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Deliberate Holiness (Psalm 119:57)


Deliberate Holiness (Psalm 119:57)

David's attitude of deliberate holiness is impressive and something we should imitate. He is purposeful in his pursuit of holiness when he says in Psalm 119, “I promise to keep your words.”

Four Pillars of Walking with God


Four Pillars of Walking with God

Joy is not the result of obedience, joy is the result of what God has done. So now your joy is fixed on a fixed and stable source.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 2

This is the second of two messages in which Matthew 24 is explored. Jesus taught that His own generation would not pass away until the first part of this chapter was fulfilled.

A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1


A Venture into Hard Things: Part 1

Some have said that Matthew 24 is the most difficult chapter in the entire Bible. This is the first of two messages in which an attempt is made to try to make sense of this difficult chapter.

Others May, You Cannot


Others May, You Cannot

Others may you cannot - others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their success, of their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing, and if you begin it...

The Life of Faith is Not An Easy Path


The Life of Faith is Not An Easy Path

You can't walk by faith when you're trying to walk by sight and hold on to where you are and who you are.

Christian: You Can Fight Sin Because You’re New!


Christian: You Can Fight Sin Because You’re New!

I need a new heart. And I got news you for you: I have one! God made me new. He saved me. He took my heart...

The Life of Faith is a Life of Dying


The Life of Faith is a Life of Dying

We see that the life of faith is not easy, but one of dying to that which is dear to us and entrusting ourselves to the Lord.

The Just Shall Live by Faith


The Just Shall Live by Faith

As we learn to not trust in our own ability, we then constantly live on the reality of Christ living His life in us. That is, the just shall live by faith, as we look unto Jesus.

The Sitting Son of Man (Part 8)


The Sitting Son of Man (Part 8)

The last portion of Matthew 25 is not a parable, but an actual description of Judgement Day.

The Joy of the Lord (Part 7)


The Joy of the Lord (Part 7)

He who owns all will one day come and each of us will give an account for what we did with all that Christ gave to us.

The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)


The Finality of the Lord’s Coming (Part 6)

There are those in our churches who are wisely waiting for the Lord's coming and there are others who are foolishly unprepared as that great day approaches.

How We Grow in Our Love of God


How We Grow in Our Love of God

There is a Biblical way to grow in the love of God, and it is not to pull yourself up in your own strength and try to force yourself to love God more.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 5)


The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Part 5)

This sermon follows our Lord's teaching on His Second Coming from Luke 17. Our Lord is very clear that His coming is going to be public...

One New Man in the Place of the Two (Part 4)


One New Man in the Place of the Two (Part 4)

Many make a radical distinction between the church and Israel, but such a distinction simply does not exist as can be seen by the Apostle Paul's words in Ephesians 2.

Who is True Israel? (Part 3)


Who is True Israel? (Part 3)

The Bible teaches us that every single promise in the Old Testament that applied to a Jew also applies to us who are in Jesus Christ.

This Age and The Age to Come (Part 2)


This Age and The Age to Come (Part 2)

When we study eschatology we must not first launch out into the complex "calculus" of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation.

5 Reasons an Amillennialist Should Preach on Eschatology (Part 1)


5 Reasons an Amillennialist Should Preach on Eschatology (Part 1)

Why preach a series on eschatology? First, because Dispensational Premillennialism commandeers many of the promises that belong to the church.

The Gospel of Christ Powerfully Saves


The Gospel of Christ Powerfully Saves

The separation from God that you and I should experience throughout all of eternity was suffered for us by Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Non-burdensome Christianity


Non-burdensome Christianity

You basically have two kinds of professing Christians in the world: those who are deceived and find God's commandments burdensome...

True Christianity is Always the Activity of God


True Christianity is Always the Activity of God

True Christianity is always the activity of God and our faith is a reaction to God's initial call.

How to Know You Have the Holy Spirit


How to Know You Have the Holy Spirit

In this sermon Tim gives twelve proofs that the Bible gives us of the evidence of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life.

The Conversion of Paul


The Conversion of Paul

Until the conversion of Paul he was the one doing the talking, but when the Lord came to Paul his mouth was shut.

I Can’t Repent!


I Can’t Repent!

Still he insisted. “I can’t repent! I should if I could!” and the tears rolled down his cheeks, of which he seemed to go utterly unconscious...

Fulfill the Law of Christ


Fulfill the Law of Christ

Authors of the New Testament tell us to imitate the example of Christ and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).

Being Perfected by the Spirit


Being Perfected by the Spirit

As you seek to be perfected by the Spirit, you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

The Christian is Not Under the Law


The Christian is Not Under the Law

The Christian is not under the law, but is being changed into Christ's image as they live a life looking to Him.

Genuine Christianity Tested by Obedience


Genuine Christianity Tested by Obedience

The book of 1 John shows us that the difference between the lost and saved man is so clear that it is discernible and recognizable.

What’s Wrong With That!?


What’s Wrong With That!?

God does not intend for the Christian to always approach everything they do from a negative perspective by asking, "What's wrong with that?!"

We Live With Our Eyes On Christ


We Live With Our Eyes On Christ

The Galatians were wanting to be perfected and grow and advance in the Christian life...

Paul’s Gospel is Not According to Man


Paul’s Gospel is Not According to Man

In Galatians Paul is adamantly arguing that his Gospel came by the authority of Jesus Christ...

Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness


Don’t Justify Yourself While Walking in Darkness

To be walking in darkness does not just mean that you are living in scandalous sins, but it means your life is not regulated by the Word of God.

The Doctrine of Regeneration


The Doctrine of Regeneration

The doctrine of regeneration is one of the foundational doctrines of our faith and lack of clarity on it can lead to deadly error.

God’s Light Exposes the False Christian


God’s Light Exposes the False Christian

The fundamental difference between the true Christian and false Christian is that the true Christian is reflecting God's character.

The Heavenly Race


The Heavenly Race

In the heavenly race a lot of defeat is from slothfulness, we want something for nothing, but just as the athlete is called to manage his body so is the Christian.

Biblical Tests of True Faith


Biblical Tests of True Faith

It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it would be for someone to pass through to heaven with a shred of self-righteousness upon them.

The Gospel of the Glory of Christ


The Gospel of the Glory of Christ

Bob Jennings preaches on "The Gospel of the Glory of Christ" (see 2 Corinthians 4:4), a very helpful...

Exercising Self-Control


Exercising Self-Control

Practically everything must be controlled. So also in the spiritual realm self-control is a virtue.

Can You Pass the Test of Faith With Your Money


Can You Pass the Test of Faith With Your Money

To resist the love of money is to resist the love of the things that money can get you and what those things promise you.

Gospel Faith Leads to the Fullness of the Spirit’s Power


Gospel Faith Leads to the Fullness of the Spirit’s Power

God does not supply the Spirit to you because you have fulfilled some legalistic checklist of expectations.