Wolves and A Snake

Category: Full Sermons

Wolves and a snake seek to cause division and obstruct the truth. Those who take on the characteristics of the wolf and the snake should be avoided, and we should take care to not fall prey to the enemy’s tactics.

Note: Having just preached on a similar topic, I afterward ran into this sermon of Tim’s from 2010. He gave this right before a minor split occurred in our local church. There is such wisdom to apply here for all believers that we might be those who promote unity in our churches and not cause division.

Text: Romans 16:17-20

0:00 – Text – Romans 16 – wolves and snakes.
1:40 – Preachers are often put in situations where they experience the very matter they are teaching.
2:54 – Are there wolves and snakes nearby?
5:21 – What are we supposed to watch out for?
9:24 – Remember Absalom? Take note of his strategy in attacking the leadership.
14:11 – Tim shares an example of how this happened at his old church.
16:22 – Beware of those who speak evil of church leaders.
21:41 – Are you awake to recognize what is going on?
23:24 – General observations about wolves.
28:57 – You might not realize that these wolves have a demonic influence.
39:27 – Wolves do not come in with 666 stamped on their foreheads.
42:19 – The smooth guy comes in and targets the pastor’s rough edges.
46:27 – Wolves have flawed doctrine.
49:00 – Grandmother…you must be born again.
50:59 – People are deceived.
52:18 – The snake’s head will be crushed.