Kingdom Math: 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover

Category: Full Sermons

Kingdom math is 5 Loaves + 2 Fish – 20,000 Ate = 12 Baskets Leftover. Are you convinced that such a math equation works? We can be so prone to doubt that we forget the Lord’s ability to provide. The Lord gives this account of the loaves four times. It is a constant reminder to us of the Lord’s provision.

0:00 – The Bible and math…
7:04 – The text, John 6.
17:52 – “What are they (the few loaves) for so many?”
30:05 – Think of Israel, we may see God work and be anxious the next day.
34:32 – Christ wants them to review their math lessons.
49:32 – Greater than less than math problems.
57:20 – Closing prayer.