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I’ll Be Honest: The Hidden Dangers of Emotional Affairs and Adultery


I’ll Be Honest: The Hidden Dangers of Emotional Affairs and Adultery

Emotional affairs often begin subtly, forming deep, inappropriate attachments that can devastate marriages and dishonor God.

What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?


What Is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

I want it to be so clear what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, so that you can conclude, I hope, that you have not committed it...

Pardonable Sins and The One That Is Not


Pardonable Sins and The One That Is Not

In this sermon on Mark 3, we explore the context of Jesus' teachings on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, distinguishing it from other sins that can be forgiven.

What Is Demonic Oppression?


What Is Demonic Oppression?

This sermon delves into what the Bible teaches about demonic oppression and possession, providing scriptural insights and practical observations to help understand this matter. 0:00 Sermon Opening 5:22 Is It Demon...

Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)


Demons: Who They Are & What They Do (Part 1)

The reason most cultures have categories for "the supernatural and spirit possession" is not because they are backwards or pre-modern...

Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price


Self-Gratification? Don’t Sell Times of Intimacy With God at Such a Cheap Price

"However, one particular sin has barely changed: the sin of masturbation. I've been heavily addicted since I was 12..."

How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today


How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety Today

Let's turn in our Bibles to Philippians to develop then things that Stuart said on Wednesday. Philippians 4 verse , Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone....

Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace


Why There’s No Reason to Ever Lose Your Peace

My life may and will have many problems, but there is no reason for me to ever lose my peace.

Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)


Truthfully Dealing With Sin (Part 1)

We need to truthfully deal with our sin and consider what the Bible says about sin.

Killing Forbidden Sexual Desires By The Holy Spirit’s Power


Killing Forbidden Sexual Desires By The Holy Spirit’s Power

I guarantee you this… the Spirit of God has power to kill every single sexual, elicit sexual desire you have. Undoubtedly! By the power of the Spirit...

Delivered by Desire: Christians & Sexual Purity (Audiobook)


Delivered by Desire: Christians & Sexual Purity (Audiobook)

Delivered by Desire: The Encouraging Truth About Christians and Sexual Purity, written by Daryl Wingerd. Fighting lust and overcoming pornography addiction...

Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin


Wasting Your Time Leading To Sexual Sin

I'll Be Honest: Sexual Sin Connected With Wasting Time | Is there any connection between sexual sin and wasted time? Does the believer go from boredom to temptation?

A 5-year-old Saved, Convicted Her Anger Was Murder


A 5-year-old Saved, Convicted Her Anger Was Murder

And she said, "I've committed murder." And I said, "Now, hold on, hold on. What have you... How have you committed murder?"

What Does Jesus Mean, “My Peace I Give to You”?


What Does Jesus Mean, “My Peace I Give to You”?

Jesus speaks some profound words in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.

Plagued With Blasphemous & Suicidal Thoughts – Lloyd-Jones’ Counsel


Plagued With Blasphemous & Suicidal Thoughts – Lloyd-Jones’ Counsel

I seriously contemplated suicide. It was at this juncture that I asked Doctor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, for help.

Saved From A More Terrible Despair Than The Unpardonable Sin


Saved From A More Terrible Despair Than The Unpardonable Sin

When going into counseling this lady Ichabod thought, "I had expected the old affair of the 'unpardonable sin,' or 'sin against the Holy Ghost;'...

Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations


Unknown People Sharing The Gospel To All Nations

Do you neglect to reach out to certain people groups in your own life for some wrong reason?

Lust Is Not a 15-minute-a-day Problem – Exert Extreme Self-Control


Lust Is Not a 15-minute-a-day Problem – Exert Extreme Self-Control

Exert extreme self-control over your body if you want to overcome lust for lust is not some minor sin.

Lust & Adultery: What Are Your Actions Doing To God?


Lust & Adultery: What Are Your Actions Doing To God?

What is lust? Lust is adultery. What is lust? It's desiring what adultery would accomplish but doing it in our minds.

“This Temptation Is Just Too Difficult” – Battling Besetting Sin


“This Temptation Is Just Too Difficult” – Battling Besetting Sin

What is some advice you can give to me when fighting besetting sin? What about when I feel like the temptation is just too difficult?

Spiritual Warfare – Are You Aware Of The Battle?


Spiritual Warfare – Are You Aware Of The Battle?

Paul says there are spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Do you ever stop and think about the spiritual warfare that is happening all around us?

How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?


How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?

Can you give Biblical advice on how to battle in spiritual warfare? How do I win spiritual battles?

Does The Immense Peace of God Guard Your Heart?


Does The Immense Peace of God Guard Your Heart?

Paul speaks about not being anxious but instead having God's peace guard your heart and mind. Do you bring your cares and concerns to Christ and not pick them up again and worry about them, but leave them to the Lord Jesus?

Navigating the Conversion Therapy Controversy


Navigating the Conversion Therapy Controversy

In this sermon, Tim talks about some of the current issues Christians are facing. Will some be arrested...

Can A Believer Struggle With Drug Addiction?


Can A Believer Struggle With Drug Addiction?

If a professing believer came to you and confessed to a struggle with drug addiction, how would you counsel them? What would you say from the Scriptures in order to point them in the right direction?

Job: Sovereignty, Satan, and Suffering


Job: Sovereignty, Satan, and Suffering

Satan is on a quest to destroy the faith of God's people, and yet God is on a quest to strengthen the faith of God's people.

Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?


Anxious? Are You Believing God Made The Universe?

Anxious? I meet, a lot of Christians who tell me I've struggled with anxiety. I've never had a Christian come up to me and say...

Satan Is Bound The Word of God is Not Bound


Satan Is Bound The Word of God is Not Bound

The Bible teaches that Satan is bound (Revelation 20:1-3), but God's Word is not bound (2 Timothy 2:8-9). These truths give us Gentiles a glorious hope...

Not Enabling The Depressed and Anxious to Remain There


Not Enabling The Depressed and Anxious to Remain There

Scripture doesn’t commend a person for being depressed or anxious, nor should we. We shouldn’t give that person room to think it’s OK...

Christ’s Call to Die to Self


Christ’s Call to Die to Self

Christ gives us four examples that reveal our constant tendency to be watching out for ourselves and our self-interest.

Adultery In The Heart


Adultery In The Heart

Jesus compares this war on lust with someone cutting off their own limb or gouging out their own eye. We must deal drastically with sin...

You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!


You Don’t Have To Look and Lust!

That's what God's grace does, it makes a difference in people's lives. "I don't have to look!" Brother and sister, you don't have to click it! Guess what? You don't have to do it!

Pornography: Slaying The Dragon


Pornography: Slaying The Dragon

Pornography is nothing short of damnable filth that dishonors God. You need to slay this dragon or it's going to slay you.

Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin


Abortion Is Not An Unforgivable Sin

Sister, know this: abortion is not an unforgivable sin. It is not unforgivable. Honest. Jesus Christ paid the penalty on that cross...

Abstain From Sexual Immorality


Abstain From Sexual Immorality

1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality.

We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins


We Need To Lay Aside Our Besetting Sins

The Bible mentions besetting sins, but we need to remember that when it mentions them, it tells us to lay them aside.

How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?


How Can I Lust and Sin Against God?

Christian, the next time you're severely tempted and enticed to yield to sexual sin, just remember that your sin is against God. Just remember that...

The Anatomy of the Conflict


The Anatomy of the Conflict

What does the spiritual war look like for the believer? The enemy targets and attacks the mind of the believer.

The Schemes of the Enemy (Part 1)


The Schemes of the Enemy (Part 1)

Do you perceive the subtle schemes of the enemy that are set against you to destroy you? It could be as subtle as having a strong desire to number how many...

The Christian’s Call to Battle: An Introduction


The Christian’s Call to Battle: An Introduction

If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, you've been enlisted in the war against the Devil. And you can't use the doctrine of eternal security to delude...