Christianity is unique in that it is absolutely exclusive. God made only one way to find favor with him and he will tolerate no rivals. Jesus said, “I am the way.” He did not say “a way.”

Christianity is unique in that its blessings are absolutely free. Every other religion teaches some form of salvation through works or merit or faithfulness. Christianity teaches salvation through grace; it is a gift (Ephesians 2:8, 9). You get your trophy at the start of the race.

Christianity is unique in that it offers a savior (Matthew 1:21). All other religious leaders are mere examples and teachers, now dead and in the grave. Christ died to save the believer from his sin-debt. Christ rose again and lives in the believer’s heart to save him from sin’s power, he invades, delivers and transforms the believer (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Christianity is unique in that it is a righteous economy (Romans 3:26). All other religions teach that the worshipper’s failures are merely pardoned; their sin is “swept under the rug.” But through Christ, sin’s penalty (death) is actually paid off; Jesus died in the believer’s place and divine justice is satisfied. Justice then demands the criminal go free, free forever.

Christianity is unique in that the Christians have a God who loves whereas worshippers of other gods live in fear. Our God “so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son” to satisfy his own justice, appease his own wrath, and reconcile his spiteful enemies. The sinner is made a beloved son.

Christianity is unique in that it has the worst news for man—eternal torment for those who don’t repent (Matthew 25:46). But it also has the best news for man—eternal life and bliss for those who do. What the Bible says about the hereafter—the glory, honor, peace and privilege of heaven—is beyond imagination.

But one must leave all for Christ to have all in Christ. Pride, with all its forms—self-will, self-glorification, self-preservation, etc.—must be surrendered for a life of obedience to King Jesus (Luke 9:23). Don’t be a fool and miss it all.