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News for All Know-It-All Theologians


News for All Know-It-All Theologians

What's the news? That we don't know much about God. Not really, not compared to what there is, not compared to what...

Much More — Saved From Wrath


Much More — Saved From Wrath

We shall be saved from wrath. Man has had his days—New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Ground Hog Day, April Fools Day, Independence Day, etc.

More Joy


More Joy

Looking back now, with terminal cancer for the past two years, here is one thing I would like to have done better – I'd like to have enjoyed my walk with the Lord yet more.

Ministerial Pride


Ministerial Pride

Pride is a mother sin. All sin, in a way, is a manifestation of pride. That is, the conceit, the arrogance, the self-importance – pride affects every word, thought and deed. Pride, though subtle...

Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples


Lordship: All Christians Are Disciples

It appears that you are saying that one can be a Christian, a convert, and yet not be a disciple. I would say that all Christians are disciples.

Lord! Save Our Children!


Lord! Save Our Children!

A subject of grave concern to all of us today is how we are to go about saving our children. How shall we deliver them from the corrupting influence...

Lies College Students Hear


Lies College Students Hear

Think, investigate, and ask God for wisdom to reject the lies and accept the truth.

Jonathan’s Robe: A Humble Response to Being Surpassed and Overshadowed


Jonathan’s Robe: A Humble Response to Being Surpassed and Overshadowed

This was the crisis of Jonathan's life. What was to be his attitude towards the one who had suddenly surpassed and overshadowed him? There could be...

Jim Elliot Was Always Reading


Jim Elliot Was Always Reading

A big personal part of that adventure for Jim was that he was always reading; at least, the evidence is there that this was true.




One of the worst forms of Isolationism is the “One Man Empire.” Often it begins something like this: A preacher notes a weakness...

Is The Lord Calling Me to Foreign Missions?


Is The Lord Calling Me to Foreign Missions?

If you can have this unwavering conviction, my dear brethren, that God requires you to go as missionaries to the heathen, go. But do not go without it.




Introspectionism has its seekers looking, not at Christ as their hope, but their repentance. Thus repentance itself becomes a fetish.

I’ll Be Honest App on Amazon Kindle Fire

I’ll Be Honest App on Amazon Kindle Fire

The I'll Be Honest app is now available for Kindle Fire devices. Read more details...

I Lay Down and Slept


I Lay Down and Slept

I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.

I Can’t Let Go (Give Up and Fall in the Arms of Christ)

I Can’t Let Go (Give Up and Fall in the Arms of Christ)

“I can't believe in Christ,” is the complaint we often hear from the inquiring. What does it mean? Are those who make it in earnest? Have they considered what they say?

How To Do It


How To Do It

The fact of the matter is, the Bible is not a How-To book; it is a What-To book. God tells us what to do, what must be done, what is our responsibility according to His laws and principles.

How to Die


How to Die

Now Jesus is on His cruel death bed, and departing out of this world, leaves us an example of how to die.

How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?


How Do You Respond to Personal Slander?

The psalmist finds himself in a position we all commonly share at times. He is being slandered. His words and actions have been misrepresented and his character maligned.

How A Just God Justifies The Unjust

How A Just God Justifies The Unjust

How can God justly justify the unjust? The justice of God was indeed satisfied by the substitutionary death of Christ. How can I know this blessing of justification? I am called to...

Good Music

Good Music

Again, behold the power of good music. When Paul and Silas sang, the earth shook and the jail rattled (Acts 16).

Giving: Considering the Poor


Giving: Considering the Poor

Consideration for the poor will not buy us pardon for our offenses against God, but it is the unfailing evidence of the person who has the grace of God in his heart.

Four Notable Characteristics of the Early Church

Four Notable Characteristics of the Early Church

Here we have a very revealing verse as to the life of the early church. Acts 2:42, devoted to 1. Word of God, 2. Fellowship, 3. Lord’s Supper, 4. Praying

Five Ways You Can Help Your Missionaries


Five Ways You Can Help Your Missionaries

A missionary who is currently seriving in the 10/40 window gives five ways that you and your church can help your missionaries.

Fellowship Conference New England | Portland, Maine


Fellowship Conference New England | Portland, Maine

In Portland, Maine on August 13-15, 2015 there will be the Fellowship Conference New England, Pastors Michael Morrow, Mack Tomlinson, Jesse Barrington, and Tim Conway will be speaking.

Exercising Self-Control


Exercising Self-Control

Practically everything must be controlled. So also in the spiritual realm self-control is a virtue.

Errors of the Modern House Church Movement


Errors of the Modern House Church Movement

Let it be understood from the start, we have nothing against house church. Immediately after conversion in 1971, I attended a house church. After 40 years as a Christian...

Does Disaster Come to a City Unless the LORD Has Done It?


Does Disaster Come to a City Unless the LORD Has Done It?

Amos 3:6, “Is a trumpet blown in a city and the people are not afraid?  Does disaster come to a city unless the LORD has done it?”

Do Catholics Possess Life Eternal?

Do Catholics Possess Life Eternal?

I now write on the topic of Catholics and eternal life. As an Irish Catholic, I remember the grip that Catholicism had on my own soul; in a sense, it was second nature to me.

Discerning the Voice of the Lord


Discerning the Voice of the Lord

We are often asked, "How can I tell whether it is God speaking to me or the devil." Now anyone who tells you it is easy is a novice. It is not easy because the enemy is subtle...

David and Ishbi-benob (Fighting Giants)

David and Ishbi-benob (Fighting Giants)

Giants “again” keep coming on, v15. They were there in the beginning of David’s life and now yet in the end. Sin and Satan do not let up. The war against the saints continues. Adversity continues. The adversary continues.

Counsel For Those Contemplating A Missionary Life


Counsel For Those Contemplating A Missionary Life

You are contemplating a missionary life. Let it be a missionary life; that is, come out for life, and not for a limited term. Do not fancy that you have a true missionary spirit...

Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth


Conrad Murrell: The Passing of One Valiant for Truth

The passing of a man of God always brings special memories and attention to those who knew that man. With some of God's servants, it really can be called the end...

Confrontation or Diplomacy


Confrontation or Diplomacy

The Biblical way is confrontation; the world’s way is diplomacy. Confrontation is the way of truth, honesty, exposure, light, hurt, cleansing, correction.

Condemned: Awaiting Execution


Condemned: Awaiting Execution

The Prince, desiring to make the wisest use of this privilege, spoke to many of them in succession, inquiring why they were condemned to death.

Christianity Unique Among Religions


Christianity Unique Among Religions

Christianity is unique in that it offers a savior. All other religious leaders are mere examples and teachers, now dead and in the grave.

Christian Government


Christian Government

Christian Government can properly be applied to only one thing: Church government, government among a body of people that are distinctly Christian.

But we glory in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:3

But we glory in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:3

You want a simple definition of a Christian, a true Christian? He is one who glories, who boasts, who rejoices in Christ Jesus.



Error has been preached as truth and propagated with cultish zeal. As a result multitudes have believed a lie and are headed for hell from fundamentalist church pews with a Bible in their hands and a prayer on their lips.

Bob Jennings Health Update 8/27/2011

Bob Jennings Health Update 8/27/2011

Update, 8/27/11 – Yet MRI Regarding Liver Dear friends, I was waiting for Jared to post this on my Journal, but he and his family are in Conn. on some assignment and I am thinking the hurricane has hindered. ...

Bible Meditation


Bible Meditation

Bible meditation is not necessarily Bible reading, not necessarily Scripture memory, not reading good books and commentaries, not listening to good sermons, not prayer nor singing...