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Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity


Unstained from the World: The Battle for Purity

The fight to stay unstained from the world is mainly a matter of not being double-headed. It’s a battle of the mind, a fight to stay singular in our devotion to Christ.

True Spiritual Growth Takes Time


True Spiritual Growth Takes Time

What I want you to do is start where you are. I want you to go back to your pastors or go back to other men or women and say...

Did You Look In The Mirror Today?


Did You Look In The Mirror Today?

I'm going to ask this: How many did not look in a mirror today? Look at that. Everybody look around. We all know why we looked in the mirror, right?

No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil


No More Fear of Death: Jesus’ Triumph Over the Devil

They were subject to lifelong slavery. Why? Fear of death. Terrified of death. It produces all kinds of fear of missing out.

Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms


Stop Blaming God and Start Thanking God—The God Who Transforms

That ought to jump out at you. He wants us to stop blaming God and start thanking God. And I see blame in verse 13, don't you?

Childlike Faith (Part 4)


Childlike Faith (Part 4)

Maybe guys like me need to see fruit because we are so weak in faith that if we don't we will fall into despair. - Paul Washer

Faith Obeys: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Part 3)


Faith Obeys: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Part 3)

Now Abraham went out to a place. He came out of his comfort zone. He goes out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance.

God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (Part 2)


God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (Part 2)

This is part 2 of Paul Washer's "By Faith" series that was preached in Sedalia, Missouri in 2005.

It Comes Down To Faith (Part 1 of 4)


It Comes Down To Faith (Part 1 of 4)

You say, “Yes, it comes down to obedience.” No. It comes down to faith. It comes down to faith. - Paul Washer

Do Not Box As One Beating The Air


Do Not Box As One Beating The Air

Are you actively seeking godliness in your life? 1 Corinthians 9:26 - So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.

I Was Predestined To Adoption: Praise God!


I Was Predestined To Adoption: Praise God!

Believer, are you overflowing with praise to God because of the truth of your adoption?

Abraham Part 1: Abraham’s Call Within Redemptive History


Abraham Part 1: Abraham’s Call Within Redemptive History

What is the purpose of a series on Abraham? In this first sermon we will consider Abraham's call within redemptive history.

What Is The Abomination of Desolation?


What Is The Abomination of Desolation?

Matthew 24 speaks about of "the abomination of desolation", what is this speaking to? There are certain passages of Scripture, like Matthew 24...

There Are No Small Sins, Repent of “Respectable Sins”


There Are No Small Sins, Repent of “Respectable Sins”

When we come to know Christ we tend to get rid of the "big" sins, but then often we start to tolerate what some call, "respectable sins".

How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?


How To Pursue Holiness But Not Become Self-Righteous?

How does the believer pursue holiness and yet not become self-righteous? How do we combat self-righteousness and pride?

Faith Is Based On What Is Not Seen


Faith Is Based On What Is Not Seen

Faith embraces what is not seen. Think of all that you and I have not received as believers and yet we are by faith trusting the Lord that these realities will come to pass. He sees when we see what this world can't s...

Process Of Progressive Sanctification


Process Of Progressive Sanctification

The Holy Spirit within the believer marks the beginning of the progressive sanctification process for the believer.

Read Anti-Christian Site, Left Church, Left Faith, Left Wife


Read Anti-Christian Site, Left Church, Left Faith, Left Wife

Geoff describes the progression of apostasy that happened in someone's life. They started reading an anti-Christian, atheistic site...

Keep The Faith And Finish The Race


Keep The Faith And Finish The Race

Do you have an objective like Paul's, to keep the faith and to not abandon Christ?

Are You Satisfied With What Jesus Has Done?


Are You Satisfied With What Jesus Has Done?

Are you satisfied with what Jesus has done on the cross? Or are you saying, "Jesus died, yes, but I must..." You must what?

What Is The Object of Your Faith?


What Is The Object of Your Faith?

Nothing can be the object of saving faith except what God has revealed in His Word. So what has the Lord revealed in His Word?

John’s Gospel: What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved? (Part 2)


John’s Gospel: What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved? (Part 2)

Ask Pastor Tim Conway | This study is a follow-up to, "What Do I Need To Do To Be Saved?..."

Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?


Postmillennialism: This Age And The Age To Come?

Does the Bible teach postmillennialism? Does your eschatology view fit with a two-age program or something else?

What Does It Mean To Work Out Your Own Salvation?


What Does It Mean To Work Out Your Own Salvation?

Reading Philippians chapter two and asked this question: “What does it mean to work out your own salvation?”

There Will Be Many Surprises On Judgment Day


There Will Be Many Surprises On Judgment Day

What a powerfully used passage Matthew 7:21-23 has been in the last decade. It contains words of our Lord Jesus that have been used by God to shake many out of a state of false religion.

Kingdom Math: 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover


Kingdom Math: 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover

Kingdom math is 5 Loaves + 2 Fish - 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover. Are you convinced that such a math equation works?

No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender


No More Bargaining, Unconditional Surrender

Conversion brings true surrender, and your negotiating days are over. It is no more bargaining; instead, it is unconditional surrender.

The Discipline of Grace


The Discipline of Grace

The grace that saves is a grace that sustains and motivates the believer. Grace teaches the believer to be godly in this present world.

Is Christ’s Return Imminent?


Is Christ’s Return Imminent?

Is it possible that Jesus could come back at any moment? Or are there certain events that must take place first before He comes?

What Does Progressive Sanctification Look Like?


What Does Progressive Sanctification Look Like?

What does progressive sanctification look like in a believer's life? Growth is something that you cannot see a dramatic...

Don’t Blame God Because You Don’t Believe


Don’t Blame God Because You Don’t Believe

Don't blame God because you don't believe. You're not having faith is not God's fault. Come to Christ and be saved!

Do You Mourn Over Sin, or the Consequences of Sin?


Do You Mourn Over Sin, or the Consequences of Sin?

Repentance includes a sorrow over sin, but it is actually possible to sorrow over sin without hungering after righteousness.

Believers Who Go to Heaven – What Do They Look Like?


Believers Who Go to Heaven – What Do They Look Like?

Believers who go to heaven? How can you know you are a believer who goes to heaven?

Is Your Hope on the Joy of Heaven?


Is Your Hope on the Joy of Heaven?

What one of your hopes do you want to come to pass more than all the rest? Is your ultimate hope fixed on the joy of seeing Christ in heaven?

Faith Is Not Like Sitting In a Chair!


Faith Is Not Like Sitting In a Chair!

Have you ever heard the illustration that says faith in Christ is like sitting in a chair? That's not faith; that is just doing statistical analysis and realizing...

I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow


I Asked The Lord That I Might Grow

A hymn written by John Newton in 1779. I asked the Lord that I might grow in faith, and love, and every grace...

Repentance is Not a Work


Repentance is Not a Work

At the same time as we affirm that justification is through faith alone, we also must affirm what the bible says about another topic: repentance.

There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God


There is Only One Way to be Accepted by God

The heart of the gospel is that there is a way to obtain the righteousness of God apart from the law and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. There is only one way we can be accepted before God, and that is by havin...

The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 2)


The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 2)

In our battle against the Devil, one of the essential parts of the armor is the breastplate of righteousness.

What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)


What is “The Rapture?” (Eschatology 101)

A teaching that has become very widespread within mainstream Christianity is the idea of the rapture. This view is very popular, but is it biblical?