2024 Fellowship Conference UK


2024 Fellowship Conference UK

The 2024 Fellowship Conference UK is a time of fellowship, preaching, and singing that centers on the glory of God.

The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism


The Mockery of Formalism: Fighting the Spirit of Legalism

Standing against the doctrine of cheap grace, which dismisses the pursuit of holiness, is crucial.

True Spiritual Growth Takes Time


True Spiritual Growth Takes Time

What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...

Exhort Your Own Soul (Psalm 103)


Exhort Your Own Soul (Psalm 103)

Do you wrestle with your own soul in order to embrace by faith the benefits of the LORD? Do you say to yourself, "O my soul, do not forget all of His benefits!"

A List of Broken People That God Used


A List of Broken People That God Used

Despite their flaws and brokenness, God used a remarkable list of people to accomplish His purposes.

Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God


Red Flag: Your Congregation Fears You Over God

Michael shares a powerful testimony of how he unknowingly shifted from relying on God to building his church on his own strength.

Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ


Long Live The King: A Life Devoted To Christ

There is something to live for! Eternal glory—and that’s what this prayer is all about. What you need to understand is that preaching, witnessing...

The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle


The Gospel of David’s Tabernacle

When Amos spoke, he was referring to David's tabernacle as an example, highlighting that Christ's original intention—the Gospel...

Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?


Is It Normal Not to Feel Joy After Repenting?

"The joy of my salvation just doesn’t come. There are times when I don’t feel it, even though I repent and walk in purity. It seems that the joy of salvation..."

Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?


Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?

Why do we sometimes witness healings, conversions, and other manifestations of power in ministries that present questionable teachings?

“Visit” Is A Big Word


“Visit” Is A Big Word

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids


Children’s Sunday School? The Importance of Reaching Lost Kids

Often in the family integrated movement, it is taught to have no form of children's Sunday school.

The Gospel is Simple—Stop Overthinking It, No PhD Required


The Gospel is Simple—Stop Overthinking It, No PhD Required

"The gospel, however, must be simple if it is to be made available to all. Aren't you thankful that you don't have to have a Ph.D. in philosophy to be saved?

The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith


The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith

“I am very happy to see you,” said she (speaking with effort and only in a whisper, and compelled to pause at almost every word).

Did You Look In The Mirror Today?


Did You Look In The Mirror Today?

I'm going to ask this: How many did not look in a mirror today? Look at that. Everybody look around. We all know why we looked in the mirror, right?

Is Your Religion Worthless? Your Speech Will Show


Is Your Religion Worthless? Your Speech Will Show

James 1:26 - If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Blessed Doers: Living Out the Perfect Law


Blessed Doers: Living Out the Perfect Law

Now we keep reading. If anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, then we're going to get a metaphor. He's like a man who looks...

26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word


26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word

In this sermon, Tim Conway exposes 26 mental gymnastics we perform, and 26 ways we talk ourselves out of obeying God's Word...

Pardonable Sins and The One That Is Not


Pardonable Sins and The One That Is Not

In this sermon on Mark 3, we explore the context of Jesus' teachings on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, distinguishing it from other sins that can be forgiven.

No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil


No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil

They were subject to lifelong slavery. Why? Fear of death. Terrified of death. It produces all kinds of fear of missing out.