Is there still a Prophetic Element Today?
Is there still a Prophetic Element Today?
Is there still a prophetic element today in the church? Look if you have your Bibles with you, you might want to open them right now to 1 Corinthians 14.
Homiletics: Called to Preach (Part 2)
Homiletics: Called to Preach (Part 2)
The Lord designs some to specifically have a special calling to preach that is above and beyond the norm. It is God alone who knows how to create a preacher.
Dreams, Visions, Lots
Dreams, Visions, Lots
What should we think about supernatural dreams and casting lots? These ideas are mentioned in the Bible, but how should we apply them?
Christ’s Gifts to Men
Christ’s Gifts to Men
We’re called to unity, but not uniformity. We must be unified in the foundations of Christianity, but we must not think that all of us must be exactly the same. Christ gave us unity...
Christian, You Are in the Ministry
Christian, You Are in the Ministry
Ministry is not at all limited to the pastors in the church, but rather the role of the pastors is to equip the members in the church for ministry.
Joel: Outpouring of the Spirit For Today? (Part 2)
Joel: Outpouring of the Spirit For Today? (Part 2)
What does the prophesy in Joel 2 have to do with you and me today? As much as we may long for the outpouring of the Spirit we cannot let our desires misinterpret Scripture, so what does the text say?
Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?
Why Do Miracles Happen in Churches With Wrong Beliefs?
Why do we sometimes witness healings, conversions, and other manifestations of power in ministries that present questionable teachings?