What is revival? What happened during the great awakening? Should we expect and long for such manifestations of the power of God in our day?

An Overview of the History of Revival

Pastor and author Mack Tomlinson preached a five-part series on What is Revival & The History of Revival. Not only is what he taught on not taught in schools today, but it is also not taught in most churches. We do not want to overreact to the abuse that the word revival has encountered from the way many people use it in modern times.

What Are Some Revivals From Past History?

Many have heard of George Whitefield, the power of God was on his life and he was greatly used by the Lord in preaching the Gospel and seeing souls saved. Video: The Power of God in George Whitefield’s Life

What Are Some More Recent Revivals?

This is no way was a prominent historic revival, but God moved in Canada in a powerful way through the ministry of Keith McLeod. “And every night, as I recall, there was probably 20, 30, 40 people up front there doing business with God. Every night the meetings lasted till 1 or 2 or 3 o’clock with people asking for help.” “And so it was a very powerful time. People were starting to come from many miles away. The report was spreading. I know Keith McCloud said if he had any regrets at the end of that time, it was that he didn’t continue the meetings longer. And so at the end of the time, it was estimated that half of the church; there were probably three or four hundred people attending; half of the church either had a fresh or a new meeting with God.” Video: Stories of Revival

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Remarkable Occurrences In The Ministry


Remarkable Occurrences In The Ministry

In the 1970s, Keith McLeod (1922-1997) was involved in the Canadian revivals and experienced some remarkable occurrences.

A Startling Message To A Nation In Revival


A Startling Message To A Nation In Revival

What word does God give to a nation in revival? In Zephaniah, we find God's message to those in the midst of Josiah's revival...

A Movement of God: Amos Gives a Promise of Revival? (Part 2)


A Movement of God: Amos Gives a Promise of Revival? (Part 2)

In chapter 9 Amos' prophesies shift from speaking of judgment to speaking about a movement of God and the ruins being rebuilt. What is he speaking about and who does this apply to? Is Amos speaking of an abundant inga...

A Brief History of Revivals


A Brief History of Revivals

In this sermon, Mack Tomlinson gives a brief history of revivals that took place in the past. As dark as things are in our day, God can bring revival again as He's done in the past.

A Prayer For Revival


A Prayer For Revival

Whenever we become spiritually dry, we need to seek the Lord and ask Him to revive us again. Have you declined from what you once were...

You Are the Salt of the Earth


You Are the Salt of the Earth

As believers it is important at times to do spiritual inventory, and to do it specifically on our "saltiness" and whether or not we are losing any of our taste...

Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer


Laying Hold of The Lord in Prayer

When revival and true conversion happens, it is not because of some person taking clever initiative and having a new idea, but it is because God came in power.

Explain the Book of Acts: God Came!


Explain the Book of Acts: God Came!

How do we explain what happened in the book of Acts? Or in the biographies of those from the past like George Whitefield?

Four Demonstrations of the Power of the Cross


Four Demonstrations of the Power of the Cross

It is the power of the cross of Christ that sets men free from the things of this world.

What is Revival & The History of Revival

What is Revival & The History of Revival

Mack Tomlinson talks about Revival, the history of it, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this 5 part series.

The Lukewarm Church


The Lukewarm Church

For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. - Rev 3:17

The Church That Had But Little Power


The Church That Had But Little Power

I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. - Revelation 3:8

The Church That Was Dead


The Church That Was Dead

I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you. - Revelation 3:1-3

Filled With the Spirit #3: Revival


Filled With the Spirit #3: Revival

70 Minutes | Filled With the Spirit #3 | Video Bible Study | Tim talks about Revival and the power of God coming down.

Stories of Revival


Stories of Revival

I suppose you can call it revival, but it was a move of the Spirit anyway. It wasn't really any historic revival. But as we think of, you know...