In Acts 24:16 Paul the apostle said, “So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man. ”  Later in 1 Timothy 1:19 he told Timothy, “holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith.”  We can see from these verses and others that the conscience is no small thing. Whether it’s keeping a clear conscience in our walk with Christ.  Or having a properly informed conscience from the Word of God.  Above all, having a cleansed conscience by the blood of Christ.

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Am I Loving Something Too Much?


Am I Loving Something Too Much?

Am I loving something too much? How do you approach areas of life or certain situations that arise that might not be sinful in and of themselves...

26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word


26 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out of Obeying God’s Word

In this sermon, Tim Conway exposes 26 mental gymnastics we perform, and 26 ways we talk ourselves out of obeying God's Word...

Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven


Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven

Tim Conway sermon, "Sin and Conscience: Having Certainty of Being Forgiven". The eye of the conscience is now redirected.

Tim Apologizes For Affirming What He Did Not Know For Certain


Tim Apologizes For Affirming What He Did Not Know For Certain

The clip below shows Tim taking it seriously to maintain a clear conscience and not let what bothered him from the previous study be swept under the rug as if it did not matter.

COVID Vaccine: Yes? No? Is It The Mark Of The Beast?


COVID Vaccine: Yes? No? Is It The Mark Of The Beast?

Should I get the COVID vaccine? What if my employer requires it? Is the COVID vaccine the mark of the beast?

Lloyd-Jones: Do Not Be A Young Believer’s Conscience


Lloyd-Jones: Do Not Be A Young Believer’s Conscience

We must ask: Is it right for us to take the position of conscience to another? That procedure produces smug, self-satisfied Christians.

Romans 14 & Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays


Romans 14 & Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays

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Breaking the Speed Limit a Sin?


Breaking the Speed Limit a Sin?

How should Christians view the speed limit? Is it a sin to go over it? Is what is enforced by the government the de facto law?

Ask Pastor Tim – Biblical Question & Answer Session #9


Ask Pastor Tim – Biblical Question & Answer Session #9

Can you wrongly put someone under church discipline? How should Christians view the speed limit?

Cheated On An Exam, Should I Clear My Conscience?


Cheated On An Exam, Should I Clear My Conscience?

"I cheated on an exam when I was lost, what should I do about it?" It is far more difficult to live with a defiled conscience than to live with whatever consequences...

Being Responsive and Obedient to Your Conscience


Being Responsive and Obedient to Your Conscience

If Christians are to grow in grace, we must be sure to keep close tabs on our conscience. We must learn to make our conscience take precedent...

Reasons to Accept the Differing Christian


Reasons to Accept the Differing Christian

So Romans 14 provides some very helpful guidance in dealing with differences among Christians in the church.

A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone


A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone

Believing in the sufficiency of Scripture not only means that you say all the scripture says, but that you don't say what the scripture doesn't say. Because if God shuts his mouth...

A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism


A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism

People were forbidding marriage and eating of certain foods, and in doing so were searing their consciences. When you get a zeal for the Lord it is very easy for Satan to high...

Every Relationship Right


Every Relationship Right

Do you have to avoid brethren in meetings because things are not really right with you and them?

Non-Essentials & Strong Convictions


Non-Essentials & Strong Convictions

Romans 14:3 - Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.

Is It OK to Have a Beer With My Friends So I Can Evangelize to Them?


Is It OK to Have a Beer With My Friends So I Can Evangelize to Them?

Bob Jennings and Tim Conway answer a question on dealing with becoming all things to all people that we might win some for Christ.

How Do I Deal With Hurtful Sins From My Past?


How Do I Deal With Hurtful Sins From My Past?

I've committed and the things that I've done in my past life and looking at those things, and making restitution where restitution is possible.

Why Do You Do What You Do?


Why Do You Do What You Do?

What motivates you to do what you do? Is it motivated by a love for Christ and the glory of God? Or are you pursuing your own selfish desires and going against the Will of God?

Filled With the Spirit #4: Are Your Hands Clean?


Filled With the Spirit #4: Are Your Hands Clean?

Are your hands clean? - Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Tim reads from an account on The Hebrides Revival - Duncan Cambell

Is it Ok to Break the Copyright Laws?


Is it Ok to Break the Copyright Laws?

Is there anything installed on your computer that was illegally downloaded and you do not have the rights to the software? Is it ok to download music that you do not have the rights to? Is it ok to use music that you do not have the rights to in videos? We must all ask ourselves this question, do we have a clear conscience? Or is there sin in our live that deals with the copyright that we just have not seen because we have been blinded by our cultures downward spiral in morality.

Do You Have Integrity or Are You a Liar?


Do You Have Integrity or Are You a Liar?

Do you have integrity in your life? What do you do even when it seems no one is looking, and no one will ever know, do you do the right thing?

Submission to the Government


Submission to the Government

As a professing Christian are you submitting to the government?

Your Life, Christian Witness, and Testimony


Your Life, Christian Witness, and Testimony

Who knows what I might mean by Christian witness? Your testimony. And I don't mean testimony like when you talk to somebody about how God saved you specifically.

  • Act 24:16 So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.
  • 1Ti 1:19 holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith,
  • Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled.
  • 1 Timothy 4:2  2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared…
  • 1 Samuel 24:5 And afterward David’s heart struck him, because he had cut off a corner of Saul’s robe.

A weak and constantly accusing conscience is a spiritual liability, not a strength. Many people with especially tender consciences tend to display their overscrupulousness as if it were proof of deep spirituality. It is precisely the opposite.

John MacArthur, The Vanishing Conscience, pg. 46

Ironically, a weak conscience is more likely to accuse than a strong conscience. Scripture calls this a weak conscience because it is too easily wounded.

John MacArthur, The Vanishing Conscience, pg. 43

Bob Jennings

A cleansed conscience is not a conscience that managed to forget guilt, it’s a conscience that has experienced guilt dealt with by the price being fully paid at the Cross.

Ryan Fullerton, A Weak Conscience Seared by Legalism