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What Does Satan Fear?


What Does Satan Fear?

What does Satan fear? He doesn't fear Calvinism; he fears God, and he fears Christians who know how to pray in such a way that God comes.

What Question Do You Get Asked the Most? Unpardonable Sin


What Question Do You Get Asked the Most? Unpardonable Sin

Tim Conway was asked about what question he gets tired the most of hearing as a pastor. His answer was that he has constantly had questions from people who are tormented by the belief that they have committed the unpardonable sin.

Jesus, You Are My All in All


Jesus, You Are My All in All

​This is a version of the song All in All that was written by Dennis Jernigan, who was mercifully saved in 1981 out of false Christianity and homosexuality.

Don’t Let the Devil Lull You to Sleep


Don’t Let the Devil Lull You to Sleep

God calls us to stay awake, but the Devil is doing all that he can to lull us to sleep.

Standing in Evil Days


Standing in Evil Days

It is easy to stand in the days that are pleasant, but how many Christians are able to stand in the evil day? Each of us will face the evil day when we experience...

Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality


Don’t Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality

A prominent sin in the day we live in is sexual immorality, and this sin is also given fierce warnings in the Bible. We need to remember that warnings of sexual immorality...

If You Can’t Forgive, You Don’t Believe


If You Can’t Forgive, You Don’t Believe

Bitterness and unforgiveness can have such a strong grip on the heart. The only thing that can melt it is looking at Christ on the cross dying for our sins. If the cross of Christ...

Dealing With Idols That Creep Into our Lives


Dealing With Idols That Creep Into our Lives

What should we do about idols that creep into our lives and hinder our walk? We live in a generation where distractions from technology are at an all-time high...

What Should Make Us Angry?


What Should Make Us Angry?

We typically think of anger as a work of the flesh that we need to put to death and flee from. And in most cases it certainly is, but there actually is a time and place to be angry.

Good Anger & Bad Anger


Good Anger & Bad Anger

Christians have been recreated in the likeness of God, and one of God's attributes that we're actually called to have is anger.

The Seed of the Woman & The Serpent


The Seed of the Woman & The Serpent

A major theme in the Bible is the battle between Christ and the Devil. We see this promised from the very beginning in Genesis 3. Because of the Fall...

Why is This World the Way That It Is?


Why is This World the Way That It Is?

There are two very important questions we all should be asking: 1. Why are things the way they are in this world? 2. How do we fix it?

God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences


God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences

Praise be to God that He forgives our sins and that we won't have to go to hell for them. But this doesn't mean that there will not be fierce and severe consequences for our sin.

What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked


What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked

It may be easy to not allow our body to go to sinful places. But what are we to do when we find our mind being bombarded by wicked things?

Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts


Mind Battles: Victory Over Wrong Thoughts

There are many wars that have taken place and are taking place in this world. But one of the greatest wars constantly taking place is in the mind of Christians.

Secret Sins


Secret Sins

If we want to have joy in our walk with God, if we want sweet fellowship with other Christians, if we want to be useful and effective in our service...

You Are Not Most Important


You Are Not Most Important

One of the biggest battles Christians face in their church is with selfishness. Christians should not be consumed with themselves and their own interests.

Love For Christ Overcomes Sexual Immorality


Love For Christ Overcomes Sexual Immorality

There are practical things to consider when seeking to overcome sexual sin. But if love for Christ is lacking, all other means and methods won't last.

Choose Life or Lust, Christ or Sexual Sin


Choose Life or Lust, Christ or Sexual Sin

Sexual sin has been a problem in all generations, but there's no question that our current generation faces it and has access to it far more than any other generation in history.

Satan’s Strategy to Accuse and Paralyze You With Doubt


Satan’s Strategy to Accuse and Paralyze You With Doubt

Satan will often try to shatter the believer's peace of mind by deceiving them into believing the conviction they are experiencing is from...

Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?


Am I Sinning by Not Ministering at an Abortion Clinic?

What should we think of Christians who are accusing other Christians and other churches of being in sin for not going to an abortion clinic to protest against the murders being committed?

Difference Between Good and Bad Anxiety


Difference Between Good and Bad Anxiety

How can you tell the difference between good and bad anxiety? Is your anxiety a desire in your heart to care for someone and it produces fruit? Or is it a lack of trust in the Lord and it produces sin and selfishness?

Christians Dealing With Panic Attacks and Anxiety


Christians Dealing With Panic Attacks and Anxiety

How should Christians deal with panic attacks and anxiety? Does the Bible have anything to say about these issues? More than that, is the Bible sufficient for us to deal with these?

Do Children Die For the Sin of Their Parents?


Do Children Die For the Sin of Their Parents?

Why does the Bible indicate in some places that God does not punish children for the sins of the father, and then in other places indicates the opposite?

Think You’ve Committed the Unpardonable Sin? Find a Promise


Think You’ve Committed the Unpardonable Sin? Find a Promise

Are you despairing because you believe you've committed the unpardonable sin? You don't so much need the words and counsel of people; you need a promise from God's Word...

Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin?


Are You Radical in Killing Sexual Sin?

For those who are falling into sexual sin, the root cause is that they've opened a door for it somewhere in their life. They must be violent and close the door they've opened...

Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity


Biblical Counsel to Walk in Sexual Purity

To walk in purity, the believer must not just focus on guarding themselves from the sin; but they must be actively pursuing Christ and being satisfied in Him.

I’m 99% Sure I Committed the Unpardonable Sin


I’m 99% Sure I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

People are often plagued with the thought they've truly committed the unpardonable sin. What kind of counsel do these people need?

Keys to Victory Over Sexual Sin

Keys to Victory Over Sexual Sin

The Bible gives us certain principles that will help us gain victory over sexual sin.

Our Lord’s Most Aggressive Command for Holiness


Our Lord’s Most Aggressive Command for Holiness

If a person is casual about their sin, they are in danger. Jesus Christ looked men directly in the eye and warned them that they will be thrown into hell unless...

Don’t Play With Sin

Don’t Play With Sin

Every Christian ought to be able to look at their conscience and find nothing between their souls and the Lord. If we find something that displeases the Lord, we need to put it to death immediately.

It’s Your Responsibility to Kill Sin

It’s Your Responsibility to Kill Sin

When it comes to killing sin, it's your personal responsibility. If you fail to kill sin in your life, it's not someone else's fault; it's your fault. You must be intentional and deliberate; not passive in this battle.

Practical Advice on Overcoming Anger


Practical Advice on Overcoming Anger

It never gets physical and I acknowledge it is a problem but I am really desperate for some wisdom and practical advice on overcoming anger.

Fitly Framed Together


Fitly Framed Together

It doesn't matter what shade of skin we have, but by reconciliation through the Cross, the door has been opened so that we actually have real communion...

The Anger and Joy of Jesus


The Anger and Joy of Jesus

Jesus' anger sprang from His recognition of the sources of man's fall - Satan and sin, but also death. The motives...

How Do You Kill Sin?


How Do You Kill Sin?

Christians must not be passive in putting sin to death; they must be proactive. We must never take an attitude of defeat. The Bible calls us to long-term...

Anxiety is a Waste of Time


Anxiety is a Waste of Time

If you give into anxiety you will reap fear, condemnation, and discouragement. Anxiety is a wasted choice that dishonors the Savior. Rather we must not yield to anxiety, but take everything to the Lord in prayer.

From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ


From Fear to Faith in the Face of Christ

One aspect of mortifying sin is killing our fears. Fear is a drug that makes us think wrongly and it's the beginning of defeat in any situation that...

Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian


Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian

Satan will call all of his hordes together to keep Christians from maintaining an intimate abiding experience with Christ. One strategy the devil will...

Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier


Christ Breaks Down Every Ethnic Barrier

Jesus smashed down the separations between the Jews and Gentiles. He did this that "He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace."