Is Scripture Enough? Or Need To See A Miracle?

Category: Full Sermons

Men want something spectacular, something supernatural…but not something scriptural; but if the living Word won’t move you why do you think some miracle will? Consider Jesus’ astonishing words in Luke 16:31 – He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’

0:00 – A testimony of a remarkable conversion.
1:44 – The “Hell Fire Club” opposed the “Holy Club”.
3:35 – Thorpe mocked George Whitefield as he shared…
4:46 – The Word of God pierced Thorpe’s heart and led to his conversion.
6:33 – Luke 16, The Rich Man and Lazarus.
9:09 – Opening prayer.
10:19 – A summary of the three headings of the sermon.
12:53 – 1 – What men want.
17:20 – People often are wanting more than just the plain proclamation of Scripture.
21:27 – 2 – What men need.
26:16 – 3 – The sufficiency of Scripture
30:18 – Scripture is like a pillow for the believer’s weary head.
36:48 – Believer, are you confident in your Bible?
38:17 – Closing prayer.