Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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Christ Raised the Dead as a Foretaste


Christ Raised the Dead as a Foretaste

Why don't we see the dead raised today as we read about in Jesus' day? In fact, why did Jesus Himself raise the dead at all when He walked this earth?

The Tongue Isn’t Neutral


The Tongue Isn’t Neutral

So many of the thoughts and feelings we have inwardly are expressed outwardly by our tongues. Our tongues are either doing good to others or corrupting others. How are you using your tongue?

Do Not Conform to the World’s View of Social Justice


Do Not Conform to the World’s View of Social Justice

It is no mystery; one of the most heated controversies in our day is social justice. How should we as Christians view the world's concept of social justice?

Entering Heaven Based On Someone Else’s Test Score


Entering Heaven Based On Someone Else’s Test Score

In order to go to heaven, you must be as holy as God and have a perfect record in keeping all of God's commandments. Every human being has failed miserably...

What Should Make Us Angry?


What Should Make Us Angry?

We typically think of anger as a work of the flesh that we need to put to death and flee from. And in most cases it certainly is, but there actually is a time and place to be angry.

Why Do People Lie? They Love Themselves


Why Do People Lie? They Love Themselves

And why do people lie? You don't have to think too hard about it. It's not rocket science here. If you want to boil it down, it comes down to this - it comes down to this desire: Man loves himself. It's selfish what's...

Don’t Just Have External Conformity


Don’t Just Have External Conformity

Being a Christian isn't just learning how to say the right things. It is very easy to join a biblical church and try to externally mimic the behavior and speech of everyone there.

Do You Use Facebook to Platform Yourself as an Authority?


Do You Use Facebook to Platform Yourself as an Authority?

Social media has become such a convenient platform for people to display themselves as an authority on certain matters.

Sanctification is Not Passive


Sanctification is Not Passive

One of the greatest hindrances to sanctification is when we view it as though it is passive. We are not told to be passive in dealing with sin, but rather we are called to actively put it off.

The Truth is Never Arrogant


The Truth is Never Arrogant

The truth is never arrogant but the truth is a matter of fact. Now in the delivery of the truth, the messenger can be proud, unloving and arrogant. It is true that our actions...

Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Crown


Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Crown

Revelation 3:11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

Do Not Scoff at God’s Warnings


Do Not Scoff at God’s Warnings

God is mercifully giving warnings of His coming judgment so that we can find refuge. Do not scoff at God's warnings.

Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church?


Why Are Millennials Leaving the Church?

Why are so many millennials leaving the church? It seems fewer people are attending a church in this generation than in previous generations.

Why is This World the Way That It Is?


Why is This World the Way That It Is?

There are two very important questions we all should be asking: 1. Why are things the way they are in this world? 2. How do we fix it?

Don’t Pray Like a Modalist


Don’t Pray Like a Modalist

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God, but do not mistake that to mean that Jesus Christ is the Father. We should not attribute things to the Father that are exclusively attributed to the Son, and vice versa.

Sin Did Not Kill Jesus Christ


Sin Did Not Kill Jesus Christ

Christian, sin didn't kill Jesus Christ for you. God (your Father) killed Jesus Christ for you.

God Is Not On Trial, You Are


God Is Not On Trial, You Are

One thing that becomes a reality is that man suddenly realizes that God is not the one that is on trial, he is.

Nothing Between My Soul and the Savior


Nothing Between My Soul and the Savior

Confessing our sin can be humiliating to us, but it is not anywhere near as hurtful as letting our fellowship with God be hindered through our refusal to confess sin.

God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences


God is Gracious But Sin Has Terrible Consequences

Praise be to God that He forgives our sins and that we won't have to go to hell for them. But this doesn't mean that there will not be fierce and severe consequences for our sin.

Young Person: Do You Believe That God Is Against You?


Young Person: Do You Believe That God Is Against You?

The Devil deceived Eve by making God look like a cruel taskmaster in her eyes. And even in our day, this is still one of his top devices in ruining souls.

God Justly Punishes People We Know and Love


God Justly Punishes People We Know and Love

Believer, do you realize that hell is for a bunch of people you know and love who are outside of Christ? After a funeral of an unbeliever...

Are You Defensive?


Are You Defensive?

When you get approached or corrected about something in your life, how do you receive it? Are you defensive?

No One Will Be Missing on Judgment Day


No One Will Be Missing on Judgment Day

A day that few people think about is Judgment Day. But that day is a day when every single person that's ever lived in the history of humanity will be present.

There Are No Bench Warmers in the Kingdom of God


There Are No Bench Warmers in the Kingdom of God

Sports teams have those who are starters and those who sit on the bench. In the kingdom of God, in the church, there is no one who sits on the bench.

You Can Learn to Be Content


You Can Learn to Be Content

We must learn, as Paul did, to be content. Being discontent is a sin and is believing the lie that God made a mistake in our life.

Jesus Christ Has Authority Over Death


Jesus Christ Has Authority Over Death

The great hope of every Christian is that the grave will not be the end for them when they die. Jesus Christ will one day raise them up to everlasting life.

What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked


What to Do When Your Thought Life is Attacked

It may be easy to not allow our body to go to sinful places. But what are we to do when we find our mind being bombarded by wicked things?

God Does Not Bring Our Sins Back


God Does Not Bring Our Sins Back

Every person needs a covering for their sin. The only covering available for sinners is the obedience of Jesus Christ. And once God has put away our sins...

Do You Show Respect of Persons in the Church?


Do You Show Respect of Persons in the Church?

One of the subtle ways we sin is by showing respect of persons in the church. Do you treat the well known and gifted people in the church...

Is Jesus Christ the Source of Your Joy?


Is Jesus Christ the Source of Your Joy?

Christian, do you believe you can have true joy from Jesus Christ even in the worst of circumstances?

Everything is Futile Without Christ


Everything is Futile Without Christ

There is a multitude of different things that people in this world love, live for, and build their life upon, but it is all empty and vanity without Christ.

Is It Acceptable and God’s Will?


Is It Acceptable and God’s Will?

If a decision you make is truly acceptable and God's will, then it will not contradict what is in the Bible.

Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ


Don’t Let Your Doctrine Lead You Away From Christ

There are many people who strongly argue for things they find in the Bible, and their passion for their doctrine ends up leading them away from Christ.

Christian, God is a Father to You


Christian, God is a Father to You

Christian don't ever forget, despite what other blessings you may see your fellow brethren receive, God is your Father just as much as theirs.

Using Negative Commands is Not Legalism


Using Negative Commands is Not Legalism

Legalism is something we must certainly be on guard against. But we must also be sure that we know just what legalism actually is... or more specifically...

Do You Know What You Really Believe?


Do You Know What You Really Believe?

It is when the fierce winds of trials and suffering come that people often ask themselves what they really believe. What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

Fan Into Flame Your Gifts


Fan Into Flame Your Gifts

Fire can not only be quenched from dousing water on it, but it can also die just by letting it sit there. The same principle applies to our spiritual gifts.

Don’t Let the World Define Christianity


Don’t Let the World Define Christianity

The world has its definition of what it thinks Christianity should be. Not surprisingly, it doesn't resemble what the Bible and what God defines Christianity is.

Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word


Sin is Accessible, So is God’s Word

With all the modern technology we have, it could be said that our generation has more access to sexual sin than any other generation in history.

Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin


Don’t Think God Can’t Expose Your Sin

So many have deluded themselves into thinking that they can hide their sin. But they forget that God has innumerable ways of exposing their sin.