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Your Life’s Ambition


Your Life’s Ambition

Listen, there is only one valid goal in life – to live for God and love Him supremely.

You’re Dead to Sin, But Still at War


You’re Dead to Sin, But Still at War

Sin will plead to you and say, "Just spare me, I'm just a little one!" But give it no accommodation. Remember, you're dead to sin. You can do this clinging to Christ.

You Must Overcome!


You Must Overcome!

Revelation 3:21 says those who overcome, and conquer will receive the Crown of Life. Are you overcoming against the temptation that the devils hurls at you? And through the power of Your Spirit We can overcome, we will overcome, we must overcome!

You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!


You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!

That's what God's grace does, it makes a difference in people's lives. "I don't have to look!" Brother and sister, you don't have to click it! Guess what? You don't have to do it!

You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You


You Cannot Blame God for What Happened to You

Diego grew up in the church and only by God's Grace was saved in Christ alone at a older age. He was molested by a Catholic Priest when he was younger. He could of easily blamed God and denied the Lord because of the sins of a human sinner.

You Are Not Most Important


You Are Not Most Important

One of the biggest battles Christians face in their church is with selfishness. Christians should not be consumed with themselves and their own interests.

Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?


Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?

In your daily Christian life do you find yourself getting away and being alone with the Lord? Or are you continually being interrupted?

Will God Give Me Life?


Will God Give Me Life?

True life is to know the Lord intimately, but sin interrupts this. One of the greatest griefs behind sin is how it affects the Christian's fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace


Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace

My life may and will have many problems, but there is no reason for me to ever lose my peace.

Why is This World the Way That It Is?


Why is This World the Way That It Is?

There are two very important questions we all should be asking: 1. Why are things the way they are in this world? 2. How do we fix it?

Whom Shall I Fear? The Lord is My Light


Whom Shall I Fear? The Lord is My Light

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Where Does Sin Come From?


Where Does Sin Come From?

Carnal logic is ever so prevalent where men begin to talk about where sin came from.

What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked


What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked

It may be easy to not allow our body to go to sinful places. But what are we to do when we find our mind being bombarded by wicked things?

What To Do When You’re Snared


What To Do When You’re Snared

Trapped! Ensnared! Captured! What the enemy is unable to do by open assault he often can easily accomplish by subtlety. The first thing the Bible says about...

What Should Make Us Angry?


What Should Make Us Angry?

We typically think of anger as a work of the flesh that we need to put to death and flee from. And in most cases it certainly is, but there actually is a time and place to be angry.

What Question Do You Get Asked the Most? Unpardonable Sin


What Question Do You Get Asked the Most? Unpardonable Sin

Tim Conway was asked about what question he gets tired the most of hearing as a pastor. His answer was that he has constantly had questions from people who are tormented by the belief that they have committed the unpardonable sin.

What is the Sin that Leads to Death?


What is the Sin that Leads to Death?

First John 5:16 says that "there is sin that leads to death" and in the context of this letter he is dealing with those false prophets that are false to the true Christ.

What is Sin?


What is Sin?

Tim does a bible study talking about "sin" and transgressions of the law.

What is My Ministry?


What is My Ministry?

So often Christians think "I've got to have a ministry", but do you know what ministry means?

What is “the flesh?”


What is “the flesh?”

Eddie says, "I was meditating on our struggle with the flesh." Is this you, Eddie? No? Different Eddie. "I was meditating on our struggle with the flesh, and came...

What Hebrews 10:26 Does Not Mean (Part 1)


What Hebrews 10:26 Does Not Mean (Part 1)

Christians fear and tremble by design, Jeremiah 32:40 says so. This is not the type of fear that draws people away, it is the type of fear that draws them nearer.

What Hebrews 10:26 Does Mean (Part 2)


What Hebrews 10:26 Does Mean (Part 2)

The Scriptures teach that where there is forgiveness through Christ there is no longer any offering(Heb 10.18) that a person needs to make for the atonement of their sins. The Scriptures also teach that if you reject the truth of Christ, which is the only place of forgiveness, there remains no longer any other place to find a sacrifice for your sins(Heb. 10.26).

What Does Satan Fear?


What Does Satan Fear?

What does Satan fear? He doesn't fear Calvinism; he fears God, and he fears Christians who know how to pray in such a way that God comes.

What Does Jesus Mean, “My Peace I Give to You”?


What Does Jesus Mean, “My Peace I Give to You”?

Jesus speaks some profound words in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.

What Does it Mean to Live in Habitual Sin?


What Does it Mean to Live in Habitual Sin?

What does it look like when someone is living in habitual sin? How is it different from someone who is a believer simply struggling against sin?

What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?


What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?

QUESTION: Hi pastor, i have a real concern about what Jesus said to his disciples, "he that is not willing to deny himself, take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple" I see so many Christians buying luxurious cars and living in mansions, treating themselves with every pleasure that this world can offer and it seems as if there is no conviction or even thought about what Jesus said to his disciples.Can you please clarify or explain what does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?and deny yourself what? What was Jesus talking about?

What Do We Do When the Winds of Corinth Blow Among Us?


What Do We Do When the Winds of Corinth Blow Among Us?

As Paul addressed the sin issues in the church at Corinth, so Tim Conway had to address the church in San Antonio.

We Were Children of Wrath (Part 5)


We Were Children of Wrath (Part 5)

By nature people are children of wrath and in trouble with an angry God who is a consuming fire. The lost must be saved from the just judgment...

We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins


We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins

The Bible mentions besetting sins, but we need to remember that when it mentions them, it tells us to lay them aside.

We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves


We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves

If we get our minds off of ourselves and get our minds on our brother's and sisters, and especially our minds in worship on the Lord Jesus Christ...

Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin


Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin

I'll Be Honest: Sexual Sin Connected With Wasting Time | Is there any connection between sexual sin and wasted time? Does the believer go from boredom to temptation?

Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?


Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?

When we speak as Christians about "us and them", isn't the very nature of those pronouns divisive talk? The Bible doesn't teach us, "black and white"...

Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations


Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations

Do you neglect to reach out to certain people groups in your own life for some wrong reason?

Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)


Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)

We need to truthfully deal with our sin and consider what the Bible says about sin.

This is War


This is War

Listen to me, how often do you cry out to God for greater and greater manifestations of the Spirit's power in your life? Two things about the Holy Spirit one is that we must be asking for greater manifestation of the Spirits power in our life and we must be careful. Walk on eggshells that we not grieve the Holy Spirit. What a precious treasure, that we not grieve Him. Well these are just some principles that I thought might help you because they both hurt and helped me so let's pray.

Think You’ve Committed the Unpardonable Sin? Find a Promise


Think You’ve Committed the Unpardonable Sin? Find a Promise

Are you despairing because you believe you've committed the unpardonable sin? You don't so much need the words and counsel of people; you need a promise from God's Word...

The Unpardonable Sin – Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit


The Unpardonable Sin – Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

How do I know that I have not sinned to a point where I cannot be forgiven? What if I have committed to the unpardonable sin?

The Unpardonable Sin


The Unpardonable Sin

It is not the unpardonable sin which hinders your being a Christian; but your wickedness of heart, your pride, vanity, and insincerity.

The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust


The Truth Sets You Free from Sexual Lust

If a believer who fights against sexual lust can but look and realize that resisting temptation here is but for a moment. Yet in a brief vapor...

The Sin of Omission


The Sin of Omission

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin(the sin of omission).