Those in Christ’s church who are in leadership positions have a high and holy calling and we hope these resources will at least in some small way be a help to those who shepherd the flock of God.
Pastors, Missionaries, and the Church
Pastors, Missionaries, and the Church
What other higher calling can there be than to oversee Christ's Church and be a steward to care for His Bride until He returns? And who more suitable to take on this task than men who are called of God and qualified according to His Word?
Can Church Leaders Disagree?
Can Church Leaders Disagree?
How should someone in a church react when the elders are disagreeing over matters in the church?
Lessons from 50 Years of Pastoral Ministry
Lessons from 50 Years of Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral ministry is a very difficult calling. In this interview, Geoff Thomas gives some practical helps and lessons from his 50 years of Christian ministry.
Trials and Blessings in the Ministry
Trials and Blessings in the Ministry
There is no other path in the ministry except one that has trials and suffering along its way. At the same time, pastors also experience many blessings.
A Church’s Responsibility to Their Pastors
A Church’s Responsibility to Their Pastors
When your pastor is clearly getting out of God's Word what the Holy Spirit put there, and he's giving it to you accurately - then brothers and sisters, obey it!
Peter’s Exhortation to Elders
Peter’s Exhortation to Elders
The pastor shepherds God's sheep not with rigor and severity, but with love and humility; not as temporal lords but as spiritual guides, especially by example.
Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?
Church Leaders Casually Texting Single Sisters?
Is it OK for married brothers in leadership positions to be casually texting or emailing single sisters?
How To Get the Most Out of Your Pastors
How To Get the Most Out of Your Pastors
Some passages in the Bible are very hard to understand. However Hebrews 13:17 is not hard to understand, rather it's hard to hear.
Obey Your Leaders
Obey Your Leaders
When some people hear the command in Hebrews 13:17 to "obey your leaders" they may tend to bristle...
Ministerial Pride
Ministerial Pride
Pride is a mother sin. All sin, in a way, is a manifestation of pride. That is, the conceit, the arrogance, the self-importance – pride affects every word, thought and deed. Pride, though subtle...
1 Peter 5:1 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
Know what God is about, especially in respect of your calling, and keep within it. Most people crack up because they try to do what God never intended them to do. They destroy themselves by sinful ambition, just as much as the drunkard and drug addict. Ambition drives them on.
One of the things that I find so hard about the ministry is that you have to fill so many different roles and adapt to so many different situations. One minute you are at a funeral with the loved ones of the deceased, then you are in an elders’ meeting debating a vision for the future, then you are at a prayer meeting, then a pre-engagement session, then a new member’s interview where the person thinks the church is awesome, then a meeting with a member who is thinking about leaving, then sharing the gospel with a homeless man, then heading off to meet an atheist for lunch; and in all of those situations you need appropriate words. You need to know if you ought to share a word of encouragement, an intellectual worldview challenge, simple kindness and courtesy, laughter, tears, or all of the foregoing! In all of ministry you are looking for words.
Some elders never appreciate the compliment given them when a saint disagrees with the pastor’s exposition of a text. At least the Christian under his care is devoted more to Scripture than to the man in the pulpit. Under his ministry the child of God has reached a maturity to think through issues for himself and has imbibed a Berean spirit (Acts 17:11).
Know what God is about, especially in respect of your calling, and keep within it. Most people crack up because they try to do what God never intended them to do. They destroy themselves by sinful ambition, just as much as the drunkard and drug addict. Ambition drives them on.