothing but his fingertips and toes keeping him from falling to his death? It’s a terrifying sight, but it’s also a powerful picture of what it means to hold fast to our hope in Christ.

In this sermon, we’ll be looking at Hebrews 10:23, where the writer exhorts us to “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering.” We’ll explore what it means to have a confession of hope, how to maintain an unwavering grip on it, and why the faithfulness of God is our ultimate foundation.

We’ll also be looking at the many ways in which our hope can be challenged, both from within and from without. But we’ll see that, by the grace of God, we can stand firm in the faith and hold fast to the confession of our hope, even in the midst of the storms of life.