What a sobering topic death & dying is, and yet for all of us it is something that we must think about, and the sooner the better.  As Jeremiah 5:31 says, “What will you do when the end comes?” Too many don’t ask that question until the end has come and they find it too late.

We trust the following resources will be a great encouragement for the Christian who is in the midst of a terminal sickness and dying. We also hope that if you’re not a Christian and are asking questions about death, that you will find the great comfort, like the thief on the Cross did in his last hour, that there is life in Jesus Christ alone. That you can have the sting of death removed, and no longer fear death, because of Christ shedding His blood for sinners.

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The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith


The Dawn of Heaven: A Dying Woman’s Faith

“I am very happy to see you,” said she (speaking with effort and only in a whisper, and compelled to pause at almost every word).

Mary Ann’s Last Hour—Afraid To Believe She Was A Believer


Mary Ann’s Last Hour—Afraid To Believe She Was A Believer

In the last hour she distrusted herself, but not God. She was afraid to believe that she was a believer.

Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing


Reflections on the 22nd Anniversary of My Son’s Passing

About 12 hours before that, our son had died. Craig wanted me to talk a little bit about that, this being the anniversary. I want to talk about three things related to this: prayer, providence, and comfort. - Jeff Peterson

Simplicity Of Faith: Take God At His Word


Simplicity Of Faith: Take God At His Word

“I have taken  Him at his word.” It struck me in an instant, as a triumph of faith.  "God knows I have taken him at his word...

God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother


God’s Faithfulness To A Widowed Mother

This video follows Emily Tiegreen, a now widowed mother, as she observes the faithfulness of God during a season of suffering multiple miscarriages...

Pressing On After the Death Of A Spouse


Pressing On After the Death Of A Spouse

I can see two pilgrims treading the highway of life together, hand in hand, heart linked to heart. True, they've had rivers to ford....

Reflections On The Death Of A Child


Reflections On The Death Of A Child

That was the day our 19-year-old son, Jonathan, died. What do you do when your child dies? How do you respond?

Tim Shares About His Father’s Death and Preaching at the Funeral


Tim Shares About His Father’s Death and Preaching at the Funeral

In this excerpt, Tim Conway shares about his father's death and the things surrounding it, and what he shared while preaching at his father's funeral.

Be Faithful to Christ at the Funeral of a Lost Person


Be Faithful to Christ at the Funeral of a Lost Person

In this excerpt, Mark shares how he sought to be faithful to Christ while sharing at the funeral of a lost person.

Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse


Hoping in Christ in the Midst of Losing a Spouse

This world is full of people who are hurting, from losing a spouse, or other trials of different severity. Many of them seem to be seeking God in the midst of their pain.

Lessons While Laboring With Bob Jennings During His Death (Part 2)


Lessons While Laboring With Bob Jennings During His Death (Part 2)

Clint Leiter shares how God called him into the ministry, as well as his privilege of having the time of co-pastoring with the late Bob Jennings and the lessons learned during that time.

Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord


Conrad Murrell’s Funeral: Forever With the Lord

"Forever with the Lord" is a video of pastor Conrad Murrell's Funeral. Those were Conrad's words about his father Alvin when he passed in 1971.

Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth


Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth

The passing of a man of God always brings special memories and attention to those who knew that man. With some of God's servants, it really can be called the end...

How to Die


How to Die

Now Jesus is on His cruel death bed, and departing out of this world, leaves us an example of how to die.

I’m Lost and Have Little Time to Live


I’m Lost and Have Little Time to Live

If someone has realized that they're lost and don't have much time to live, what should they do? Should they give up and resign to being lost? Should they wait for...

Remembering a Friend, Mike Morrow


Remembering a Friend, Mike Morrow

We should make time to spend with those we love. It is a great lesson to learn and a great truth to realize, that life is not meant to be lived by rushing from one responsibility to another...

Funeral Service for Michael G. Morrow


Funeral Service for Michael G. Morrow

At Mike's funeral service, Rob Pelkey, Michael Durham, Benjamin Morrow, and Paul Washer, remember him and his legacy; and above all, remember the Lord Jesus Christ whom he so loved.

There is Another World – Mike Morrow | 1948 – 2016


There is Another World – Mike Morrow | 1948 – 2016

He was a man of whom the world was not worthy. Today the sickness that he was battling has taken his life. He has departed to be with Christ which is far better.

Live and Die With No Regrets


Live and Die With No Regrets

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course...

Near-Death Experiences: True or False?


Near-Death Experiences: True or False?

Many people claim to have had near-death experiences in which Christ told them to come back and warn everyone about the true terrors of hell.

Secret Death-bed Repentance

Secret Death-bed Repentance

“There is one death bed repentance recorded in the Bible that no one despair, but there is only one instance that no one presume.” Matthew Henry.

Dying to the Glory of God


Dying to the Glory of God

If our death is to be for God's glory, it must be preceded by a life of following Christ.

A Step Between Life and Death


A Step Between Life and Death

But truly, as the LORD lives and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death. - 1 Samuel 20:3

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death

Christ is all anyone can have. We have nothing apart from Christ and the work He did on the cross imputed to us. All else is stripped away at death.

At Home With the Lord


At Home With the Lord

At last years conference Tim exhorted the brethren that some of us may not be there next year. During the very next year Bob Jennings at 63, and Ayla Petteruti at 23, went to be at home with the Lord.

Bob Jennings’ Funeral


Bob Jennings’ Funeral

This is the entire funeral service of Bob Jennings (January 2, 1949 - November 6, 2012) apart from the songs that were song and the graveside burial.

Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord


Blessed Are Those Who Die In the Lord

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Blessed indeed," says the Spirit...

All These Died In Faith, Confessing


All These Died In Faith, Confessing

This is a sobering message that Bob gave to his church this past Sunday. Please keep praying for Bob, the cancer, which he has known about for two years, is getting worst.

Don’t Go Back to Your Sin… You May Die


Don’t Go Back to Your Sin… You May Die

We plead with you... do not harden your heart, if you are under conviction of your eternal destiny being hell, then run to Christ and trust in Him alone to save you. There are many many people who are seeing many sermons, yet are still holding onto their idols and not forsaking all to follow Christ. Do not be comfortable in your sin!

Absent From the Body, Present With the Lord


Absent From the Body, Present With the Lord

Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. - 2 Corinthians 5:8-9

To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael


To Die in Christ Was Gain for Michael

Michael Clarke died of cancer on January 14, 2012, just over a year after truly being saved by the Grace of God. These are some short clips from his wedding that was over a month ago, and the testimony that he gave at Grace Fellowship Manchester a year ago.

Can a Christian Commit Suicide?


Can a Christian Commit Suicide?

What does the Bible say about suicide? Can someone who is a Christian commit suicide? What if I am hopeless right now? Is there hope in the Lord Jesus Christ?

How Is It That God Desires To Be With Us!?


How Is It That God Desires To Be With Us!?

Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. John 17:24

Going The Way of All the Earth


Going The Way of All the Earth

Bob Jennings preaches a message on Joshua Chapter 23 at the Bentley Grace Bible Camp. This is a powerful sermon from a brother who is dying of pancreatic cancer.

If You Could Live Again What Would You Change?


If You Could Live Again What Would You Change?

Tim asks Bob the question "If you could live your life over again how would you live different? Bob talks about having a clear conscience and the utmost importance of such. Tim also asks Bob - "I have heard you pray for twelve more years, if the Lord gave that to you what would you do with that time?" Bob also expresses the great need to know the Word of God and to memorize more of the bible. Colossians 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Bob is an elder at http://hwymchapel.org/

To Die in Christ is Gain


To Die in Christ is Gain

Tim Conway interviews Bob Jennings who is fighting against pancreatic cancer. Bob talks about living for eternity and truly living for Christ and being ready to die in Christ and not in your sins.

Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer


Saved from Spiritual Cancer, Content with Physical Cancer

Ayla has cancer and was recently saved by the Grace of God. She went through struggles with homosexuality/bisexuality, and ultimately with her selfish desires until the Lord broke her of self and led her to Christ alone.