Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)


Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)

The reason most cultures have categories for "the supernatural and spirit possession" is not because they are backwards or pre-modern...

Fellowship Conference New York | July 11-13, 2024


Fellowship Conference New York | July 11-13, 2024

In just a month, the Fellowship Conference New York will take place. If you are in the area, it is worth considering attending. For more information, visit

Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price


Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

"However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12..."

Mary Ann’s Last Hour—Afraid To Believe She Was A Believer


Mary Ann’s Last Hour—Afraid To Believe She Was A Believer

In the last hour she distrusted herself, but not God. She was afraid to believe that she was a believer.

The Cause of Saul’s Downfall


The Cause of Saul’s Downfall

What was the cause of King Saul's downfall? What can we learn from his disobedience so as to take to heart a lesson in our own lives?

Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms


Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms

That ought to jump out at you. He wants us to stop blaming God and start thanking God. And I see blame in verse 13, don't you?

From Self-Deception to True Peace—Ginaphr’s Testimony


From Self-Deception to True Peace—Ginaphr’s Testimony

This past Sunday, our sister shared her testimony with the brethren and was baptized as a believer.

Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing


Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing

About 12 hours before that, our son had died. Craig wanted me to talk a little bit about that, this being the anniversary. I want to talk about three things related to this: prayer, providence, and comfort. - Jeff Peterson

How Believers Handle Despair Differently from Unbelievers


How Believers Handle Despair Differently from Unbelievers

In making visits to the sick, I became acquainted with a woman belonging to my congregation, with whom I had very little acquaintance before. She was in a very distressful state of mind. “I am a sinner,” says she, ...

The Parable of The Running Father


The Parable of The Running Father

This parable is generally known as the parable of the prodigal son, but it may also be called the parable of the running father...

The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?


The Anatomy of Temptation: Does God Tempt Us or Not?

In James 1:12-16, the passage highlights the blessedness of those who endure trials, emphasizing the eventual reward of eternal life promised to those who remain steadfast in their faith. It warns against attributing ...

The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself


The Danger of Using God’s Sovereignty Against Yourself

I especially want to speak to those of you who are currently using God's sovereignty against yourself.

Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!


Rejoice Ye Poor, Ye Rich, Ye Tried!

Believer, though you may be lowly in this world, do you rejoice in the great riches that await you in paradise with Christ?

Crushed Serpent Through A Crushed Savior—Who Is Now Risen!


Crushed Serpent Through A Crushed Savior—Who Is Now Risen!

Jesus Christ crushed the head of the serpent, yet Isaiah 53 states that God the Father crushed Christ—Christ was bruised so that the serpent's head would be bruised.

The Substitutionary Sacrifice: Jesus Paid It All


The Substitutionary Sacrifice: Jesus Paid It All

"Jesus Paid It All." If you're in Christ, He has cast your sins out of His sight, as far as the East is from the West.

The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?


The Wisdom Giving God: Are You Asking?

Believer, do you consistently seek wisdom from the LORD? Wisdom encompasses more than just knowledge...

Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe


Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe

The thoughts shared really helped put prayer in perspective: in view of our Father's vast universe, He yet looks down and hears us!

God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark


God’s Nightingales Sing In The Dark

In the midst of our affliction, let's heed Paul's words. Despite the challenges, he speaks of overflowing joy.

Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!


Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!

In this message on homiletics, Stuart Olyott speaks on, "Boring Sermons – and How Not to Preach Them!" and shares helpful preaching tips.

How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today


How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today

Let's turn in our Bibles to Philippians to develop then things that Stuart said on Wednesday. Philippians 4 verse , Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone....