Psalm says blessed is the man whose, “delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” And so it is for the believer: bible reading is vitally important. To study, meditate on, and to seek to know more of the truth as is found in God’s Word.

We hope the following resources will all the more encourage to search the Bible for hidden treasures, and to hide the Word of God in your heart that you might not sin against God.

In regards to always reading your Bible with a pen and paper in hand, Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “The moment something strikes me or arrests me I immediately pull out my pad. A preacher has to be like a squirrel and has to learn how to collect and store matter for the future days of winter.” (pg. 218, The Sacred Anointing)

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True Spiritual Growth Takes Time


True Spiritual Growth Takes Time

What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...

Are You Devoted To The Word of God?


Are You Devoted To The Word of God?

Sanctification is tied to knowing and reading God's Word (John 17:17). It's not just about knowledge...

Is Scripture Enough? Or Need To See A Miracle?


Is Scripture Enough? Or Need To See A Miracle?

Is Scripture enough? Or do we need to see a miracle? Consider Jesus' astonishing words in Luke 16:31...

Where Did Moses Write of Jesus in Genesis?


Where Did Moses Write of Jesus in Genesis?

Today we are asking in what ways does the book of Genesis speak of Jesus, the son of God? Where did Moses write of Jesus in Genesis?

Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?


Do You View God The Father Too Harshly?

When it comes to reading the Bible, what could you say to someone who is physically sick and finds it difficult to read?

How Should We Read The Bible?


How Should We Read The Bible?

How should we read the Bible? In this study, Tim talks about different things the believer should have when they come to read and study the Scriptures.

How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?


How Do I Experience Fellowship With God?

How does a Christian experience fellowship and communion with God?

Never Missed a Quiet Time in 40 Years, But…


Never Missed a Quiet Time in 40 Years, But…

He never missed a quiet time all his life. Never missed it. years without missing his morning prayers, the alarm would go.

Being a Berean or Hyper-Critical? How Do You Listen To A Sermon? 


Being a Berean or Hyper-Critical? How Do You Listen To A Sermon? 

What is the difference between being discerning compared to hyper-critical when hearing a sermon? Am I listening...

Advice on Reading Solid Christian Books


Advice on Reading Solid Christian Books

We must not dare neglect the Bible, but we also shouldn't dismiss the benefit of reading solid Christian literature.

Why Do the Gospels Record Things Differently?


Why Do the Gospels Record Things Differently?

Anyone who reads the four gospels in the Bible will soon realize that some things are said differently in one gospel from another.

Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?


Is the Bible Your Treasure Book?

When you read the Bible, do you read it as a textbook or as a treasure book? Do you read it to learn information and facts about God, or do you read it in order to know God?

Draw Near to God: The Scriptures


Draw Near to God: The Scriptures

If we would draw near to God, we must first know God. We can only know who God is and what God is like from what He's revealed to us in His Word.

How to Study the Prophets


How to Study the Prophets

In this Ask Pastor Tim, Tim is dealing with how to study the prophets.

Read the Bible and Pray, or Check Your Phone?


Read the Bible and Pray, or Check Your Phone?

When you wake up in the morning what do you do first: read the Bible and pray, or check your smartphone? What do you seek first: The Living God...or who messaged you the night before?

Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word


Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word

With all the modern technology we have, it could be said that our generation has more access to sexual sin than any other generation in history.

Practical Advice on Memorizing the Bible


Practical Advice on Memorizing the Bible

Is it profitable for Christians to memorize the Bible? Tim shares some practical advice on memorizing the Bible...

Young Believer: Don’t Rush Into Ministry, Rush to Know God


Young Believer: Don’t Rush Into Ministry, Rush to Know God

If you go back in time to the first day of your ministry, and speak to yourself as a young believer, what would you tell him and most stress to him?

Your Soul Won’t Grow Without Food


Your Soul Won’t Grow Without Food

Your souls won't grow without food and there is no food for the soul like the Word of God. There is no place to be, better than before the face of Jesus Christ.

Jim Elliot Was Always Reading


Jim Elliot Was Always Reading

A big personal part of that adventure for Jim was that he was always reading; at least, the evidence is there that this was true.

Do Not Just Listen but Meditate!


Do Not Just Listen but Meditate!

Some listen to thousands of sermons, but never meditate on the truth and live out what they have heard.

The Essential Need for Bible Meditation


The Essential Need for Bible Meditation

Meditation is to think upon, reflect, ask questions, talk with yourself and with God; about God and His Word. There is intentional daily Bible meditation...

Meditation is More Than Bible Reading


Meditation is More Than Bible Reading

Meditation is more than just reading your Bible, but it is to ask questions and ponder the verses with slowed down consideration. Why do people so often not meditate?

The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible


The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible

As the believer daily renews their mind in the Scriptures, and in prayer they cast themselves upon the Lord - they will walk in purity. When you find a...

A Meditation on Meditations


A Meditation on Meditations

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.

Bible Meditation


Bible Meditation

Bible meditation is not necessarily Bible reading, not necessarily Scripture memory, not reading good books and commentaries, not listening to good sermons, not prayer nor singing...

Homiletics: Eisegesis Is Not a Light Matter (Part 5)


Homiletics: Eisegesis Is Not a Light Matter (Part 5)

When the preacher's sermon preparation leads him to commit eisegesis and he reads his own idea and meaning into the text, it is not a light matter.

Homiletics: Asking Questions of the Text (Part 4)


Homiletics: Asking Questions of the Text (Part 4)

When studying the Bible for sermon preparation you must ask questions of the text. Then when preaching bring some of those same questions up to the listener.

Homiletics: Rightly Handling Scripture (Part 3c)


Homiletics: Rightly Handling Scripture (Part 3c)

When it comes to rightly handling the Scriptures we want to seek for perfection. The preacher's goal is to articulate the truth of God exactly as it is and to not make clumsy statements.

An Eye for the Eternal


An Eye for the Eternal

As believers we need an eye for the eternal and we ought to mark that which is temporal or eternal.

The Word of God Is Not Bound


The Word of God Is Not Bound

You may silence the messenger, but the message of the Gospel can't be stopped. This is illustrated in the life of John the Baptist and in the earthly life...

The Myth of the King James Only


The Myth of the King James Only

Many adamantly hold to the “KJV Only” as being the only translation of the Bible to use.

Reading and Understanding the Bible


Reading and Understanding the Bible

What do we do when we encounter something in the Scriptures that we don't immediately understand?

The Mark of True Faith


The Mark of True Faith

The mark of true faith is that someone believes God's Word.

Search the Bible as For Hidden Treasure


Search the Bible as For Hidden Treasure

If you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

Understanding the Book of Revelation


Understanding the Book of Revelation

In this brief Bible Study Tim discusses how looking for repetition in the Scripture is a method to use in order to understand apocalyptic language.

Practical Advice on Daily Bible Reading


Practical Advice on Daily Bible Reading

It is sloppy Christian life if you are not reading your Bible every single day. This is the food for the soul, this is our life, our health, this is where we see Christ.

Renew Your Commitment to the Word of God


Renew Your Commitment to the Word of God

We need to apply the Word of God in a radical way, not just when we were first born again but all the way through!

Solid Food Is For the Mature


Solid Food Is For the Mature

Hebrews 5:13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. 14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

Flood Your Mind With Thoughts of Christ


Flood Your Mind With Thoughts of Christ

We must seek to flood our minds with thoughts of Christ and ask the Lord to give us greater understanding of the Bible.