Update, 8/27/11 – Yet MRI Regarding Liver

Dear friends,

I was waiting for Jared to post this on my Journal, but he and his family are in Conn. on some assignment and I am thinking the hurricane has hindered.

Terri and I were at the Menorah Medical Center in KC Thursday and had an hour’s conversation with one of the cyber-knife (robotic radiation) doctors.  They are willing to proceed, but want an MRI regarding the two small, suspicious spots on the liver, which were not big enough for the biopsy a month ago.  It is very unusual that the cancer would not have spread long ago to the liver.  If those two spots on the liver are cancer, they could be hit at the same time as the pancreas tumor for “no extra charge.”  The doctor discussed all treatment options.  He confirmed that this sounds the best.  There is some hope, and even some hope of somehow having the “permanent” stent removed, if the tumor shrinks enough.  The doctor said I’ve beaten the odds even without treatment.  It is the Lord.  It is the Lord.  Psa 124:1  “Had it not been the Lord who was on our side,” Let Israel now say, “Had it not been the Lord who was on our side, then…”  So we told them to go ahead, unless the MRI indicates something entirely different.   So we wait for an MRI appointment and then the preparations for CK, unless the MRI shows something very different.  Thank you very much for praying to God for me.
The Weights
Luke 21:34  “Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and thatday will not come on you suddenly like a trap;
Luke 21:35  for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth.
Luke 21:36  “But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

What are the weights?  The Lord Jesus gives us three, really two:
1)     dissipation and drunkenness – too loose.
2)     worries of life, decisions, – too many.

Results?  “The day” – of the Lord’s return or of death – catches us “suddenly like a trap.”

Rare?  No, the masses of humanity (“all who dwell on the face of the earth”) get caught in the trap.

What to do?  1)  Watch – “keep on the alert.”  Watch yourself, your choices, your heart.  2)  “Pray.”  Ask for strength to escape.  I’ve seen wrestlers escape the hold because they had the    strength.  A firefighter I know had a wall fall on him in a fire.  He had strength enough to lift the weight off of him and escape. Be strong in the Lord.  Only deep awareness of spiritual and eternal realities will withstand the lure of things, things, “all these things.”

Essential?  Only those who withstand it now, can “stand before the Son of Man” then.  Keep the weights thrown off if you will stand.  All others are banished to eternal destruction – hell.

The essence?  There are various duties and callings, but keep your “heart” free of the weights and full of God.
Bob Jennings