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A Look Into God’s Courtroom


A Look Into God’s Courtroom

We all have a meeting in the courtroom of God to be judged, and we will all either be declared righteous or guilty. The problem is that we're all guilty...

The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 1)


The Breastplate of Righteousness (Part 1)

We are considering the Christian's call to battle, and in this message, we will start considering putting on the breastplate of righteousness. Imputed righteousness...

Has the Church Replaced Israel?


Has the Church Replaced Israel?

Are the Church and Israel two different peoples of God? Has the Church replaced Israel?

You MUST Endure to the End


You MUST Endure to the End

You may have started the Christian race incredibly well, but Jesus teaches that you must endure to the end to be saved.

Keep Going


Keep Going

Does the reality of salvation by grace apart from works mean that we don't have to endure to the end?

Entering Heaven Based On Someone Else’s Test Score


Entering Heaven Based On Someone Else’s Test Score

In order to go to heaven, you must be as holy as God and have a perfect record in keeping all of God's commandments. Every human being has failed miserably...

The Christian is a New Man


The Christian is a New Man

The Christian is not someone who is trying to better themselves; the Christian is someone who has been recreated and made new.

Sanctification is Not Passive


Sanctification is Not Passive

One of the greatest hindrances to sanctification is when we view it as though it is passive. We are not told to be passive in dealing with sin, but rather we are called to actively put it off.

What is the “Old Man”?


What is the “Old Man”?

What does the Bible mean when it talks about the "old man"? Do we still have the old man? Is the old man completely gone? Is there a tension or balance between the two?

How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?


How Important is Having a Testimony of Salvation?

When talking with other Christians, a common question that we may ask is what is someone's testimony. How much weight should we give to someone's testimony?

God Justly Punishes People We Know and Love


God Justly Punishes People We Know and Love

Believer, do you realize that hell is for a bunch of people you know and love who are outside of Christ? After a funeral of an unbeliever...

How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?


How Far Can a Person Go As a False Convert?

False conversion is a major and sobering theme in the Bible. How much of a true Christian can a person seem to look like, and in the end turn out to be deceived?

Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer


Saved or Uncertain: The Security of the Believer

Many people are in distress of soul wondering if they're a Christian or not. They appear to have been saved but then are plagued with severe doubts and fears about whether they were truly converted.

One Faith


One Faith

What does Paul mean when he talks about “one faith”? Is he talking about the subjective faith of individuals or the objective body of truth contained...

One Lord


One Lord

The doctrine of the Lordship and exclusiveness of Jesus Christ is something that no Christian will tolerate disagreement on.

What is Repentance?


What is Repentance?

A proper and Biblical understanding of repentance is essential when it comes to salvation. We don't want to make repentance less sharp than the Bible does...

How is Your Fellowship with God?


How is Your Fellowship with God?

Your doctrine may be sound and right, but how is your fellowship with God? Can you boldly say that your life is one of true fellowship with the Father and the Son?

Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?


Two Types of Christians? Converts and Disciples?

Can a person be a Christian without being a disciple of Jesus Christ? If we teach that “disciple” and “Christian” are synonymous terms, then are we teaching a works salvation? Can a case be made in the Bible for a dis...

A Fountain Has Been Opened, Come and Drink


A Fountain Has Been Opened, Come and Drink

Are you a sinner? Are you dirty? Have you done things unspeakably wicked? You can be forgiven and changed by Jesus Christ.

Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?


Is Your Spiritual Progress Evident to All?

In the Christian life, we should be making progress that will be visible for others to see and notice. Are you making spiritual progress on your way to heaven?

Be Resolved to Grow Spiritually No Matter the Cost


Be Resolved to Grow Spiritually No Matter the Cost

Somehow we got sidetracked; and our appetite to grow spiritually, no matter the cost, somehow dissipated. So what should we do? We need to believe that...

The Promise of Justification Isn’t For Good People


The Promise of Justification Isn’t For Good People

There is a way to be made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ. This is called justification; the most glorious promise that can be imagined.

Overly Cautious or Full of Faith?


Overly Cautious or Full of Faith?

We typically tend to fear presumption and end up being overly cautious; but Scripture warns us the opposite. Jesus is constantly commanding us to trust Him in impossible situations.

Genuine Saving Faith


Genuine Saving Faith

We believe in a Christ who is revealed for us in Scripture, but genuine saving faith is more than just grasping those truths intellectually.

Getting Out of the Boat


Getting Out of the Boat

Jesus calls us to do things that we are not able to do. When He calls us to do impossible things, like step out on to water and walk, are we going to trust and obey Him?

What Does It Mean to Walk by Faith?


What Does It Mean to Walk by Faith?

What does it mean to walk by faith? We want to know what the Bible says about it. But we also want to see if the Bible describes what the opposite of what walking by faith is.

When You Think of Grace, Do You Think of Power?


When You Think of Grace, Do You Think of Power?

If you're asked to define grace, do you put "power" in the definition? Many times the Bible connects grace with power when it's mentioned. Grace is vain unless...

Believer: It is Not All About What Not to Do


Believer: It is Not All About What Not to Do

What characterizes the Christian is not that they don't do bad, but it is that they are zealous for good works. We must get away from a Christianity...

What Does It Mean to Seek Christ?


What Does It Mean to Seek Christ?

You seek Christ by calling upon Him and pleading with Him. When someone is seeking Christ, one question to ask is what...

The Holy Spirit Will Make You Holy


The Holy Spirit Will Make You Holy

There is nothing in your life that is evil, corrupt, wrong, dirty, that can withstand the Spirit. This is a mighty Spirit of God and He is let loose in the life of God's...

The Beauty of the Gospel


The Beauty of the Gospel

Do you realize this: On the greatest day you've ever had in the living out of your Christ-likeness you've fallen miserably short. You are under unfathomable grace on that day.

How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)


How Alive is Alive? Seated With Christ in The Heavenly Places (Part 3)

This passage is the very pinnacle of what God has already done for the believer. The Apostle is giving us this great reality about who we are as Christians...

How Alive is Alive? He Raised Us Up With Him (Part 2)


How Alive is Alive? He Raised Us Up With Him (Part 2)

This is where we often go wrong: When we look at lost men we do not think they are as lost as they are. And when we look at Christians, we do not recognize...

What is The Gospel?


What is The Gospel?

A genuine experience with God is faith, resting, in who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done. It's not just a matter of believing something He did for me 2,000 years ago.

How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)


How Alive is Alive? The Four-Fold Risenness of the Christian (Part 1)

The Bible teaches us that it is God who makes Christians. Paul says in Ephesians that God has made us alive together with Christ. God makes people into...

The Arrows of God’s Discipline


The Arrows of God’s Discipline

The arrows of God’s discipline are aimed at, and hit a particular object. The object is sin, a particular sin. It is not the believer’s only sin, but it is the sin which God wants out of his life now.

Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?


Old Man is Sinning, Not the New Creation?

We explore the theological concept of 'Old Man Sinning, Not the New Creation,' examining 1 John 5:18 and other Scriptures to refute the idea that Christians can continue in sin.




Introspectionism has its seekers looking, not at Christ as their hope, but their repentance. Thus repentance itself becomes a fetish.

Spiritual Stability


Spiritual Stability

Nathan speaks on the under-appreciated value of spiritual stability. Is your walk with Christ stable, consistent, and solid; like a fruitful tree planted by a stream of water?

Don’t Be Deceived


Don’t Be Deceived

The Bible commands us to not be deceived and delude ourselves. Paul says, "Evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."