If you were to make a list of areas that a new Christian has the danger of becoming imbalanced and extreme in, one of the things on the top of the list would be, “Witnessing to Lost Family”.  Time and time again I’ve heard testimonies of older Christians who have regrets from the way in which they went about trying to evangelize their family members. The following resources are meant to help give some wisdom on this sensitive topic, so that you might not have regrets.

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How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist


How To Share The Gospel With An Atheist

How should I share the gospel with an atheist? So I was saved about two years ago from, well, atheism, and I have a pretty atheistic family.

Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones


Evangelizing Our Lost Loved Ones

If we only had one more opportunity to speak to our lost loved ones, we should urge them to ask for mercy from God that is only found through Jesus Christ.

Evangelistic Responsibility Of The Church: Go!


Evangelistic Responsibility Of The Church: Go!

What is the evangelistic responsibility of the church? Are you obeying the command to go and evangelize?

Christian, Love Your Lost Family


Christian, Love Your Lost Family

Christian love does not undervalue or disregard natural family ties with lost family members.