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Christ’s Call to Die to Self


Christ’s Call to Die to Self

Christ gives us four examples that reveal our constant tendency to be watching out for ourselves and our self-interest.

You Are Not Most Important


You Are Not Most Important

One of the biggest battles Christians face in their church is with selfishness. Christians should not be consumed with themselves and their own interests.

The Folly of Human Preference


The Folly of Human Preference

Trifling with conscience and lack of full obedience to the Holy Spirit in the personal life of a Christian expose him to the grave danger, either of exhibiting self-will...

Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?


Tardiness: Is Being Habitually Late Sinful?

Is habitual tardiness a sin? If so, how should Christians be living their lives in light of this sin being so overlooked and tolerated as normal in our society and even in some of our churches?

We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves


We Must Get Our Minds Off Ourselves

If we get our minds off of ourselves and get our minds on our brother's and sisters, and especially our minds in worship on the Lord Jesus Christ...

What is My Ministry?


What is My Ministry?

So often Christians think "I've got to have a ministry", but do you know what ministry means?

Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve


Don’t Come to Church to Get, Come to Serve

When you go to church, do you come to serve or to be served?

Do Not Love the World


Do Not Love the World

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Your Life’s Ambition


Your Life’s Ambition

Listen, there is only one valid goal in life – to live for God and love Him supremely.

Is God Selfish?


Is God Selfish?

Why would God make us, knowing that we were going to sin?

Disorder Comes from Selfishness


Disorder Comes from Selfishness

James 3:16 - For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

Self-Exaltation and Humility


Self-Exaltation and Humility

Pride is the last thing to go before conversion and 1st to return. If you want to please the devil, admire yourself.

Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?


Would You Rather Be On Your Phone or Alone With God?

In your daily Christian life do you find yourself getting away and being alone with the Lord? Or are you continually being interrupted?

Die to Self, Surrender to Christ


Die to Self, Surrender to Christ

Are you going to leave your life at the disposal of God's Will?

What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?


What Does it Mean to Deny Yourself and Take up Your Cross?

QUESTION: Hi pastor, i have a real concern about what Jesus said to his disciples, "he that is not willing to deny himself, take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple" I see so many Christians buying luxurious cars and living in mansions, treating themselves with every pleasure that this world can offer and it seems as if there is no conviction or even thought about what Jesus said to his disciples.Can you please clarify or explain what does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?and deny yourself what? What was Jesus talking about?