When a man really prays it is not a question whether God will hear him or not, He must hear him; not because there is any compulsion in the prayer, but there is a sweet and blessed compulsion in the promise. God has promised to hear prayer and He will perform His promise. As he is the most high and true God, He cannot deny himself. Oh! to think of this; that you, a puny creature, may stand here and speak to God, and through God may move all the worlds. – C.H. Spurgeon

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Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit


Effectual Prayer Empowered by the Spirit

I am all for sharpening our minds... and a greater theological understanding, but we cannot afford for it to stop there. Does your theology make your heart dance?

The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible


The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible

As the believer daily renews their mind in the Scriptures, and in prayer they cast themselves upon the Lord - they will walk in purity. When you find a...

Asking in Prayer


Asking in Prayer

John 14:13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)


Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)

God calls us to call upon Him in prayer. When we cry to Him, He promises to answer us and show us great and hidden things that we have not known. Jeremiah 33:3 says...

Homiletics: The Preacher’s Prayer Life (Part 3b)


Homiletics: The Preacher’s Prayer Life (Part 3b)

Those who are not disciplined and do not give priority to prayer in their life should not be preaching. Their prayerlessness is a statement that they have not yet grasped...

How to Pray like an Apostle


How to Pray like an Apostle

I’ve often considered it to be a significant measure of a person’s spiritual maturity to simply ask somebody, “How much do you pray for others?”

The Vital Importance of Prayer


The Vital Importance of Prayer

Here are six reasons on the vital importance of prayer. 1) Prayer as communion to God, is the goal of the Gospel. 2) Prayer as asking...




Prayer is signally the holiest and most spiritual exercise of mortal men. Carnal flesh shrinks and flees from it. It is cause for spiritual alarm when we find ourselves...

Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer


Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer

When revival and true conversion happens, it is not because of some person taking clever initiative and having a new idea, but it is because God came in power.

Dangerous Prayer


Dangerous Prayer

Paul said, "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." One of the ways this happens is by us trusting the LORD in prayer and praying in a way that is dangerous to the devil.

Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)


Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)

We must be weaned off of dependence on man. We must first learn to cry out to the One who will never turn a deaf ear to our cries.

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer


Continue Steadfastly in Prayer

How much do I really believe that without Him I can do nothing? Here is the answer: I believe it to the degree that I continue steadfastly in prayer.

How Do You Hear From God?


How Do You Hear From God?

What do you say to a believer who comes to you and says, "How do you hear from God? How do you know when God is trying to talk to you?"

The Prayer Life of Our Lord


The Prayer Life of Our Lord

The prayer life of our Lord is that which we should strive to imitate and look at carefully as we study the Scriptures.

The Relationship of Love and Prayer


The Relationship of Love and Prayer

If you are pouring out your life for others it is going to have a direct impact when you go into the prayer closet. When we love the brethren, John says it gives us assurance that we are Christians and that makes us c...

Men of Prayer in History


Men of Prayer in History

As we look at men of prayer in history we find it true as Oswald Chambers said, "Prayer does not fit us for the greater works;...

Mountain Moving Prayer


Mountain Moving Prayer

Remember that one of the greatest evidences of a lack of faith is that you don't pray, because if you really have faith in a prayer-hearing God, you are going to be praying.

Some Thoughts on Walking With God


Some Thoughts on Walking With God

I want more, but overall I know what it is like to be walking with God.

Missions and Prayer


Missions and Prayer

We cannot begin to do missions if we are not a praying people.

A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer


A Story of Hudson Taylor’s Answer to Prayer

Thus God encouraged me, upon landing on China's shores, to bring every variety of need to Him in prayer,...

Watch and Pray, Never Be Silent


Watch and Pray, Never Be Silent

I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent.

Walk in Continual Communion with God


Walk in Continual Communion with God

Why do we meet with God at certain times during the day? It is to develop a mindset of walking in the power and presence of God all day long!

Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation


Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation

Don Johnson testifies to how the Lord saved James, his oldest son. He was very obedient as a child but at the age of 17 he dove into sin and rebellion.

The Prayer Meeting


The Prayer Meeting

Prayer is one of the distinguishing marks of a true Christian. It's something that stood out in the Apostle Paul's life right at conversion. Acts 9:11b - "look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying,"

Seek God With All Your Heart


Seek God With All Your Heart

You'd better seek God right now, you'd better get in with Him. Are you afraid of going to hell? Cry out to the Lord!

Meditate on Christ, No Matter the Cost


Meditate on Christ, No Matter the Cost

It's not a positive thing that you have a cell phone and you can be reached all the time. There must be seasons in your life where you turn that thing off and seek God.

Ask For More of the Holy Spirit


Ask For More of the Holy Spirit

A video of Tim Conway talking about the true believer crying out for more of the Holy Spirit. Luke 11:13 - If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much...

A Call to Prayer


A Call to Prayer

I cannot find one of whose history much is told us, from Genesis to Revelation, who was not a man of prayer.

Believe the Promises of God


Believe the Promises of God

Take all the promises of God, all of them that you find, Old Testament, New Testament. Write them down. The ones that talk...

Order and Argument in Prayer


Order and Argument in Prayer

You can read the sermon by Spurgeon that influence Tim here. http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0700.htm

Seeking God


Seeking God

Bob Jennings preaches a powerful message on seeking God above everything else in your life. This was preached at a HeartCry conference.

Interceding in Prayer


Interceding in Prayer

60 Minute | Video Bible Study on Intercession | Ephesians 6:18 - praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

Filled With the Spirit #2: Are You Asking for the Spirit?


Filled With the Spirit #2: Are You Asking for the Spirit?

Luke 11:13 - If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

And There He Prayed | Personal Disciplines of Private Prayer


And There He Prayed | Personal Disciplines of Private Prayer

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place and there he prayed. - Mark 1:35

Pray for the Power of the Living God


Pray for the Power of the Living God

Oh my dear brother, listen to me. There is nothing impossible in prayer. There is nothing impossible.

Importunity in Prayer


Importunity in Prayer

Luke 18:1-8 This presentation was made on Monday, September 13, 2010 at the Society for the Preservation of Baptist Principles and Practices meeting at Plantation Road Baptist Church in Roanoke, Virginia. http://heartcrymissionary.com

Slip Away and Be With God


Slip Away and Be With God

How often we do we slip away and be with the Lord? Is He not the lover of our souls? Oh may God put a desire in us to pray and seek the Lord, to know Him more above all else in this quickly passing earth.

Pray and Be Alone With God


Pray and Be Alone With God

Could it just be possible that He always wanted to slip away and be alone with God simply because He loved Him? Because He loved Him.

Coming to the Throne of Grace


Coming to the Throne of Grace

Coming to the throne of grace for help in a time of need is a constant thing in the believer's life.

Help in the Time of Need


Help in the Time of Need

Are you looking for help in the time of need in your life? Look no where else other than the throne of Grace.

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I learned by experience that much prayer is the only means to success.

Andrew Bonar

Ministers, in order to be burning and shining lights, should walk closely with God, and keep near to Christ; that they may ever be enlightened and enkindled by Him. And they should be much in seeking God, and conversing with Him by prayer, who is the fountain of light and love.

Jonathan Edwards, The Supremacy of God in Preaching, pg 101

We must deliberately seek to meet with God absolutely alone, and to secure such aloneness with God we are bidden to ‘enter into the closet.’ God absolutely insists on this ‘closet’ communion with Himself. One reason, no doubt, that He demands it is to test our sincerity. There is no test for the soul like solitude. Do you shrink from solitude? Perhaps the cause for your neglect of the ‘closet’ is a guilty conscience? You are afraid to enter into the solitude. You know that however cheerful you appear to be you are not really happy. You surround yourself with company lest, being alone, truth should invade your delusion.

Gordon Cove

The aim of Satanic power is to cut off communication with God. To accomplish this aim he deludes the soul with a sense of defeat, covers him with a thick cloud of darkness, depresses and oppresses the spirit, which in turn hinders prayer and leads to unbelief—thus destroying all power (instead of seeing Hebrews 11:1).

J. O. Fraser, Behind the Ranges (p.157)

Praying without faith is like trying to cut with a blunt knife—much labor expended to little purpose. For the work accomplished by labor in prayer depends on our faith: “According to your faith,” not labor, “be it unto you.”

J.O. Fraser, Behind the Ranges, pg. 113

Come, my soul, thy suit prepare,
Jesus loves to answer prayer;
He Himself has bid thee pray,
Therefore will not say thee nay.
Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace and power are such
None can ever ask too much.

John Newton, Hymn: Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare

Ask God for anything, but let Him judge as to the manner, measure, and timing of the giving.

Andrew Bonar

Satan, the Hinderer, may build a barrier about us, but he can never roof us in, so that we cannot look up.

Hudson Taylor, George Müller of Bristol, pg. 145

George Muller was conscious of being too busy to pray as he ought. His outward action was too constant for inward reflection, and he saw that there was risk of losing peace and power and that activity even in the most sacred sphere must not be so absorbing as to prevent holy meditation on the Word and fervent supplication. The Lord said first to Elijah, “Go, hide thyself”; then, “Go, show thyself.” He who does not first hide himself in the secret place to be alone with God, is unfit to show himself in the public place to move among men.

Arthur T. Pierson, George Müller of Bristol, pg 130

You and I, in the last analysis, are what we are when we are alone. I confess that in a sense it is easier for me to preach from a pulpit than it is to sit alone in my study; it is probably easier for more people to enjoy the presence of our Lord in the company of other Christians than when alone. Paul would have us enjoy what he himself was enjoying. He had a love for the Lord that rendered him independent of all that was happening.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Life of Joy and Peace, pg 445

When a man is speaking to God, he is at his very acme. It is the highest activity of the human soul, and therefore it is at the same time the ultimate test of a man’s true spiritual condition. There is nothing that tells the truth about us as Christian people so much as our prayer life. Everything we do in the Christian life is easier than prayer.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Sermon on the Mount, vol. 2, p. 46

Some women spend hours preparing physically for church. What would happen if we all spent the same amount of time preparing spiritually for church with prayer and meditation?

Leonard Ravenhill

Hudson Taylor

If I had spent more time alone with God rather than preaching and planning how I was going to change the world, I would be a very different man.

Leonard Ravenhill, In Light of Eternity, pg. 496

Joseph Hart, Hymn: Prayer is Appointed to Convey
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