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What Do You Think of Christ?


What Do You Think of Christ?

Asking someone what they think about Jesus Christ is one of the most telling questions you can ask...

Christian, Are You Refusing God?


Christian, Are You Refusing God?

Refusing God is not always an outright defiance like Pharaoh saying "Who is the Lord that I should obey Him?"

How You Help Me Be Holy


How You Help Me Be Holy

Having fellowship with like-minded believers is a vital part in our sanctification and being made more holy.

Do You Truly Know the Lord?


Do You Truly Know the Lord?

Paul Washer takes us to II Corinthians 5 to challenge us to check our hearts and see if we have a true relationship with the Lord.

A Pure Bride Without Blemish


A Pure Bride Without Blemish

The Lord is well aware of our "wrinkles", and He so loves us that He is taking them out one by one.

Behold Now is the Acceptable Time

Behold Now is the Acceptable Time

There will come a day when we will all die. None of us knows when that day will be.

Preservation of the Saints

Preservation of the Saints

The apostle Paul here was entirely confident that the saints at Philippi would make it. Here are four reasons why...

The Beauty of Holiness

The Beauty of Holiness

God puts a premium on the beauty of holiness. Physical beauty is relatively meaningless to God.

How Shall We Sin?


How Shall We Sin?

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? - Romans 6:1-2

Live on the Gospel Day by Day


Live on the Gospel Day by Day

If you've already been saved by this Gospel, you need to live today and tomorrow and the rest of your life on it.

Do You Know What the Cross Means?


Do You Know What the Cross Means?

Do you know what the Cross means? The Cross means you are bad enough to go to hell and you needed...

Obedience Leads to Knowing God More


Obedience Leads to Knowing God More

The irony of the Christian is that they know the Lord and yet what they want more than anything else is to know the Lord more.

7 Questions About God’s Discipline


7 Questions About God’s Discipline

My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him.

God’s Solution: Justification & Regeneration


God’s Solution: Justification & Regeneration

Justification & regeneration are two great miracles that stand at the very heart and center of the gospel.

Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance


Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance

One of the tests of assurance in a persons life is how do they act when nobody is watching.

The Believer Bears Much Fruit (Part 2)


The Believer Bears Much Fruit (Part 2)

Many times people hear about the necessity to bear fruit, but some people may respond by trying harder in their own strength.

The Believer Bears Much Fruit


The Believer Bears Much Fruit

When it comes to good fruit in a person's life it is not so much about what they don't do as it is about what they are doing.

Identifying Weights That Slow You Down


Identifying Weights That Slow You Down

Tim gives some practical examples of identifying things in your life which are not necessarily bad but should be replaced with that which is better and more excellent.

How Do I Run to Christ?


How Do I Run to Christ?

Many people hear the phrases “Run to Christ,” “Look to Christ,” “Come to Christ,” and they get worn out trying to run, look, and come.

Lay Aside Every Weight


Lay Aside Every Weight

Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race.

The Man Who Lied Only Once


The Man Who Lied Only Once

Would someone still go to hell if he tells a small lie to someone, 5 minutes before Jesus returns?

The Mark of True Faith


The Mark of True Faith

The mark of true faith is that someone believes God's Word.

By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea


By Faith the People Crossed the Red Sea

By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned. - Hebrews 11:29

The Calculations of True Faith


The Calculations of True Faith

The true Christian is the most logical person in the world because by faith he has done the math right and calculated correctly.

The Race of Faith


The Race of Faith

Hebrews 11 gives some of the most helpful statements made about faith in all of the Bible, as far as identifying where faith is.

Thank God for Sarah


Thank God for Sarah

By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised. - Hebrews 11:11

Understanding the Book of Revelation


Understanding the Book of Revelation

In this brief Bible Study Tim discusses how looking for repetition in the Scripture is a method to use in order to understand apocalyptic language.

What Saving Faith Looks Like


What Saving Faith Looks Like

Faith is building a life on what God says. That's believing. Saving faith does not run from the unknown.

The Superior Single Sacrifice of Christ


The Superior Single Sacrifice of Christ

He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Are You Protected in the Ark of Christ?


Are You Protected in the Ark of Christ?

Noah was basing his whole life and decisions on something unseen... on a God who is unseen, who warned him about an unseen flood.

Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold


Christ Wants You Either Hot or Cold

If Christ is better than the things of the world, then go after Him with abandon, be sold out for Christ.

Getting the Errors in My Theology Corrected


Getting the Errors in My Theology Corrected

Josue testifies that until 2002 his theology had been full of errors. Yet in God's mercy he heard Paul Washer preach and the Lord opened his eyes.

Faith is NOT About Looking at Yourself


Faith is NOT About Looking at Yourself

Where is it that so many go wrong? Most men boast in themselves and stack up their own credentials in order to try to earn favor with God, yet the truth is they are sinners and need Christ.

Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?


Abel Still Speaks, What is He Saying?

There is nothing recorded in the Bible of what Abel actually said. So how does his offering speak to us? We must look at his life and see what it says about faith and imitate it.

Fact, Faith, Feelings


Fact, Faith, Feelings

The proper place of feelings in the Christian life. "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." John 14:1

God Exposes Your Sin in Order to Save You


God Exposes Your Sin in Order to Save You

God will not expose your sin to laugh at you or mock you or to ridicule you, He will expose it in order to make you one of His children.

How Do You Represent Christ on Facebook?


How Do You Represent Christ on Facebook?

Tim reproves those in the church who are poorly representing Christ on Facebook. The root issue obviously isn't the Facebook account, it's the person, it's their heart and that's being expressed by ones Facebook.

Making Your Calling and Election Sure


Making Your Calling and Election Sure

In conversion we are only a looker, not a worker, but now that we are saved we are a farmer; we are a worker.

The Pinnacle of God’s Saving Plan

The Pinnacle of God’s Saving Plan

This sermon also goes by the name "Penal Substitutionary Atonement." Paul Washer starts the message with a strong exhortation to pastors.

How to Define Faith


How to Define Faith

Faith is the firm assurance and conviction that the invisible God is who He says He is and will do what He has promised to do.