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Make It Your Aim to Fear God


Make It Your Aim to Fear God

When Paul says Look, look, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God if you're lost outside here. But he is coming to the Christians...

The Climax of the Book of Romans


The Climax of the Book of Romans

May God be glorified in our lives as we submit to the Gospel and live obedient lives by the power of Cross and not waste this vapor of a life that we have left to live. Romans 15:14 - I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.

10 Indictments


10 Indictments

Paul Washer strongly exhorts pastors and church leaders to be Biblical in all of their methods. He does this by giving 10 indictments...

Christian Maturity Part 4 (Love)


Christian Maturity Part 4 (Love)

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. - John 13:35

Don’t Play Games


Don’t Play Games

Don't play a game just to be received by Christians. Don't play a game just to be able to join a church. If you are not saved, come clean and flee to Christ. 

Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)


Christian Maturity Part 2 (Godly Conduct)

In part 2 of the Christian Maturity series Tim talks about how people conduct themselves. We all must step back and ask ourselves, am I conducting my life in a manner of godliness and holiness? Do you have a clear conscience? Are you beyond reproach?

Keep On!

Hell is Necessary


Hell is Necessary

Four points: 1. The Security of the World (The lost don't think they are going to hell) 2. The Severity of Hell (How it is described) 3. The Suitability of Hell (The lost deserve to go there) 4. The Sanctity (Holiness) of Hell (Not that hell sanctifies, but hell reveals God's absolute holiness) Tim Conway is pastor of Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX:

Hopeful or Hopeless


Hopeful or Hopeless

Our great and only hope is Christ. Is your hope in Christ?

Hopeless Without Christ


Hopeless Without Christ

You have no hope. Because he's without Christ. There is no more damnable word then hopelessness. Because all over and all around... and every place in hell. That's what it is folks. That's what it is. When people fall off into the pit, that's it. Hopelessness is everywhere! Eternal hopelessness. There is no hope!

The Power of the Offensive Cross


The Power of the Offensive Cross

The Truths of the Cross are offensive to mankind.... but they Power of the Cross will radically save people by the Power of God. Have you been saved by such power?

Has the Power of the Cross Truly Set You Free?


Has the Power of the Cross Truly Set You Free?

Tim talks about how true believers are set free by the cross; free to live for holiness and die to ourselves.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Gospel simply means "good news" and what is this gloriously good news? It is that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice to put away the sinners sin debt and satisfied God's justice and wrath. Do you understan...

Interview on Decisional Regeneration


Interview on Decisional Regeneration

Paul Washer's interview with Doug Harris of Genesis/Revelation TV - Surbition, Surrey, England: 19th November 2009. Used by permission from Genesis/Revelation TV and uploaded by HeartCry Missionary Society. All rights reserved copyright HeartCry Missionary Society 2009. []

The Vine and the Branches


The Vine and the Branches

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. 7If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. - John15:1-7

The Enduring Life in Christ


The Enduring Life in Christ

Are you enduring in this life in Christ? or your works and self-effort? What is salvation? I encourage you to watch this excerpt of the full bible study "Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?"

Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?


Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved?

Is it biblical to say that we are saved? or that we are being saved? What does the bible teach about salvation? What truly is salvation and can we lose it? and how do we endure to the end in this race?

Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance


Don’t Expect a Perfect Repentance

Many people say that things like "I cannot repent" or "I'm trying to repent" thinking that they need a fully matured, perfect repentance before...

What Does Discipline From the Lord Look Like?


What Does Discipline From the Lord Look Like?

Hebrews 12:7-8 - It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

The Heart of the Gospel


The Heart of the Gospel

Preached at HBC Owensboro, KY.

Paul Washer’s Story


Paul Washer’s Story

Paul Washer testifying to the Grace of God. Paul talks about when he was saved at the University of Texas in Austin.

He Drank Your Hell


He Drank Your Hell

On the Cross Jesus Christ drank your hell for you so that the just penalty for your sins would be satisfied in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ.

Study on Regeneration in Ezekiel 36


The Cost of Not Following Christ


The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31 John MacArthur

3 Short Sermons Preached at a Kid’s Camp


Are you a Christian?


Are you a Christian?

This is a powerful bible study were Tim deals with Christian assurance... what is so key is this.. CHRIST!! It's not about your performance, yet so many people will put themselves next to a measuring stick to see if they measure up... oh that is no way to gain assurance.. the question is! Are you LOOKING TO CHRIST!?

I Tried to be Saved, but it Didn’t Work


I Tried to be Saved, but it Didn’t Work

"I want to be saved, but I just don't think I have enough desire to be saved."

Your Life, Christian Witness, and Testimony


Your Life, Christian Witness, and Testimony

Who knows what I might mean by Christian witness? Your testimony. And I don't mean testimony like when you talk to somebody about how God saved you specifically.

Are Overweight Christians False Converts?


Are Overweight Christians False Converts?

This one comes from Dede. She says, "There are many people in churches overweight. Is obesity a sin? Are overweight Christians false converts? What does the Bible say? Thank you."

Cheap Grace


What Does it Mean to ‘be Saved, but only as Through Fire?’


What Does it Mean to ‘be Saved, but only as Through Fire?’

If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

Religious but Lost, to Saved by God’s Grace at 71


Religious but Lost, to Saved by God’s Grace at 71

After living a self-righteousness religious life Richard was saved by God's Grace at 71 years old.

What is Salvation?


What is Salvation?

In two minutes Paul Washer says what repentance is and what is salvation...

Dispensationalism, is the Rapture Biblical?


Dispensationalism, is the Rapture Biblical?

So many people have seen the left behind series or grown up in a building like John Hagee's is everything they teach biblical or not?

The Cross of Christ


Minimal Morality? Just Go Back to the World


Minimal Morality? Just Go Back to the World

If you profess to be a Christian and are always testing to see how close you can get to the line before what you are doing is "technically" sinful, then you might as well go back to the world. That is not the attitude of the true Christian. You either desire Christ, or you desire your sin. Romans 12:9 - Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.

Truth (The Wrath of God)


Truth (The Wrath of God)

The truth is, the way is truly narrow, and only few people will find eternal life. (Matthew 7:21, Luke 13:24)

What Does it Mean to Live in Habitual Sin?


What Does it Mean to Live in Habitual Sin?

What does it look like when someone is living in habitual sin? How is it different from someone who is a believer simply struggling against sin?

Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?


Should I Be Scared of Hebrews Chapters 6 and 10?

Should we be afraid of verses like this? For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5andhave tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. - Hebrews 6:4-6