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Examples of Unwise Counsel to Awakened Sinners


Examples of Unwise Counsel to Awakened Sinners

Nettelton's feelings were often severely tried by the unwise counsel which some professing Christians were in the habit of giving to awakened sinners.

Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery


Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery

Surrendering to Christ is not drudgery. We are surrendering to His kindness and goodness. We should not fight against the Lord's will because...

Surrendering to His Love


Surrendering to His Love

Express your absolute allegiance to Christ and be surrendered to His love. Be able to say, "Lord, You are enough; and if I have You, though You strip everything else away, I am satisfied."

Believing in Eternal Punishment Matters


Believing in Eternal Punishment Matters

First, if conscious eternal punishment is not true, then ultimately one can sin against God and get by with it. Second, if there is not the danger of men being "tormented forever...

Let Go and Let God?


Let Go and Let God?

I don't think I hear this from any of you folks, but you know people say, "Let go and let God." And you know we can talk about abiding in Christ and we have to be careful that we don't see...

Obtain a Testimony by Faith, Not Feelings


Obtain a Testimony by Faith, Not Feelings

When I started out, on the Christian faith, I did not have any feelings. I had no flashing lights. I just saw, this is right. The word of God is true.

Self-Righteously Trying to Save Myself: David Brainerd’s Testimony


Self-Righteously Trying to Save Myself: David Brainerd’s Testimony

When reading the Life and Diary of David Brainerd I was struck by how self-righteous Brainerd was as a lost person prior to being saved. Many of the...

Redemption Through His Blood


Redemption Through His Blood

Take a look at Christ's blood being spilled and God's wrath that was unleashed upon Him; and suddenly you recognize there is a price, and it is an infinite price...

Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?


Why Do You Call Me “Lord, Lord,” and Not Do What I Tell You?

Jesus taught that the real proof of being genuinely saved is not by saying, "Lord, Lord," but by our walk. Do your actions reflect what your lips proclaim to believe?

Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?


Wait For My Boyfriend to Get Saved Again?

This Ask Pastor Tim deals with the question, "If I broke up with my boyfriend because he stopped being a Christian, is it OK to wait for him...

Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent


Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent

If Jesus Christ is not the center of our message to the lost, then we have nothing that can change lost men's minds. Yet upon hearing of Christ...

Why Did Jesus Die?


Why Did Jesus Die?

Why did Jesus die? It's a question that causes many to say, "Why ask that? We all know the answer already." Most are quick to say "He died to forgive us", which He did.

God the Just and the Justifier of the Wicked


God the Just and the Justifier of the Wicked

In His death on the Cross, He has paid in full the penalty due to us for our sin by bearing the wrath and anger of God that we deserve. Therefore God is just...

Gentile Dogs Have Hope Too


Gentile Dogs Have Hope Too

We should be amazed that even us, the Gentiles, have been included and have salvation and hope too. We are not going to perish forever and forever because of God's incredible mercy...

How To Do It


How To Do It

The fact of the matter is, the Bible is not a How-To book; it is a What-To book. God tells us what to do, what must be done, what is our responsibility according to His laws and principles.

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian


Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian

When you start talking this way people want to label you as antinomian, you know saying, "You guys just allow everything." No, that's not it...

Authentic Christianity


Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity is a thorn in the side of this popular culture of the world in which we live in. The light of Jesus Christ in you, will have an effect...

Christ The True Vine (Part 1)


Christ The True Vine (Part 1)

We come to Jesus Christ alone, and look to His finished work alone, to be received by faith alone, regarding our right standing. But we don't move on from Jesus to begin to live the Christian life and bear much fruit....

Praising God For Our Adoption


Praising God For Our Adoption

In expressing to you the doctrine of adoption, we realize that somebody can be adopted and not really recognize what that is. Being adopted is one thing, but recognizing you are adopted is...

Appreciating Our Adoption


Appreciating Our Adoption

Many Reformed theologians consider adoption to be the very highest privilege that the Gospel offers. Yet, it seems that the church has historically neglected this doctrine...

God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness


God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness

How can we pray that with confidence? Because God's unlimited resources are available for the believer's holiness and conformity to Jesus Christ.

God’s People Are Saints


God’s People Are Saints

God writes His name on His people, and the name He writes is one that reflects His own righteousness and holiness. Believers are repeatedly called saints.

The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel


The Glory of God Displayed in the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ displays the glory of God in the fullest sense. Man's wisdom could never come up with what God has done in the gospel.

Are There Two Judgments?


Are There Two Judgments?

It sound like there's a judgment at the very end, and also a judgment immediately after a person's death. Does this mean that there are two judgments?

Swimming Where the Cleansing Waters Are (Part 7)


Swimming Where the Cleansing Waters Are (Part 7)

There really are things you can do to be splashing in the water that cleanses and there are things you can do that take you away from there. It is possible by your own actions...

Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)


Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Part 11)

The last four verses of Daniel 9 are rich with prophecy concerning the great atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many try to find the anti-Christ in these verses, but it is Christ we need to look for here.

Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples


Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples

It appears that you are saying that one can be a Christian, a convert, and yet not be a disciple. I would say that all Christians are disciples.

Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?


Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?

We are not called to have faith in our faith. There is a different object of faith that the writer of Hebrews is pleading with you here in verse...

Encouragement To Endure to the End


Encouragement To Endure to the End

Every true Christian is in the battle of enduring and persevering faith and it is the most strenuous battle on earth. In Hebrews 10:39 it says those...

Pastors: Lead the Church in Faith!


Pastors: Lead the Church in Faith!

The faith of Scripture is not doing something based upon mathematical probability, which says that it will works out most of the time. Rather God calls us to a faith like Abraham's...

It’s Trustworthy that Christ Saves Sinners


It’s Trustworthy that Christ Saves Sinners

Does anybody get weary of all the opinions and empty promises in our world and long for a word of truth? We all want something that we can rest our souls on and confide in.

The Power Behind Our Sanctification (Part 4)


The Power Behind Our Sanctification (Part 4)

Though Paul says we have a responsibility to cleanse ourselves, we must remember that the power behind our sanctification is not found in us...

Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?


Is Being Blotted Out of the “Book of Life” Losing My Salvation?

It's very interesting how many people look at Revelation 3:5 and say, "Oh look, you can be blotted out of God's book of life." Yet it says exactly the opposite...

Believer: You’re Dead to Sin (Part 3)


Believer: You’re Dead to Sin (Part 3)

What truth is it that Paul wants us to be gripped by? That we are dead to sin and that in our union with Christ our relationship to sin has been severed...

The Christian’s Self Cleansing (Part 2)


The Christian’s Self Cleansing (Part 2)

The people who Paul calls to "cleanse" themselves “from every defilement of body and spirit” are called “beloved”. It is only by being one of the beloved...

The Christian’s Self Cleansing (Part 1)


The Christian’s Self Cleansing (Part 1)

2 Corinthians 7:1 - Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.

The Christian Life is One of Death to Self


The Christian Life is One of Death to Self

The roots of our hearts have grown down into things, and we dare not pull up one rootlet lest we die. Things have become necessary to us...

The Narrow Way to Life


The Narrow Way to Life

Yet on the narrow way to life one is bound to Jesus Christ and reliant on Him. There are going to be such powers that are going to resist you in this world...

Life Transformation Will Always Accompany Forgiveness


Life Transformation Will Always Accompany Forgiveness

Life transformation will always accompany the forgiveness of our sins. Always. When God declares the sinner righteous, legally they're forgiven; it always accompanies...

Today some say that to demand repentance by sinners is to demand works for salvation. But if preaching repentance means preaching works, then lay the charge at John’s feet and Jesus’ feet as well. Then go ahead and make the same charge toward Peter and Paul.

Leonard Ravenhill, In Light of Eternity pg. 551

The worst sin of all is the false thinking about God of which the natural man is so terribly guilty.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Romans, vol. 7, p. 44