When a man really prays it is not a question whether God will hear him or not, He must hear him; not because there is any compulsion in the prayer, but there is a sweet and blessed compulsion in the promise. God has promised to hear prayer and He will perform His promise. As he is the most high and true God, He cannot deny himself. Oh! to think of this; that you, a puny creature, may stand here and speak to God, and through God may move all the worlds. – C.H. Spurgeon

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Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)


Jesus in Gethsemane: The Praying Victorious Man (Part 2)

We must be weaned off of dependence on man. We must first learn to cry out to the One who will never turn a deaf ear to our cries.

Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer


Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer

When revival and true conversion happens, it is not because of some person taking clever initiative and having a new idea, but it is because God came in power.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."

Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

You may know theology, but do you know how to pray? We need to remember that the disciples didn't ask Jesus how to preach, perform miracles, walk on water, etc.

Make God’s Name Your Argument in Prayer


Make God’s Name Your Argument in Prayer

God has great concern for His Name and what this world says about Him. We should appeal to God's Name for the sake of answering our prayers. Are your prayers related to God's Name and reputation?

Meditate on Christ, No Matter the Cost


Meditate on Christ, No Matter the Cost

It's not a positive thing that you have a cell phone and you can be reached all the time. There must be seasons in your life where you turn that thing off and seek God.

Men of Prayer in History


Men of Prayer in History

As we look at men of prayer in history we find it true as Oswald Chambers said, "Prayer does not fit us for the greater works;...

Missions and Prayer


Missions and Prayer

We cannot begin to do missions if we are not a praying people.

Mountain Moving Prayer


Mountain Moving Prayer

Remember that one of the greatest evidences of a lack of faith is that you don't pray, because if you really have faith in a prayer-hearing God, you are going to be praying.

My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years


My Wife the Mulberry Tree, Saved After Praying for 19 Years

Craig preaches on Luke 17:5-6 and how it relates to finally seeing his wife saved after 19 years of praying.

Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation


Never Give Up Praying for Your Loved One’s Salvation

Don Johnson testifies to how the Lord saved James, his oldest son. He was very obedient as a child but at the age of 17 he dove into sin and rebellion.

Not An Accident – Jesus Saves On Purpose


Not An Accident – Jesus Saves On Purpose

The Bible never teaches us that Jesus finds any of his people on accident but He specifically goes out seeking for them.

Order and Argument in Prayer


Order and Argument in Prayer

You can read the sermon by Spurgeon that influence Tim here. http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0700.htm

Our Lord’s Three Imperatives of Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock!


Our Lord’s Three Imperatives of Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock!

The Lord Jesus Christ gives us three imperatives on prayer: ask, seek, and knock. What greater incentive to pray than to know that whatever we ask...

Paul, Teach Me to Pray


Paul, Teach Me to Pray

What can we learn from the apostle Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3? One notable thing Paul prays for is that Christ would dwell in the hearts of the Ephesians.

Pray and Be Alone With God


Pray and Be Alone With God

Could it just be possible that He always wanted to slip away and be alone with God simply because He loved Him? Because He loved Him.

Pray for the Power of the Living God


Pray for the Power of the Living God

Oh my dear brother, listen to me. There is nothing impossible in prayer. There is nothing impossible.

Pray Like a Lawyer


Pray Like a Lawyer

Many people pray, but how many people ask themselves why God should actually answer their prayers? How many Christians know how to argue with God in prayer?

Pray to the Father For Others


Pray to the Father For Others

In the last section of Ephesians 3, we get the privilege of seeing a prayer that's inspired of the Holy Spirit. Paul addressed God as his Father...




Prayer is signally the holiest and most spiritual exercise of mortal men. Carnal flesh shrinks and flees from it. It is cause for spiritual alarm when we find ourselves...

Praying at All Times in the Spirit


Praying at All Times in the Spirit

As we put on each piece of the armor of God we need to remember that each piece needs to be put on as we're praying. As important as each part of our armor is...

Praying For All The Saints


Praying For All The Saints

As Christians, we are in a spiritual war against the Devil, and we constantly feel the attacks from Satan that come upon us.

Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe


Putting Prayer in Perspective: Our Father’s Vast Universe

The thoughts shared really helped put prayer in perspective: in view of our Father's vast universe, He yet looks down and hears us!

Seek God and Go From Fear to Faith


Seek God and Go From Fear to Faith

How did King David go from being full of fear to being full of praise and adoration to God? It was by seeking the Lord through prayer.

Seek God With All Your Heart


Seek God With All Your Heart

You'd better seek God right now, you'd better get in with Him. Are you afraid of going to hell? Cry out to the Lord!

Seeking God


Seeking God

Bob Jennings preaches a powerful message on seeking God above everything else in your life. This was preached at a HeartCry conference.

Serpents, Scorpions, and Prayer


Serpents, Scorpions, and Prayer

In all of the accounts of the Bible that concern prayer, one of the most encouraging sections is what Jesus teaches in Luke 11:9-13.

Slip Away and Be With God


Slip Away and Be With God

How often we do we slip away and be with the Lord? Is He not the lover of our souls? Oh may God put a desire in us to pray and seek the Lord, to know Him more above all else in this quickly passing earth.

Some Thoughts on Walking With God


Some Thoughts on Walking With God

I want more, but overall I know what it is like to be walking with God.

Song of Solomon (Prayer as Communion)


Song of Solomon (Prayer as Communion)

Oh the love of God for his bride is just unbelievable. It is incredible. Paul talks about the Son of Solomon and how it is a picture of Christ and His Bride.

Spiritual Progress: Prayer (Order & Argument)


Spiritual Progress: Prayer (Order & Argument)

When we pray, we ought to be able to make a case before God why He should answer our prayers. We should be able to argue and reason with God...

Ten Characteristics of How Jesus Prayed


Ten Characteristics of How Jesus Prayed

Jesus prayed to His Father with reverence, in simple language, in an orderly way, while full of faith and confidence, and having an ultimate concern for God's glory.

The Barrenness of Busyness


The Barrenness of Busyness

King Solomon was an example of someone who had a fatal downward spiral in his walk with God. It didn't happen overnight. It was a slow process of compromise.

The Christian’s Boldness and Confidence


The Christian’s Boldness and Confidence

Jesus Christ is the Christian's foundation for having bold access to God. It is not our performance that allows us to come boldly before God, but the merits of Christ.

The Christian’s Life in Secret (Part 2): When You Pray


The Christian’s Life in Secret (Part 2): When You Pray

Do you pray? And if so, how do you pray? In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us three categories of people and how they pray.

The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 3): How To Pray


The Christian’s Secret Life (Part 3): How To Pray

Is the "Lord's Prayer" a mindless liturgy to you? Did Jesus mean when we pray, we must use these exact words?

The Intercessor – A Prayer Warrior Who Has the Gift of Intercessory Prayer?


The Intercessor – A Prayer Warrior Who Has the Gift of Intercessory Prayer?

The term "intercessor" occurs only once in the Bible. "And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor . . . "

The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible


The Necessity of Daily Praying and Reading the Bible

As the believer daily renews their mind in the Scriptures, and in prayer they cast themselves upon the Lord - they will walk in purity. When you find a...

The Prayer Life of Our Lord


The Prayer Life of Our Lord

The prayer life of our Lord is that which we should strive to imitate and look at carefully as we study the Scriptures.

The Prayer Meeting


The Prayer Meeting

Prayer is one of the distinguishing marks of a true Christian. It's something that stood out in the Apostle Paul's life right at conversion. Acts 9:11b - "look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying,"