Excerpts are short snippets taken from a full sermon. They tend to focus on a specific point that was impactful from the message.

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You’re Dead to Sin, But Still at War


You’re Dead to Sin, But Still at War

Sin will plead to you and say, "Just spare me, I'm just a little one!" But give it no accommodation. Remember, you're dead to sin. You can do this clinging to Christ.

A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone


A Conscience Led by the Word of God Alone

Believing in the sufficiency of Scripture not only means that you say all the scripture says, but that you don't say what the scripture doesn't say. Because if God shuts his mouth...

Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?


Is Your Faith Directed Towards Yourself or to Christ?

We are not called to have faith in our faith. There is a different object of faith that the writer of Hebrews is pleading with you here in verse...

Nosy Christian: Mind Your Own Business


Nosy Christian: Mind Your Own Business

How much are we carnally curious about other people's issues when we haven't even fully dealt with our own, and we aren't fully obeying Christ as to what He's shown us to do.

Soft Americans Have Instant Everything


Soft Americans Have Instant Everything

Everything is instant, we want it now. We're very entertained people. We're a very soft people. Let's just call it what it is.

The Truth of the Roman Catholic Church


The Truth of the Roman Catholic Church

If I trust in Christ's finished work, in His once and for all sacrifice, and that justifies me in the sight of God; then there is no place for purgatory whatsoever. The Catholic teaching...

Nothing Can Stop The Gospel


Nothing Can Stop The Gospel

Islam will never wipe out Christianity. Why? Because the power of God is in this.

Racism is Opposed to God


Racism is Opposed to God

The division that is created in racism is part of a system that is organized against God. Racism opposes the love of God the Father. Our greatest identity is not our skin color...

The Nearness of God is My Good


The Nearness of God is My Good

That's the issue. That's always the issue. The nearness of God is my good. So, if I'm gonna cleanse myself let me put myself there, near to God.

God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness


God’s Unlimited Resources for the Believer’s Holiness

How can we pray that with confidence? Because God's unlimited resources are available for the believer's holiness and conformity to Jesus Christ.

Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian


Be Careful Before You Call Someone Antinomian

When you start talking this way people want to label you as antinomian, you know saying, "You guys just allow everything." No, that's not it...

What Does It Mean to Believe?


What Does It Mean to Believe?

What does it mean to believe? It does not mean a mental assent only, but it means to trust. What does it mean to trust? It means...

What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?


What Does It Mean to Be a Saint?

What does it mean to be a saint? The Catholics want to pronounce Mother Teresa to be a saint, but is that the reality of what the term saint means? No, rather every true Christian...

Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?


Us and Them? Black and White? Or One in Christ?

When we speak as Christians about "us and them", isn't the very nature of those pronouns divisive talk? The Bible doesn't teach us, "black and white"...

Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians


Ignorance Keeps People From Becoming Christians

Ignorance is the very explanation as to why all men in this world who are not Christians, are not Christians. Why do the lost feel that the things of Christ are boring?

Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent


Hearing of Christ Makes a Man Want to Repent

If Jesus Christ is not the center of our message to the lost, then we have nothing that can change lost men's minds. Yet upon hearing of Christ...

An Eye for the Eternal


An Eye for the Eternal

As believers we need an eye for the eternal and we ought to mark that which is temporal or eternal.

Don’t Stop Going to the Prayer Meeting


Don’t Stop Going to the Prayer Meeting

Brethren, don't be deceived, Satan does not like praying churches; he loves it when the prayer meetings begin to diminish.

Has God Called You to the Ministry?


Has God Called You to the Ministry?

Some people think that you go to Bible college or seminary and you become a pastor. Let me ask you this, has God come to you and given you something that you did not have before?

Be Content: God Designed You With These Spiritual Gifts


Be Content: God Designed You With These Spiritual Gifts

But men, I want to say this. We need to be a church of men who are content in the way that God has made us. We need to be content with the gifts that God has given to us.

Tim Conway Shares About His First Time Preaching


Tim Conway Shares About His First Time Preaching

One of the things that happened when I stood in that pulpit, that first time, is my legs barely carried me into the pulpit. When I got there...

Let Go and Let God?


Let Go and Let God?

I don't think I hear this from any of you folks, but you know people say, "Let go and let God." And you know we can talk about abiding in Christ and we have to be careful that we don't see...

Parents: Train Your Children at Home


Parents: Train Your Children at Home

Parents must consistently train their children at home in order for them to behave properly during a church service. Having family devotionals is an excellent time for that training to take place...

Knowing God Both Intimately and Intellectually


Knowing God Both Intimately and Intellectually

Do you know God both intimately and intellectually? Jesus Christ didn't die just to give you doctrine and insights into the nature of God; He died to bring us to God Himself.

Glory in Christ’s Work on The Cross


Glory in Christ’s Work on The Cross

We are to glory in Christ's work on the Cross alone. What Jesus did on the Cross is all that matters, and that is the message that will batter...

Warning: Don’t Let Conferences Cause You to Despise Your Church


Warning: Don’t Let Conferences Cause You to Despise Your Church

God has sovereignly placed you in your local church and given you the pastors you have. He has given you the people in your fellowship and they have imperfections...

Content? Or Everything Would Be Ok If?


Content? Or Everything Would Be Ok If?

Everything would be okay if _____ ? What comes to your mind, if anything? Have I put something plus Jesus in my equation for contentment?

The Unhappy Holy Christian Does Not Exist


The Unhappy Holy Christian Does Not Exist

Some use the expression, "God doesn't want you to be happy, He wants you to be holy." Yet they forget that there is no such thing as the unhappy holy Christian.

What Mindset Promotes Unity in the Local Church?


What Mindset Promotes Unity in the Local Church?

A mindset of humility promotes unity in a local church. That is a mindset that is not always being opinionated, or thinking we always know what is right...

Rejoice in Hope


Rejoice in Hope

The Christian is the only person who has a hope that can truly be rejoiced in and will truly last.

Three Exhortations to the Newly Married

3 Videos

Three Exhortations to the Newly Married

Appreciate Your Spouse: You Got the Better End of the Deal | Necessity of Communication in Marriage | As for God His Way is Perfect

Believer, What Happens When You Sin?


Believer, What Happens When You Sin?

What makes you doubt your salvation? Many will say, "When I sin I doubt my salvation." "When I sin there is the worst grief that comes in my heart...."

Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)


Call to Me and I Will Answer You (Jeremiah 33:3)

God calls us to call upon Him in prayer. When we cry to Him, He promises to answer us and show us great and hidden things that we have not known. Jeremiah 33:3 says...

Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery


Surrendering to Christ is Not Drudgery

Surrendering to Christ is not drudgery. We are surrendering to His kindness and goodness. We should not fight against the Lord's will because...

Useful to the Lord in Winning Souls


Useful to the Lord in Winning Souls

Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." That is something we can pray everyday. 'Lord, help me to follow You...

The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service


The False Cistern of A Choreographed Church Service

I see the preparation these people make for Sunday. I'm not talking about several hours of prayer. I'm talking about lights, music... everything is choreographed...

What is The Gospel?


What is The Gospel?

A genuine experience with God is faith, resting, in who Jesus Christ is and what Jesus Christ has done. It's not just a matter of believing something He did for me 2,000 years ago.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."

Meditation is More Than Bible Reading


Meditation is More Than Bible Reading

Meditation is more than just reading your Bible, but it is to ask questions and ponder the verses with slowed down consideration. Why do people so often not meditate?

Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian


Satan’s Plan to Distract the Christian

Satan will call all of his hordes together to keep Christians from maintaining an intimate abiding experience with Christ. One strategy the devil will...